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allaboutmoxie Blog

Just an update... It's been a while

So I've been seriously absent lately. I'm sorry, I just cannot get used to the new look. It makes my eyes hurt, and all the features I got along with so well are gone.

I have missed my friends of the AEA. Ela, Viktor, how have you two been? Any more singing in public? I haven't had any really embarrassing situations, but I have gotten myself a vocal coach. There has been singing, but no practicing of evil laughter. I know, I'm slipping... Oh, song in my head now.

I've been driving... Actually driving a car for the last couple of weeks. I've had a couple of lessons, and so far things have been going pretty well. So yay for that!

I have, however, been in a weird funk lately. Things at home are messy and uncomfortable, and there is not a day that goes by without fighting of some kind. Since home is my little place to recharge, to relax, this has been taking away the little energy I have after dealing with several seriously tiring people. Honestly, what do you do if someone doesn't talk to you in weeks, then you talk to him once and he suddenly texts you and thinks you're friends (again)? I am just so tired of figuring it out. Just choose already! Friends, acquaintance, strangers. Just pick one because I'm losing it trying to figure it out what I am to him this week. Tiring! Also, my sister is in the superficial faze, and it's getting annoying. She has to have all the things her friends have, has to do the same things they do, and God forbid she'd leave the house without make-up or with one hair out of place. I just don't understand her anymore, and that leads to even more fighting.

My shows have been keeping me happy, together with a nice visit to my uncle and aunt (and 13-year-old cousin), and some friends who actually make me laugh.

So, altogether, I'm confused and just very blegh. I'm hoping the funk will stop and I'll be able to be on here more. I've missed hanging out here, like the old days... *wink*

Excuse me while my brain explodes

Yeah, I'm doing this on MovieTome because won't let me blog. Evil new version! Evil!

Also, a warning: This blog WILL contain SPOILERS about the season premiere of Supernatural. I might even mention House, though my memory of that episode pales in comparison to the Supernatural opener.

I loved:
- The general atmosphere of this episode. Especially in the first few minutes, where it's just Dean, the scenes were just exquisitely shot. From the first beginning flickers to Dean crawling out of his grave, from the overhead shots to the glass blowing up. This was just amazing! I needed to pause the episode so I could restart my brain after the first five minutes. Excellent!
- The reunion between Dean and Bobby. Starting on the phone, to Bobby's house. This scene was just very, very, very well-written and well-acted by both Jensen and Jim. Very impressive.
- Sam has a girl in his room. *snicker* And he doesn't remember her name. For now. It gave me some definite Dean look-alike jokes. Very nice.
- The Sam and Dean reunion which resulted in another together-joke. I loved the acting in this scene. Overall, I am so impressed by Jensen and Jared this episode.
- The psychic girl. Did they HAVE to make her blind? I thought she'd make an interesting addition to the bunch. She was witty and didn't take any of Dean's crap, she just shot it right back at him. I like that in my SN girls/women.
- The wings. Holy crap ("Holy", snickers)!!!! That looked so awesome. Overall, the effects were really nice this episode. The missing eyes, the wings, the glass and mirrors breaking, very nice.
- The guy who played Castiel (spelling?). I like him. He has just the right amount of creepy to him. He looks like an evil accountant, which makes me giggle. A lot.
- Ruby is alive! That makes me happy! A little, because... (look below)
- Sammy has cool powers now! That looked so cool. I always wanted them to do something with that, so I'm a happy camper.

On the fence:
- God has a job for Dean? I don't know about that part. It sounds interesting, but I don't know.

I hated:
- the new Ruby actress. She didn't act like the character we know at all. I think she forgot to watch her season 3 DVDs and watched Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill instead. I don't know, just blegh. I really don't like her. Can't we get Ruby another host? One who pulls off the manipulative, not quite evil Ruby a lot better.

The secrets kept between Sam and Dean are going to be interesting. Overall, much love for this episode, besides the new Ruby!suit ;)

Since is being stupid, does anyone know anything about the SN premiere chat? When and how it works? I need to talk to people who've seen it, cause my parents and sisters just look at me funny.

Fall TV

I think it's been a while since I actually blogged about television. I'm making up for that right now. I thought I'd give a little personal Fall TV schedule.

What I'll be watching on Dutch TV:
- The first season of Pushing Daisies. I am in love with the atmosphere of that show. It's sort of a Tim Burtonesque fairytale type of show, and I love it.
- Season 4 of Numb3rs, when I have the time. I mean, I like the show, but I kind of need something new there. The Colby shake-up was nicely done, and there is plenty of aftermath, but some new characters or something would be nice.
- When it comes on: season four of Bones. I wanted to watch this together with the States, but I was a bit blah after the first part of the first episode. I am going to wait this one out. I miss Zacharoni. Still love Sweets.

What I'll be watching from the States:
- Season 5 of House. I caught up with that a few weeks ago and oh my lanta, I need to see more. Wilson and House, and, and... I do hope there will be more Chase (and Cameron) in this season. I get that they have new characters, but they could bring them in more. I never liked Foreman that much, and they bring him back? Well, we'll see what happens.
- Supernatural season 4! I am so freaking excited about that! I need to know what happens to Dean, and Sammy, and where the heck is Lilith now? Gimme more.
- Season four of How I Met Your Mother. Though I kind of could care less about the Ted/Stella thing, I need me some more of Barney(/Robin) and just some more HIMYM fun in general. Will we get the fourth slap this season? Will something else come up? Dun dun dun!
- NCIS season six. I'm sad that Jenny is gone, and I'm curious to see if there will be any aftermath of that. I hate the new director and his lame plan to split the team up (which will last one or two episodes tops), so we'll see what happens. I do need me some Tony.
- Chuck season 2, my latest discovery. I'm almost caught up on season 1, and I love it so far. Chuck is awesome, and so are most of the characters. I do lovelovelove Captain Awesome, and Adam Baldwin rocks my socks. I hope it only gets better.

What I might watch:
- Gossip Girl season 2. I don't know. Whatever.
- Fringe. I watched the pilot and liked it, so we'll see what happens there.
- Lost season 5. If I finish season 4 first. I'm a bit blah there. Don't know if I want to continue.
- Season 2 of Private Practice. If only to see Amy Acker once again before:

Dollhouse starts in January (hopefully... knocks on wood). Well, at least I made some plans for January already...

A few of my favorite things

! First of all, I want to thank everyone who replied to my last blog: Ela, Viktor, Katherine (badgersmuffin), Kath, Shazz, Ing, and Eireangel . Thank you all for all the kind wishes. It may seem like something small, but it really meant a lot to me.

I'm doing somewhat better right now. School has started again, and I got to see two of my close friends again. I've missed them over break. Especially P, cause he makes me laugh like no other. We share this wacky sense of humor. Monty Python references and more. Probably because he's my evil twin. Or so he says...

Also, person number three, let's call him D... Well, I had a nice conversation with him recently. Nothing serious, not talking about any issues, but just talking about things and actually having fun, which has not happened in a long time. I'm happy about it. I'm not saying we're friends again, just like that, but I can talk to him now. No more ignoring and awkwardness, which is good.

Fun things:
- Saying you don't want to go BBQing and being the last to leave at 3 AM, because it was just that much fun. Plus, I found out my evil cousin G hadn't completely "corrupted" another friend of mine. I thought I was losing her, but I think we're going to be fine.
- Watching our band's conductor playing Twister. And getting it on film.
- Attempting archery again and finding out you really are not that bad.
- Finding out hours of studying notes and runs on the clarinet were not for nothing. I did good!
- Doing the Dean dance to "Heat of the Moment"
- Weird people in lectures. Teacher: "Tell me what needs to be improved in these sentences." Student: "This sentence needs more unicorns." I laughed so hard.
- Fuzzy feelings from watching Pushing Daisies. It's Tim Burton for television.
- Listening to the Supernatural playlist on my iPod.
- My teacher complimenting my pronunciation and grammar after just one **** Such an awesome teacher. If I need anything, I know I can ask her. Not many teachers have that.
- My six year old cousin telling me that she kind of has a boyfriend. The cutest thing. I swear.

Well, that's just what I can think of now... I think I'm good... There will be more time spent over here now. At least, that's the plan... ;)

Learn(ing) to Deal

I haven't been here much over the last couple of days. There are several reasons.

1. There are several school assignments I need to finish before classes start. I have spent most of my week reading art articles and answering questions about whether a guy who puts a Christ statue in 3 gallons of urine is making real Art. And yuck.

2. I have been staying away from Messenger and all kinds of forums because I can't really deal with people at the moment. 3 people close to me are messing with my head, whether intentionally or not, and I need a little time to figure it out.
My cousin delights in making me feel inferior to her at any moment, and the fact that a lot of people hold her in high esteem even though she's a hypocrite back-stabbing bitca doesn't help much. She cuts me down, has repeatedly said that I don't matter/am not important (etcetera), and constantly pushes me aside to make room for her huge ego. (Was that rude? Oh well.)
Another friend of mine, if I can call her that, has called on me with every problem that she has, and afterwards complained that she did not have any friends. I spent so much time with her, and yet she insists on drowning herself in self-pity, almost telling me like I don't mean anything (see a pattern?). I can't deal with that, so I avoid it. (Guess I deal with it in that way).
And then there's person 3. He was my best friend once. You ever met a person who understood you completely? He was that guy. Was, until last year when everything went completely wrong. It was his fault, I think. He blames everything on outside factors. He's wrong. Some of those factors apply to me, and I don't do those things. Even now I'm protecting him. I've given him plenty of chances, only to start over and over again. I'm tired of it. Only he's still the guy who was my best friend once, and I can't stay away forever.

3. Some family issues. My dad has been diagnosed with Primary Progressive MS a few months ago. It's not the really fast, destructive form, but the impact is still huge. He had to get his second MRI to find out how fast the disease is, and I'm just scared it's worse than the doctors thought it was. After all, if House is wrong several times, who knows what real doctors find? (Yeah, that was my misplaced attempt at a joke). We have to make adjustments in stupid little things, because his hands don't work the way they used to. He drops things sometimes, and he just gets so angry and frustrated, and it's hard to watch that.

Combine all three, and you get absent Inge!

I think I'm done whining now.

Wacky fun boring stuff

Just another update on whatever's been happening over here, because there is no inspiration nor exciting event to write about otherwise. I need to get a life outside of the Internet....

What's been happening:
- The AEA is still going strong. Hence the 100+ comments on my last blog.
- I've been dreaming about Jesse Spencer (Chase from House) for days now. I have no idea why it started, but I'm not sure I mind. Minds out of the gutter, the dreams are strictly PG. Well, maybe PG-13 at times. No objectifying either. My imagination makes him out to be a great guy. Funny and kind and all that. I am a strange person.
- Maybe I should spend more time working on some resit thingies for school instead of hanging out here. Or maybe not.
- Demons I get, people are crazy. No explanation necessary.
- Crushes are no fun when he's going on dates with someone else. I'm getting over it.
- Lectures need to start again. I need some change. I'll get it starting tomorrow, when band practice and everything else starts up. I want vacation, but I need something more as well. The same conundrum all over again. Yay!

That's officially all I can think of. Right now, at least....


Take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand. I don't care, I'm still free, you can't take my blog from me.

Party in my blog, everyone's invited.

Yeah, I had to get a few jokes in first. And this way I'm creating another party place for the AEA members to discuss pretty much anything. After 40 comments it just gets confusing with all the pages, so hello new blog.

Inge's observations:
- Remember to sing!
- Singing ponies beat out a singing fall guy, though both works as well.
- AEA auditions are still open. Quality of singing is not important. Send in your resume through commenting on this blog or send me a PM. Your application shall be discussed with the other members. (Anyone has the Bad Horse song in their heads?)
- MRIs are not as glamorous as they seem on House. There is no Wilson with a microphone saying he's God. No, don't worry, I haven't had one. I'm fine.
- A month is very, very long.
- There are never enough Dr. Horrible references.

Accidental Entertainers Association

The Accidental Entertainers Association, or AEA for short, is an association that groups together everyone who has ever accidentally entertained people with their (non)existant singing abilities. Well, everyone? For now it's just the three of us. But that shall change...

You can join the AEA if you ever accidentally started singing in public, thus entertaining everyone around you. All our current members have done this, more specifically sang Dr. Horrible songs in public.

But membership does not have to be limited to Dr. Horrible singers (and singing minions ;)). Anyone who has ever started singing because of something you read or something you heard someone say is welcome. Anyone who starts singing at random is welcome.

So far, our members are:
1. allaboutmoxie (Inge)
2. Igarka (Viktor)
3. mafalada (Ela)

Do join up. We promise there will be no "neigh" voting. Or do we? *evil laughter, focus on the HAH*

And not to forget: we promise VOCAL COACHES FOR EVERYONE!!!

Good, Bad, and Inbetween

This was written just after watching Supernatural's season finale "No Rest for the Wicked", so excuse some of my more non-verbal moments... Or my inability to find words at the moment...

On the topic of that same episode: DANG! Awesomesauce is the only word that comes close to covering what I'm trying to convey. I think some people will know what I mean.

I also have been watching just about 3 seasons of House within a week. Hugh Laurie rocks my freaking socks, I'm still a sucker for accents (Aussie accents rule!), and Cuddy is one of my favorite characters. And not just on the show. In general.

I have been mostly MIA from everywhere, because actually being online (IM) only gets me drained of all my energy. A lot of people require energy that I am unable to give. It's very tiring to constantly have to take care of people who should be able to take care of themselves. I shouldn't have to cheer them up and solve their problems 24/7. And there's some other stuff I really don't want to get into.

I just want to focus on the good things... It just doesn't always work.

I am back

The week is over, and I am now no longer MIA...

In the last week I:
- have discovered the Efteling (Dutch themepark) still rules
- risked my life in de "Droomvlucht"... That cart was not 100% safe
- watched my friends have "spousal fights"... They're not even dating, but dang, it sure as heck looked like it...
- laughed my ass off in my reverse psychology fight with M
- lost at pool... Again...
- missed my friends at home
- played way too much old school Mario kart...
- had fun...