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'Work' is a Four Letter Word - The Double Standard

It's sure nice to know that Hillary Clinton can do more than run her mouth and turn the other cheek when her husband is desecrating the White House and the Presidency. Hillary Clinton can actually spell!

Recently; I'm not going to look up the time, date or place; Hillary Clinton said that young people consider work to be a "four letter word." Now obviously, she's not meaning it in the same connotation I am. She meant that young people consider work to be "bad."

This is coming from a 40-something year old woman who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and doesn't do anything during the day except use her mouth to put out enough hot air to fill a hot air balloon. The worst things about her comments is there is nothing to them.

In the gaming industry, they're called fanboys - people who blindly support one faction and do so by bashing the others while refusing to offer any defense of their own except "we're better." Hillary has made a career out of bashing the Bush adminstration but offering not one thing to counter it.

"Bush sucks," "Bush is a bad President," "Bush is a traitor." While she never said those word for word, her thoughts are echoed throughout. Her only campaign is "This guy sucks, I can do better." Sounds a lot like John Kerry. "Bush screwed the war up," "Bush evaded duty," "Bush is a horrible President." Okay Mr. Kerry, what can you do better? ...I hear crickets right now.

So back to my original point. Chelsey supposedly repremanded her mother over the comments. And the media was talking about how hard it is to get a job fresh out of college because so many people are going to college. I'll agree, it is pretty damn hard to get a job these days. But guess what Chelsey got? I don't know the exact numbers, but it was around a $400,000 a year job.

So here, I ask you, what the hell do the Clintons know about hard work? Bill had it tougher than Hillary or Chelsey. While I am not a Clinton supporter or a staunch Bush supporter (anymore), I find it hypocritical and ignorant to start talking about how young people are lazy and don't want to work while you don't do a damn thing the whole day and your daughter ets a $400,000 a year job.

Here's a novel idea Hillary: get off your high horse, sell your million dollar wardrobe, tape your blue blooded mouth up, and get a job like the rest of the world. And while you're at it, take Ted Kennedy with you. If there is one thing that pisses me off about today's world is how there is such a high double standard.
It's present in my own damn job. I've worked here for a long time, worked my way up to the pinacle of where I want. And then comes some punk kid who's rich and has strings and he starts becoming the boss. It doesn't matter that he has no experience whatsoever, or he has no drive to even be in this field, but it's the fact he has strings to pull and it's decent money.

You have people like Ted Kennedy who sit on their bloated asses all day talking about how bad the country is and how Bush has done so many things wrong...but he doesn't offer one single thing that could change it. All they say is "this guy sucks, we can do better."

Take a look at what happened recently with his son. The guy's obviously drunk off his ass. He's publically abused prescription drugs and was driving while on both. One of the Bush twins was caught smoking a joint and drinking and Ted Kennedy wanted to burn her at the stake. His own son, his flesh and blood, does it and he "commends him for being such a strong man" by going into rehab. Strong man my red/white/blue ass. This guy is a disgrace to the country. He's a politician who's supposed to be a role model for our country and he's drinking while driving and abusing pain killers.

Had that been ANYBODY else, and they would have been thrown in jail and never heard from again. Hell, my own uncle got 20 years maximum security for having a joint of marijuana on him. I'm not going to lie to you, he had no priors and was innocent. His grandmother died and the prison wouldn't let him go see her funeral. So like an idiot, albeit a brave attempt, he escaped jail to go see it. They found him, arrested him, tacked on another ten years, and put him back in Solitary.

The world is so two-sided that it's impossible for a common man to get anything fair. Now if you're black, you can yell "RAPE!" accuse a guy of having a mustache that he never had, and you can get him arrested. Of course, I'm referring to the "rape scandal" at Duke. The girl said "I think that's him, if he had a moustache" or something like that. It's funny how the defense shows digitally dated pictures without a mustache. He's never had a mustache. But he's still being held because of what she said. Of course, blacks from across the country are rallying to the girl. I'll come out and say it right now: She's a liar. Now you can all flame me and yell at me and accuse me of being racist. Who knows, maybe I am. But it doesn't take glasses to see that the only racism here is against a handful of white guys because one black girl cries wolf.

So now I go home to drink and go to sleep.

Ignorance is Bliss

There's a blog I read sometimes called Shoutwire. And here lately I've noticed the ignorance of this blog. There was a post a while back, I don't know the exact time, about Americans being brainwashed hypocritical racist bigots. Those were his exact words. And he says this because there was a post about an Arab hired somewhere and there were some morons that said some crap on there about how they were terrorists, etc.

So this guy starts bashing America saying that we generalize all Arabs are terorrists. And he openly admits he's generalizing all Americans as doing this. So who's the hypocrit? I love ignorance.

The Summer Has Arrived

You know summer has arrived when there is talk about secret agents, historical conspiracies, men in tights and talking cars. Last year’s summer movie season was a financial disaster for Hollywood. Box Office Mojo estimates earnings dropped six percent in 2005. A familiar crop of Tom Cruise, Ron Howard, Orlando Bloom and Wolfgang Petersen lead the charge into the dog days of summer with what they hope will be hits: “Mission: Impossible III,” “Poseidon,” “The Da Vinci Code” and “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest.” Is it a surprise that many of the films are either remakes or sequels? The same formula failed last year for Hollywood. Actually, the biggest bombs of the year, “Kingdom of Heaven,” “The Island” and “Stealth,” were original movies. There were only three original movies to break the top ten from the summer season: “Madagascar,” “Wedding Crashers” and “Mr. and Mrs. Smith.” Summer doesn’t start until June 21, but in Hollywood “Mission: Impossible III” kicks off the season early. Special agent Ethan Hunt has officially retired from the Impossible Mission Force to train new recruits. But he’s brought back into the foray of espionage and explosions to rescue his kidnapped girlfriend from the clutches of another super-villain (played by Oscar winner Philip Seymour-Hoffman). The catch: she doesn’t even know Ethan is a secret agent. “Lost” mastermind J.J. Abrams is bringing “M:I:III” to the big screen. Wolfgang Petersen is resurrecting a sinking ship. Well, it’s more like a capsized ship. The director of “Troy” has finished production on his high seas disaster “Poseidon.” This remake of the Gene Hackman thriller follows a group of passengers on an ocean liner that was capsized by a tsunami. The ship is slowly sinking and time is running out. So the survivors, lead by Josh Lucas (“Stealth”) and Kurt Russell, must navigate their way through the maze of passageways to get to the surface. Richard Dreyfuss costars. Ron Howard may have been shut out of the Oscars last year, but he will definitely be back in force this year with “The Da Vinci Code.” Starring a laundry list of actors including Tom Hanks, Ian McKellen, Paul Bettany and Jean Reno, the thriller traces a conspiracy that could completely change history, as we know it. Alfred “throw me the idol” Molina also stars. This is an adaptation of the best-selling, controversial, novel from award winning author Dan Brown. The tide of super hero movies had subsided recently but is coming back in full force this year with two old favorites. Brett Ratner (“Rush Hour”) takes Bryan Singer’s place as director for the upcoming “X-Men: The Last Stand.” “The Last Stand” is the third in a trilogy of “X-Men” movies about a divided society, and the mutants that are being persecuted. A familiar enemy, Magneto, resolves to start the war against the humans and take the planet for the Mutants. Professor Xavier and his students offer the only chance the world has to be saved. Bryan Singer ditched “X-Men” to take on another comic book hero. “Superman Returns” marks the first “Superman” movie since the death of Christopher Reeve. Newcomer Brandon Routh stars as the “man of steel” with Kate Bosworth starring as the love of his life, Lois Lane. Superman has been gone for many years and returns to find Lane has moved on with another guy. Lex Luthor, Superman’s archenemy, is ready to pick another fight. The poster-boy for Rogaine believes he’s finally found a way to render Superman powerless. Not only does Mr. Blue Tights have to combat Mr. Clean, but he also has to decide whether or not Lane is truly out of his reach. Kevin Spacey stars as Lex Luthor. Clips of Marlon Brando as “Ja-Rel” are spliced into the movie. Captain Jack Sparrow is back in “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest.” This time, the eccentric pirate owes a blood debt to Davey Jones and it’s time to pay up. To avoid paying, Sparrow enlists the help of young Will Turner and his bride-to-be Elizabeth. Their adventures lead them to another high stakes battle against supernatural forces. Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley also star. If you’re not a fan of the traditional summer action vehicle, there are a handful of family movies. The makers of “Shrek” have finished a new animated comedy called “Over the Hedge” with a star filled list of talent including tough guy Bruce Willis as a devilish raccoon. A band of animals join forces to invade the city in search of endless amounts of food. Denny Crane, I mean, William Shatner, stars as well. Paul Newman might be getting old, but he still has some power under his hood; the computer generated image hood, that is. Newman stars as Doc Hudson in the animated family comedy “Cars” from Pixar. Owen Wilson voices Lightning McQueen, a rookie car on a cross-country trip to enter a prestigious race in California. His travels bring him to Radiator Springs, where he meets Doc Hudson and learns there are more important things in life than wins and losses. Analysts are expecting a bigger turnout this year for movies. There is certainly a better crop of movies to choose from. So if you’re sunburned beyond recognition and need to do something other than sit around the house, check out a movie at the theater. Unlike last year, you might not be disappointed.

Gas Prices are Horribly Out of Control

Okay, I'm already in a very bad mood. I have put up with inept *insert four letter word adjective* today beyond the point where I can handle it. So I check my RSS feeds here with nothing to do and I see this headline: "Exxon's $8B 1Q Profit Is 5th Highest Ever." What is wrong with that? It cost me $60 to fill up my '94 Buick yesterday. And you know how long that will last me? It'll last me one week of driving, if that. I'm averaging around $250 a month for gas. Last year at this time, I was paying around $120. I drive 60 miles total a day for work. So I pay higher than normal for gas, but I wouldn't be paying near as much if it wasn't for high gas prices. Now all you conservative Republicans, save me your insolent remarks about how higher prices are due to Iran enriching Uranium. Don't bug me with excuses like Nigeria having political strife and India and China using more gas. And here's the most insulting answer I've heard: the government is changing to a cleaner burning fuel. China and India have been growing for years. There is no reason their demand would drive the prices up $.60-1.00/gal. The market is very shaky, it always is. If somebody says there is going to be a shortage, prices will go up. But honestly...there has been a war waging for three years. China and India have been industrial countries for years now. Iran has been giving us grief for years. Why oh why did prices just skyrocket all of a sudden? It's not like this was building over time. Gas here is now $3/gal. In March, it was $2.39/gal. That's a $.61 jump in about a month. We've been fighting back and forth with Iran since last year. And then I stumble onto this story and a lightbulb went off in my head. I was completly inept and felt ashamed that I never thought of it sooner. My grandfather drove a truck for 40 years. The last ten years, he hauled gas from the refineries to the stations. He's retired now, has been for ten years. But he would tell me that there is a very small and minute difference in the three different types of gas. And he would tell me that he knew that the oil companies were all together and could raise and lower the gas prices as they saw fit. that was back when gas was around $.90/gal. So here we are...Exxon is making a killing off these high prices. And then one of their main executives just happens to retire with a $400 million retirement plan. You know how many of us on here will ever see $400 million in our life? 0...unless somebody happens to win the largest lottery in human history. I'm never going to see $400 million and I work my ass off every day. This guy gets $400 million for sitting in an air conditioned office all day long screwing every single red blooded American. I bet he feels real proud of himself. He just dicked the entire populace and got away with it. I'm sure Exxon is proud of itself. Everybody talks about how corrupt the tobacco industry is...take a look at the oil industry. Exxon posted a $36 BILLION profit last year. That's more money than Bill Gates himself has. Why did they get so much money? Hell, when the consumers are filling their tanks up weekly for $50-75, these places will make a killing. This is the honest truth, so don't call me a liar. I knew a woman who bought a new car about ten to twelve years ago. She was getting exceptional gas mileage out of it. And by exceptional, I mean around 100 miles/gal easily. She had executives from Ford and Exxon call her and schedule a meeting with her. They promised to give her a new car every year if she would give them back the car and never say anything about it. Of course, she broke that "vow" and told her friends. And they're still giving her new cars, last I talked to her. The car makers and oil companies know how to make exceptional gas mileage engines. You hear all this talk about how hybrids are something new? Hybrids have been around for years, it's just now the car makers are starting to slowly release them because demand is so high. This is all one big game of Chess. The American public is stuck in the middle as the pawns. We have no control over our own destiny anymore. Our lives are in the hands of the oil industry and companies like Exxon. People need to speak up and actually do something. Every night, I see people complaining on the television about how high they are. But they don't do anything about it. I've written three letters to my congressmen and Senators. Still haven't heard anything back, and I probably never will. I'll just go on the record right now saying that government failures and ignorance is why we had one revolution 250 years ago.

I Have Failed

Recently, in Oklahoma, there was a bill called the "Video Games as Porn" bill introduced into the legislature that would severely hinder anybody from buying a "Mature" video game. It would set statues what the politicians call mature and regulations against selling them.

I have written many letters and ever published a column in the paper. I have mailed the column to many of the Senators. Today, the bill passed the Senate and has already passed the House. It's going to Governor Brad Henry's desk and will probably be signed.

In lamen's'll be a near impossibility to buy a Mature game in Oklahoma anymore. The specifics of how they will be regulated and how they will be defined have not been made public.

I hate how politicians think they should regulate what THEY deem "bad" and not the actual public's views. When it comes to obscenity laws, I think the public should have a direct voice in it. There is a voice in electing politicians. But the inherent fault of democracy is we can elect somebody that campaigns saying they will do one thing. And then when they get to the office, they do something completely different.

I'm not a communist or a facist or anything else. I love my country, I just think there is a flaw in our government. It's probably the lesser of the evils right now. But when people protest a subject like this and it still goes through, that shows how in touch our government is with us.

Strange Dreams

The last couple weeks have been really rough. I haven't been getting much sleep and things at work have been up in the air as of late. I actually got word Monday that I was offered a promotion at the paper. They offered me the news editor position, which is the senior editor position just below the managing editor. It means a hell of a lot more hours but also more prestigue and more pay. Two things I'm always looking for.

So I guess the stress is what has been bringing me down and making me grouchier than my normal self. As many of you who post on the Movie Palace probably already have realized lately. But there is one thing that has fried my nerves, so to speak.

About twelve years ago, I knew a girl whom I loved. We were very close and she was probably the best thing in my life. Then, ten years ago, I moved to North Carolina and she moved. We used to corespond back and forth and then the letters stopped. So being the headstrong moron that I was/am, I started searching for her. The Internet boomed back in 1999/2000 and my normal searches were coming up dry. So I figured, what the hell, there's the Internet to look forward to.

I got a few hit or miss spots here or there, nothing that was even worth sniffing. And about...three years ago, I get this message from a person I used to talk to off and on sometimes on messenger and through email. To tell you the truth, I don't even remember how I met her. She asks me if I know this girl named Jen. Not off the top of my head, no. But then she started telling things about me. Where I went to school, how I screwed up my ankle, my likes and dislikes. These were things that VERY few people knew. So I agreed to talk to her.

Well, after it was all said and done, it was a fake. But SOMEHOW, they got that information. And from whom? It's not like the tooth fairy whispered it in their ear. So after about a month of harrassment, I finally got the information. She was living in Maryland with her sick grandmother. Her grandmother died and she left. I still didn't believe the story. But then she started saying things about how this person's mother died of lung cancer and about how they were always running from her mom's ex boyfriend. Her mom did smoke like a Russian horse and she did have a boyfriend who was in jail.

So I'm like...I've found her. Leads went dry for two years. And then I found something in Wichita, where I used to live. So I send a letter explaining how I've been looking, blah blah blah. I get one was her. Well, finally after 11 years of searching, I found her. And then she started talking in the letter about how she had a fiancee and was living a good life. The usual same ole.

And let me tell you something, it's not like it is in the movies. I decided that it wasn't good for me to come into her life after 12 years when I'm certainly not the same person she remembers and she's probably not he same person I remember. I never replied to that letter. That was 1 year ago. I've had a few girlfriends here or there but work has always been my passion. Nobody wants a guy with a limp who spends his time working, writing a book he'll never finish, watching a movie or playing a video game. But hey, the bills are paid, there's beer and food in the fridge and I have my entertainment, what more do ya need?

Two to three years ago, I don't remember exactly when, I started having these recurring dreams. And it wasn't a nightly thing, it would be every once in a while. Maybe once or twice a month. Then sometimes I would go months without anything.

I never remember anything except this same woman. And no matter how much I work, how many pages of stories I write or how many movies I watch, I can never get it out of my head. It gets so bad to the point where I can't concentrate on anything. I do believe the technical term for this is love. I'm in love with a dream. Gives new meaning to the phrase "dream girl." But she looks so familiar.

I don't remember seeing her personally, but I think it could be this woman I'd been looking for. Or at least a mental picture of how she looks now. The technical term for all this is I'm losing my damn head. I've actually thought about seeing a psychiatrist because of it. But I had this same dream last night. And I woke up around three this morning, fell off my couch. Yes, I sleep on a couch. Hit my head on the table. I laid there awake for about two hours and thought about nothing but her. After a while, I fell asleep again.

They say the mind is a powerful thing. Perhaps my mind is telling me to do something. This is one of those times I would love to erase my memories. If it gets any worse, I will go see a psych doctor. I can't live like this forever.

Journalism Going Downhill

Before I was an editor of a newspaper, I was a grunt reporter, just like all journalists at one point or another in their career. Nobody ascends to Ben Bradley status without working their asses off for it.

There were times when I didn't like the assignment I was given or my heart just wasn't in the story. But I still did the work and I wrote it unbiased as humanly possible.

Now there is an obvious dividing line between television journalism and print journalism. But when reporting the news, you're always supposed to be unbiased. And a journalists job is not to create news, but simply to relay it to the public.

So about two weeks ago, I stumbled onto a story where the television show Dateline planted muslim looking men in a NASCAR event hoping to provoke a reaction from NASCAR fans. In a sense, they were trying to portray NASCAR fans as mindless, racist rednecks.

I'll admit, I'm a redneck. I'll admit, there are a lot of black and mexican people that I do not like. But I'm not going to go out of my way and shout racist slurs against them. And above all that, I'm a NASCAR fan.

So as a journalist and as a NASCAR fan, I am truly offended by this. A journalist's job first and foremost is to soley report the news. But Dateline tried making the news. Now there are investigative reporting instances where a journalist may act like a cop to get a story. But that's not provoking a news story. The story is already there, it just takes some digging to get to it.

When has anybody ever said something like that at a NASCAR event? Was there even a reason for this? The answer to both of those questions is no. Simply because there was no reason for this other than the stereotypical view that most Americans have of NASCAR fans. There are people I talk to who think NASCAR fans are a bunch of pot bellied rednecks with a beer in one hand and a spit can in the other who sit in front of their antique television watching the race.

When, in fact, NASCAR fans are some of the most civilized fans around. You never see stampedes at races like you do at soccer games. You never see them all rushing out onto the track like you'll see fans do at football games. You never see fights starting like you do in basketball games.

The only time fans were "out of line" was when they threw trash onto the track at Talladega when NASCAR screwed Dale Earnhardt, Jr and gave Jeff Gordon the win. But there has never been any fights started in the stands or anything of the sorts. So what was the point of this? You tell me.

New it Life

No, there's no social rant or Hollywood bashing today. Decided to take a break from my novel and write a short story that's been brewing in my head for a while.

It follows this guy named Michael who lives in a big city. It starts out with him being stuck on the expressway in the middle of a heatwave. His air conditioner doesn't work and his windows won't role down. When he gets out of the car, some guy behind him mouths off telling him to get back in the car.

Michael grabs a crowbar and beats the hell out of his car and then starts beating the hell out of this guy's car. The guy gets out and Michael insults him about his weight and then leaves, his car still in the middle of the road.

He goes across a park toward his apartment when a black guy comes up trying to rob him. The guy tries to rob him and calls him cracker, honky, white boy, etc. So Michael takes the money in his wallet, around $400, and burns it. When the guy threatens to kill him, Michael tells him to go ahead, right in front of a bunch of kids playing. The guy runs off.

Michael goes home and finds his gas has been cut off because his bill was two days late. There are some messages on his answering machine. One is from his girlfriend who is dumping him. The other message is from his boss who is promoting his friend over him at the newspaper that he works at. Even though Michael was promised this job, his former friend gets the job because their families are close. And he's fired because of the things he had said to his boss when he found out about the promotion.

So Michael gets mad, even worse than he is right now. Decides he's going to go kill his friend who lives a block down from him. He goes to the guy's apartment and finds his girlfriend in bed with the guy. Well his girlfriend and him had been dating for about two years at that point. So needless to say, Michael's mad.

And then there's the "rest of the story" as Paul Harvey likes to say. It's pretty much a story of how there are times in life when nothing goes right. And how people have no loyalties and can screw you over in a heartbeat.

Certainly won't win any awards, but is a good way to express certain feelings at times.

Celebrity Obsession

Are we as Americans, and Europeans in many cases, so unsatisfied with our lives that we must obsess over and fantasize about celebrities?

First off, what is a celebrity? Is it a movie star? Music artist? Author? Or just some spoiled rich person with an ego that makes Terrell Owens look like Mother Theresa?

I was wondering about this earlier because I recently got a letter asking why I don't have more celebrity candids and blurbs in the paper. Well to that person, if you have Gamespot and know where to find this...I don't put them in there because I believe in privacy.

Why is a celebrity so much better than a regular person? Is it the money? Hell, I can go out and win the lottery and after all the bums, "friends," and family come by wanting their money...things will get quiet and the world will forget about me. Is it the exposure? Jessica Lynch got a lot of exposure and did a hell of a lot more than any celebrity ever would, there's nothing on her now. Or is it the fact that the media crams them down our throats so much that it's like an addiction? We have to get our fix of "Bennifer" and "Brangelina" or "Tom-Kat" or we can't live our day.

I have said time and time again I don't have the best life. My boss is a dick who just passed me over for promotion, every woman I've ever known hates my guts and my only family is dying. But I don't go gagga over every little thing I see on the supermarket tabloids unless it's "Aliens kidnap Bush's brain"...perhaps that's what's wrong with him. And I occasionally look at the different magazines with Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Anniston on the covers just for some eye candy to pass the time.

I used to work with a guy who said he would dump his wife in a heart beat if he could marry Jessica Simpson. No other reason than because she looked good. But hell, you should see his wife. This woman had a set of **** that you could bury your face in. She had very nice brunette hair. Body looked like it was a Venus statue...I mean she was one hot woman. So, obviously, it wasn't about the looks. He never would admit it, but his fascination with Jessica Simpson (purely nonscientific...we still haven't figured out how she's so damn dumb) was based on the fact she was famous.

My grandfather grew up with and went to school with Raquel Welch. Now for those of you who don't know 10,000 Years BC or Shawshank Redemption. That's her on Andy's last poster. But my grandfather gives two **** less about her.

I get RSS feeds from different entertainment websites and movie news, etc. And every day, my feeds are flooded with crap about Tom-Kat and Brangelina and this stuff. "Angelina Jolie gained two pounds...her baby is soon! Jennifer Aniston declares war on former husband!" Jesus effin Christ people! They are no different than we are. The only difference is they get paid seven or eight figure sums to play in a 2 hour movie.

Now I'm not knocking the acting industry. It takes a lot of work, I know. But c' it really worth that much money? I sit in front of a computer all day long and earn $36,000 a year. Occasionally, I put up with the moronic idiot or have to cover a story, but I certainly don't earn my money. And I'll completely admit it. But I don't have an ego that "I know more than you because my work gets published."

I'm not saying all actors are like that, but some definitely are. So why do we idolize them? It was all over the news today...Britney Spears' nanny dropped her baby and they went to the hospital a long time later. Who cares? Babies are dropped all the time. How do you explain the sharp rise in **** morons occupying the world?

I guess the point of this is...not jealousy...but distaste with the media saturation of these "better than normal people" people. I respect actors because they give me a job. I get paid to say what I think about their movies and half the other crap that comes out of that place. And acting is hard work...but I would rather dedicate my respect and energy toward somebody that actually deserves it. You act...good for you. You sing...good for you. You write the 100th Harry Potter book...good for you, you'll give some little kid nearsightedness.

How about honoring soldiers. You served two years in Iraq...damn good man. You deserve a pat on the back and a hell of a lot more. You fought in Afghanistan. Good for you, you definitely deserve the honor. You gave up a multimillion dollar contract to go join the Army Rangers...Pat Tillman, you are a true hero. And hardly anybody ever talks about him. Hell, every year on Elvis' anniversary people come from all over the world.

What the hell did Elvis ever do? Yeah, he had some damn good music and he made a couple decent films. But he joined the military as a publicity stunt, got the lightest duty he could, and was home in a short time. I love his music and I respect the man, but he certainly doesn't deserve the praise and obsession he gets as an All-American hero.

Of course I say all this and I'll get some hateful comment from somebody because I'm bashing one of their idols. But oh well, if your life sucks so bad that you have to idolize a something about it. Hanging on every single piece of news about what religion Katie Holmes is and how she's going to have a baby, isn't going to change your life. Get out, get a job, do something with yourself. Maybe then you won't hate your life so much. If you think it sucks, it probably does.

The Internet - Who Needs It?

In high school, I nearly killed two different people on two different occassions for things they did and said to me. I was never disciplined for my actions because there comes a time when you have to stand up for yourself.

Everybody goes through this point at some time in their life. In most people's lives, there are multiple occassions of it. Life is too damn long to let people walk all over you and be told what to do, where to do it, how to do it. The average man lives 72 years. 18 of those years is time spent with the parents and going to school. For those 18 years, there's always somebody telling you what to do and how to do it.

From about the age of 65 until you die, there's somebody taking care of you and telling you what to do. Probably because you can't wipe your own ass when you get off the toilet.

And then there's that 47 year period in between. Depending on your life, you'll either have your wife telling you what to do, your boss telling you what to do, or your friend telling you what to do. Hell, your dog will probably have more control over your own life than you do.

So out of all of these things...what precedence does some spoiled, lazy, uneducated 20-something guy who lives a thousand miles away have over your life?

As most of you know, I play Halo 2 on Xbox LIVE, usually with a group of other people. We meet regularly and usually enjoy our games. And then when the Xbox 360 started coming out, yours truly and some others were on Halo 2 less. And then we were on less, and less and less.

There is a self-proclaimed leader of the group now who's calling all of us hypocrits for playing other games. The reason why? I said I wasn't interested in Oblivion and we used to joke about a guy who would never talk to us while on Final Fantasy XI. This guy happens to be our "leader's" best friend.

Well I've been called every single thing you can think of by every single person you can imagine in multiple languages. So I never thought twice about being called a hypocrit. After all, he's some punk kid who has never held a job, going to some trade school for college and thinks he has a girlfriend who is giving blow jobs to black people. Not to mention, she only talks to him on the Internet and phone.

And then this guy presumes to lecture me on life. I knew more about life when I was 13 years old than he does right now. I was working three jobs and going to college while he was sitting on his ass playing his video games.

And that's the problem with the Internet. It's not just these little kids who talk crap on video games and on messageboards like they're big and bad. It's not the losers who think they're kings on the Internet. It's these people with no prospects in life other than 12 hours in front of a computer screen talking about life.

Life is not about seeing how many headshots you can get in one game. Life is not about getting to level 50 in Halo 2. Life is not about reaching the pinacle of an RPG. Life is about getting a job, earning your keep, starting a family if you so choose.

I used to think the Internet is a great thing where people can meet and talk who would otherwise never know each other. With the click of a button, I can get information that would normally take me hours of researching to get.

But is it really worth it to put up with all of the lectures and BS that comes with the territory?

I'm ranting here because I've reached another pinacle of my life. My job is pissing me off, my boss is acting like a certain reproductive organ and I get nightly calls from my ex-fiancee talking about how great her new boyfriend is and how much she wants to get married. But it's not about the sympathy. Who needs sympathy? A five letter word isn't going to change your entire life around. But the one thing is a shot at my pride that gets to me.

My life is in the gutter right now and there's some guy who's had everything handed to him on a silver spoon is trying to lecture me. Any other time, I would knock the living hell out of the guy and laugh. But the Internet is what creates the problem. With every great thing, there comes bad things with it. Sometimes, one wonders if something is worth everything that comes with it.