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alext_b Blog

3000 posts

Wow! When I came online today I was 2915 something. 85 posts in a day:D And I'm 90% level 21.

I was looking through some old posts of mine, back when I'd just started posting. In a SSAUAY thread someone commented about me being near 200 posts, close to level 10, and being close to 500 posts. It felt really strange to remember what it felt like to be a total noob back then. I used to think of certain people as really 'senior' and everything and now the same people are good friends of mine whom I chat with everyday. Also, I used to think of post level 20 people are GS veterans and it feels really weird to think that I come in the same category now. Do you guys/girls feel the same way sometimes?

Exams starting on the 26th

So...I got my exam schedule yesterday...they're starting on the 26th of this month:( That leaves just two weeks for me to prepare for them. Dad got me even more worried when he caught me surfing the LP Underground site and told me he'd buy me the bonus package set ($45) if I did well in the exams:cry: I hate studying but with the offer of an LPU membership AND a 360 I can't possibly say no, can I?:(

So, GS and all my friends here, I bid you all a GENUINE farewell till the 15th of March...unless of course Iget on for a few like I did last time;) Sorry if you'll miss me, but I just can't pass up this offer. See you all soon:)

(And this time I really am leaving....)

Linkin Park Street Team

Ok, I recently joined the LP Street Team. For those of you who never heard about it, it's something like the LP Underground with teh difference that membership is free and we get to help promote the band.

So please help out LP or at least your friend alext_b by clicking HERE Thanks:)

If you want, you can also check out the image version of this link by opening the spoiler in my blog header.

I'm leaving for a month

Sorry, friends, but after a got a taste of OT unions here on GS I got terribly addicted to GSing and started spending MUCH more time here than I should. The result: My eyes sting even after spending 10 mins staring at the computer screen and my schoolwork is getting worse. Also, I have my exams end of feb and I really need to catch up on my studies.

So, I won't be regular in the unions I'm in, please excuse me for that. I'll look through most unions and even post a bit once in a while, but I won't be back full time until March 15. Hope that time comes soon:)

Linkin Park - Live in Texas

Finally got the album. I'm so thrilled:D It's got an audio cd plus the dvd:D I already own all of their studio albums. I hope I can have their complete collection soon:)

New emblem - Reader's Choice 2007

What do we have here? My first Reader's Choice emblem:

reader's choice 2k7

Official Participant in 2007 Readers' Choice Awards.
In a year that could only be rivaled by 1998, this user made their voice heard in GameSpot's 12th-annual Readers' Choice Awards. . . Now known as "Best of."

Not an achievement emblem but at least I get one more...:?

A science test tomorrow

I've got a science test tomorrow:( Physics and chmistry I can handle, but not biology....especially when it's the natural resources!!! It's so damn boring I once fell asleep while studying!! And because of this test I couldn't even post on GS:( Oh well, I'll be free again since monday:)

And those of you who were dismayed at my party....I'll be sure to throw a MUCH better party than HydraX7 when I reach 10k posts;)

RESCUED FROM THE SLIME!!!!!!!!!!!! (caps)

YAY!!!!!!!!! I'M LEVEL 21 RESCURE RANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D

Sorry if the all caps bothered you, but I'm so happy:D:D:D


Here are some drinks for you all:

Frozen drinks


Soft drinks

And some junk food:

Junk food

I'd actually hand out some cars or bring girls but I'm a bit too young for that so you'll have to bear with me.

Every party is incomplete without pizza and music so...


As for the music....what do you expect from me?:P


Linkin Park


And maybe Evanescence, cause Amy's really hot...


That's it. Enjoy!!

Another party HERE

And if you don't mind, please check out the blog below this one. No one's commented on it yet:(