@Dusktl @Rivboets7 well the thing is nowadays the dlc is either locked content on he disc or left out of the disc and made available on the first day for a price, anyway whether it is free or not if you think abt it the experience as a whole could suffer from it, assassin's creed 2 left out a bunch of sequences for dlc, rage had content locked on the disc, mass effect had a ton of important dlc related to the game itself, while dark souls' dlc was made from scratch and doesn't affect the original as a whole it just expands on the back story, kinda like infamous 2's dlc or castlevania LoS
@BlessTheMusic so? i am not saying it doesn't deserve a 9, unless you're suggesting that just because ign gave it a 9 all other sites should give it a 9 and if so, not much i can do for you
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