I love Halo as much as the next person and am very happy with the upgrades that Bungie put into Halo 3. However, I agree full heartedly with what 1up said about the things they don't like about Halo 3 and there is no reason in this day and age to not have these guaranteed.
1. No dedicated servers for Halo 3 at least......now Bungie can't make the decision on their own but ffs Microsoft, no dedicated for your biggest game ever to be released and one of the biggest games of the decade? seriously wtf...
2. Clan support shouldn't be a questionable feature to have or not have, it should be in the game period.
3. More races would add neverending replay value to the multi-player aspect of the game. I would love to play as a grunt or a jackal, and the flood, etc. If Bungie themselves decided not to add them into multi-player from the get go, thats fine...but fans should be able to use whatever the hell race they want for custom made maps at least. There is absolutely no reason to not have all races available for fans...like with what Blizzard is doing with Starcraft 2....all the units that arent actually in the game are in the map editor for the fans to use for custom games.
As for the single player being short, you really can't say to much since fps games have been pretty damn short lately. If the campaign is awesome(which I hope it is and has an epic ending) then no worrires for me :P
I love Halo but seriously the features I listed above should be in the game without question. Its 2007 going on 2008, ppl need to start demanding for as much as they can possibly get to urge devs to go all out on future installments.
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