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#1 alfy13
Member since 2004 • 3600 Posts

now that 360 is getting UT 3.

who do you think looks the best? as for me i say 

Graphics Engine :UT>>>>Halo 3

as for game play

MP: UT>>>> Halo 3

Single Player: Halo 3>>> UT

so i guess UT is the winner to me.

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#2 alfy13
Member since 2004 • 3600 Posts
woot really nice price. i tihnk ill buy it to replace my Sli 7900gt. but im waiting to see if MS will eventually let Dx 10 be dl able. im not going to shell out 200.00 for the next windows ME. I want Vienna.
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#3 alfy13
Member since 2004 • 3600 Posts
360 Now, ps3 later.
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#4 alfy13
Member since 2004 • 3600 Posts

what is mininum wage in UK, compared to the US.  im jsut curious. and to the lemmings who think ps3 will not do well in UK you must be on crack. and the cows who thought 360 wont do well in UK must be on crack also.

no matter where you are from, they will always be somone buying either the 360, ps3 or both of them.

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#5 alfy13
Member since 2004 • 3600 Posts
You guys should get real,with all the cell phones out noe no one is gonna buy that thing.Who needs all that in a phone and who is gonna wanna pay for it?MrPostman4Chi
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#6 alfy13
Member since 2004 • 3600 Posts
Wow this thign is going to be awesome. I take it Zune is going to flop.
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#7 alfy13
Member since 2004 • 3600 Posts
There are tons of phones that play MP3's on the market right now.  This isn't a big deal.  The chocalate phone is already a sick MP3 player.lordseer
LMAO you are comparing Chocolate to this new I what ever? are you insane!! this thing blows Choco out of the water. well that is just my opinion
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#8 alfy13
Member since 2004 • 3600 Posts
OMG that thing owns. Im so going to get that. I love my Ipod. but that thing >>>>>>zune.
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#9 alfy13
Member since 2004 • 3600 Posts

[QUOTE="alfy13"] problem with your logic is this. MS KNEW THEY WAS GOING TO ADD CONTENT THAT YOU CAN DL which is going to EAT UP 20GIGS OF SPACE REALLY FAST (you know the stuff they been braggina bout in the past month like TV SHOWS , MOVIES) . but yet they rushed a console out. 2 MS KNEW ABOUT HDMI TECH, BUT FELT THEY SHOULD JUST LEAVE IT OUT. Because they wanted to rushe a console out. yes im pissed. because MS SAID , WE DOTN NEED THAT . OUR CONSOLE IS JUST FOR GAMING. and made fun of sony for making a MEDIA PLAYER. blackace

Problem with your logic. You didn't keep up with the 360 through it's life.

HDMI is expensive. They left it out because the cable would be to much for people to want to purchase. Xbox 360 uses a universal output... It can do many things. They said that a HDMI cable is possible.

20 Gigs is more then enough for me. I don't have Xbox live and I delete old save files. I still have 14 GB free. The 20 GB portable hard drive is expensive to make. Due to it's study designe. They left out bigger versions till the time is right for the demand and the price.

Xbox 360 is a games console. You don't need any of that for games. VGA is fine. 20 GB is fine.

When you want more then a games console then... VGA isn't fine and 20 GB isn't fine. This market is smaller... This market comes last.


Obviously you don't get it, but that's ok. Most kids probably wouldn't understand. If you knew even a little bit about cost of manufacturing and components, maybe you would get it. At the time the XBox360 was released HDMI, wasn't needed and neither was a 120GB drive. Now that the system is out and more HDTV's are being sold, M$ have decided to add HDMI to the system. The cost of HDMI is obviously less now then it was a year ago. The real point is that HDMI still isn't needed to watch 1080p HD-DVD movies or play games in 1080p resolution.. I think that's the main point you don't understand. So it's still not needed, but because gamers has asked for it, M$ was nice enough to add it in this updated version for future buyers. I have a HDTV with HDMI, but I don't need it. Component cables does the same thing. :wink:

exactly.. why do people think hdmi is better...? Component and HDMI deliver the same quality.

The quality of the sound is slightly better with HDMI, but that's about it. The video was tested by expert between HDMI and Component cables and it was extremely hard to tell the difference. 1080p with HDMI & Component look exactly the same with the naked eye.

oh really. last time i checked, my hdmi was digital. unless all of sudden digtal signals suck then yah your reight. but in this case it doesnt. so if HDMI isnt important. then why is MS adding it now? OH I FORGOT THEY ARE LISTENING TO THEIR CUSTOMERS, that is the reason you lemmings came up with, so us casusal will be happy wiht our 360.  whats next ? 

oh well im off for the day. have a good weeekend all :)

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#10 alfy13
Member since 2004 • 3600 Posts
[QUOTE="osusfaith"][QUOTE="alfy13"][QUOTE="osusfaith"]Well MS dropped the original Xbox's price 6 months after it launched. From $299 to $199. That's significant Did they screw over consumers then? I mean it's generally the same idea. Everyone gets burned by price drops and hardware revisions if they happened to aquire the system in question right before those changes. Imagine the people who bought a DS right before DS Lite was announced? Or people who bought a PS2 right before slimline was announced? Not all of them necessarily had the consoles since launch. If you're really that offended, I suggest you stick to not buying any consoles ever again til the end of the generation, when you KNOW no new features or price cuts will happen

question, did the ps2 slime line come out a 11/2 year later? the answer is nope. but for pricing, i bought the 399.00 version of the 360, which hasnt dropped yet. IM talking about MS SCREWING ME OVER . a year and half later they decide to push HD , when they made fun of sony for doing it. oh nvm you Lemmings , Cows, Sheeps will never understsand. you defend a product till the day you die. THANKS MS FOR SCREWING US CASUALS. I GIVE YOU A MID FINGER SALUTE.

No, you missed my point. No company announces big hardware or price changes a good deal in advance to it's consumers. Believe it or not, many people purchased a DS right before LITE was announced. A lot of people purchased a regular PS2 before Slimline launched. Sure, those came out later in the life cycle, but that didn't mean those people were any less "screwed" as you put it. I'm not defending MS, I'm just stating that wish purchasing ANY hardware, you must accept the fact the revisions and price adjustments are always a possibility. You think the people who bought a PS2 right before Slimline was announced deserved it? That they should have thought "Hmmm....well it's been out for 4 years, I'll wait til a redesign is available, even though I don't even know if they'll ever do one, or when they will do one...."?? Of course not.

k now i understand thanks. but did any of those products add anything new besides looks? but oh well , im going to lunch.