@jumpaction: I didnt want to embarrass the Nintendo fanboys too much, I was trying to be nice
alibaba_'s forum posts
@drlostrib: How else are we supposed to get real reactions when all the reviewers are paid off?
@jumpaction: thats just mario shhh
@freedomfreak: Its true, Knack really does look that good in-game. Sometimes I have to pinch myself too
@freedomfreak: These are all in game shots, Im too busy playing Knack 2 to photoshop anything
We all know that Mario Odyssey just came about because all the biased reviewers are promoting it after cashing in their checks. Look at the metacritic score and it just proves that Nintendo put all their profits from Federation Force to pay off reviewers so they dont reveal the truth about this game, it cannot compete with Sony's offering in the same genre.
Thats right Knack 2 is a way better game than Mario Odyssey and the fans know it

Now there are probably some people reading this who are little slow and dont understand why Knack 2 is an obviously a better platformer than Mario Odyssey. Well listen up dummies cause Im going to make it really easy for you.
1. Graphics and Design
Lets take a look at Mario Odyssey:

Look at mario, he looks like something out of a gamecube. This isnt even 4k so how can it get a 10? They cover up everything with cartoons, thats not manly at all. Speaking of not manly, Mario, hes a short plumber who is not even a plumber anymore. Who thinks Mario is even cool anymore???
Now lets take a look at Knack:

Knack is nothing but man, hes a ancient rock monster who doesnt give a single **** about fixing toilets. The original Knack was too much for the PS3 to handle and was made a PS4 exclusive launch title, Knack 2 takes that and just destroys it. Full 4k visuals, fully destructible environments, Knack just is a beast compared to Mario.
2. Story
Any self-respecting platformer is going to have a story that really makes you think. Whats Mario Odyssey's story? Save the princess for the 1000th time, but this time with a hat? Wow that sure deserves a 10. Knack 2 on the other hand, is a masterpiece. Saving the world with your friend from an ancient goblin master race who had robots. Its obvious that Nintendo wasnt even trying with this one.

3. Moves
What can Mario even do to attack? Jump? Sure you beat Agent 47, but my man Knack got you beat any day of the week, what else you got? Cappy? More like crappy, Mario needed to hire help and all he does is throw his hat? Great, what a move. Knack on the other can not only punch, but he can kick too. He has many variations on this as he has trained with ninja monks in the art of hand to hand combat. Knack has a way better skillset that Mario wished he had.

4. Difficulty
Mario is a game for babies, its not even challenging at all. Look at this:

Assist Mode? Regular Mode is easy enough thank you. You cant even lose there are no lives, it tries its best to hold your hand through the whole game.
Knack on the other hand

A wide array, some people dont want to be challenged and just relax, Knack 2 offers that for gamers who may not be as skilled, but still want to go on an experience like no other. Very inclusive thinking of Sony on this one. But its also a game for the hardcore gamers out there, Very hard mode is like the dark souls of mode selections, it doesnt **** around. Nothing less than a pro will be able to beat this game, its a test of pure skill, something Mario Odyssey lacks.
Now at this point you are probably on the knack train and realize the error of your ways. If that wasnt enough though here is the final nail in the coffin for the obviously inferior Mario Odyssey.
5. Mario is a little bitch compared to Knack
If you have any sense, you already know what im talking about, Ice. Lets take a look:
In Mario Odyssey what happens when Mario comes in contact with ice cold ice?
He dies, he cant even handle the elements, how can he handle anything? Ice stops Mario dead in his tracks.
Ice just makes Knack stronger

Its just so obvious who the more fun character is here and its not even close. I dont know how any of these reviewers can justify all these 10's for a shit game like Mario Odyssey when a masterpiece like Knack 2 does everything better. This is proof that Nintendo has everyone on the pay roll.
So why do you guys think Knack 2 is better? Did I leave anything out that you would put in?
Micro$oft needs a waifu game to be competitive
An alt makes a positive MS thread, and it gets locked. An alt makes an anti MS thread, and it stays open. Welcome to Cowspot everyone!
@NorseFetus: Where are the waifus then?
They will not sell anymore if people find out there are no waifus yet. 2018.
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