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allaboutmoxie Blog

You know you're addicted to NCIS when...

When one of your new teachers constantly reminds you of dear old Donald "Ducky" Mallard. The course pseudo-Ducky teaches is called Multiculturalism in South Africa, and all the good man ever does is tell anecdotes about this time when he was in South Africa about so-and-so many years ago, and he met so-and-so and they said this-and-this. I keep waiting for ant-eaten marines to show up in the stories, but they never do, darn it. But then again, I keep waiting for him to say the word "Niblick" or something equally amusing.

Well, at least the thought of him being like Ducky amuses me enough to keep myself awake... *smile* I now know how Jimmy Palmer must feel...

Level change

I am now officially level 7. Talk show Host... Seriously, lately those levels have been changing pretty fast. Maybe that's because I can be quite the chatterbox at times.

Oh well...


I'm on a roll with the blogging today, I know.

It's just... I just watched Serenity. Again. I had to really push down the urge to watch Firefly again because I don't have fifteen hours to spare at the moment. Soon I will though, and there will be nothing in the Verse to stop me from watching it again.

Why did I get so addicted to a show that takes place on a gorram spaceship? I'm still wondering about that myself. I blame Joss Whedon. Amazing writing and amazing characters. I fell in love so fast and so hard, I don't think I'll be able to recover.

Right, back to Serenity. Those of you who haven't seen it... Go see it now. Rent it, buy it, anything. You will be pleasantly surprised. I know I was. Awesome movie. (Besides Joss being generally evil)

This blog started as an excuse to post a couple of Kaylee quotes that will now and forever make me giggle. I will now actually get to posting those quotes.

Kaylee quote number one: [On her lovelife] For a year I ain't had nothing twixt my nethers that didn't run on batteries...

Kaylee quote number two: [Just after Simon said he regretted not 'being with her', since they're in a life and death situation] To hell with this, i'm gonna live...

Awesome, awesome character. Awesome, awesome movie. Awesome, awesome show.

So, when do I have those fifteen hours again?


Yeah, so since nobody really seems to know that much about me, I thought I'd fill out a survey. Stole it from purpledonkey's (Julia) profile.

All About Me Survey

1. name: Inge
2. nicknames: IngeInge, Ing, not-so-evil-twin, Ingie Pooh... Let's just say I have strange friends.
3. gender: Female
4. birthday: July 22nd
5. age: 18
6. star sign: Cancer
7. place of birth: A small town in the South of the Netherlands
8. current residence: Same town
9. hair color: Died red/brownish... Originally ashblond
10. eye color: Blue/greyish
11. height: 5'10"
12. writing hand: Left

13. do you bite your nails: Never
14. can you roll your tongue: Hmm...
15. can you do a cartwheel: Not really
16. can you raise one eyebrow at a time: I wish
17. can you blow smoke rings: I never smoke.
18. can you blow spit bubbles: No, and I don't want to. EW
19. can you cross your eyes: Yes... I've been told I look weird when doing it. Doesn't everyone
21. tattoos and where: none
22. piercings and where: one in each ear
23. do you make your bed daily: No, no matter how much my mom wants me to
24. do you sleep with clothes on: ... yes.
25. which shoe goes on first: Don't particularly care.
26. fave type of shoes: Either my sneakers or my black boots.
27. where do you keep your clothes: Closet, or on my chair.
28. speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone? Not recently
31. you got a job: I babysit every once in a while. Used to do dishes at a restaurant.

33. do you like someone/why do you like them: I like someone. No further details necessary.
34. are you taken by someone: No
35. who: ...
36. what is the date you two began going out on: ...
37. what is love: Fill in the random corniness. I'm a romantic.
38. are you willing to try the 'other side': ... Don't think so.

039. do you twirl your spagetti or cut it: I cut it. I suck at twirling it.
040. how many cereals are in your cabinet: Just the regular cornflakes. I eat them without milk by the way. Just one of my weird habits.
041. what utensils do you use eating pizza: Sometimes my fingers, sometimes knife and fork.

042. how often do you brush your teeth: Everyday, twice
043. how often do you shower/bathe: Everynight.
044. how long do these showers last?: About 10 minutes, longer if washing my hair.
046. do you curse: Yes. Usually with the odd "Frak" "Gorram" "Ruttin" thrown in. I swear in TV references.
047. do you mumble to yourself: All the time
048. do you spit in public: Ew. No.
049. do you pee in the shower: Ew. No.
050. in the cd player: Little Voice - Sara Bareilles. In my laptop CD-drive: Anthony Stewart Head - Music for Elevators
051. person you talk most on the phone with: Either my parents, my friend Jasmijn, or my evil twin, who is in fact not related to me at all. Did I mention I have strange friends?

052. what color is your bedroom: The walls are purple, with some white thinigs.
053. do you use an alarm clock: Nope. my parents wake me up or my sisters yelling usually does the trick. They fight over the bathroom at 6.45 AM.
054. name one thing you're obsessed with?: At the moment? NCIS.
055. have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex: no
056. ever sunbathed in the nude: No
057. window seat or aisle: window
058. what's your sleeping position: Side, or on back. I turn a lot.
059. what kind of bed do you like: A nice big one so I can lie in the middle.
060. in hot weather do you use a blanket: Sheet
061. do you snore: Only when I have a cold.
062. do you sleepwalk: No.
063. do you talk in your sleep: No. My sister sings in her sleep. Hilarious.
064. how about the light on: A tiny one.
065. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on: I used to. Now I can´t sleep with it on.

066. were in love: No comment
067. kissed someone: In that way? A LOOONG time ago
068. watched the discovery channel: umm...
069. cried: Yeah, sometime this week. Sad movie, I think.
070. talked on the phone: yesterday, I guess
071. read a book: I think yesterday
072. hit someone: Some time this week. I taught my mom how to Gibbs-slap

073. where do you see yourself ten years from now: Really don't know.
075. how many babies do you want to have: I don't know yet.
076. your profession: I would love to do something with writing.

077. sport: None. *grin*
078. color: Purple
079. instrument: piano & guitar. Play the clarinet myself.
080. band: Too many to speak of. Honestly. I'm one of those music nuts who has her I-Pod on as much as possible, to the point of being annoying.
082. store: All kinds of music stores really
083. drink: Mountain Dew.
084. place: I guess my room

What's the time: 11.00 PM
what's the date: 14th of February 2008
what's the day: Thursday
light or dark out: dark
do you own more than 5 tv sets: Don't think so.
do you own a toaster: It kind of belongs to my parents, but yeah.
do you own a house with 2 floors: My parents do. Does that count?
what are you wearing?: Lounge pants and t-shirt... Lying comfortably on my bed. Just watched Serenity, and some NCIS episodes... Life is good :P

That was survey time for today.

Obligatory Valentine's Day Post

It's Valentine's day.

Bring out your flowers, and your corny Hallmark cards and party.

Cause I'm not going to. I really don't care about Valentine's day. It's basically just there to make lots of money for greeting card companies and to make single people feel miserable. How very cynical of me, I know.

My plans for today are basically having lots of chocolate, chatting with my friends and drooling over all the hot guys on my DVD's. For now it's Michael Weatherly. AGAIN... LOL

Sexy Michael

Think happy thoughts... *big grin*

Much love to everyone who is not expecting any cards this year. Much love to my friends, especially to a certain someone who sent me an e-card as a friend (the goofball!)...

I'm going back to drooling over Michael now...

PS & Liberty

So I managed to watch a couple of movies this last week. It's what happens when I have a week-long break from college.

Chasing Liberty is just something I picked up when I saw Mark Harmon was in it. I'm not really a Mandy Moore fan, but I thought the movie could be entertaining. My sister had a friend over, and the three of us watched the movie. It was okay, I guess. I didn't particularly care for the main plot, which was not so helpful in keeping my attention. The sub-plot of Mark Harmon as the president of the United States - GIBBS FOR PRESIDENT... LOL - was interesting, and so was the sub-plot of the two Secret Service agents. They really reminded me of Tony & Kate, and my Tate-filled heart got all kinds of happy. I was mostly wishing the movie was about them, instead of about the president's daughter. Maybe if it was, their story would have a bit more to it. It was still cute, though. End verdict: decent for Mark fans, and overall pretty much okay.

PS I love you is a movie I initially wanted to see because James Marsters is in it. I thought it would be nice to see him in a movie, somewhere where he wasn't Spike. (Which reminds me, I still have to get myself a DVD of Chance, Amber Benson's flick.) My mistake was reading the book before I saw the movie. I just happened to see the book at the local bookstore, and thought it couldn't hurt to read it before I saw the movie. I started reading the book, and thought it was good. I was a bit disappointed in the Daniel character at the end (really, the ex?), but I thought the rest of the book was really good. I could picture all the appropriate actors as the characters (only, I pictured Grey's Denny as Daniel). And when I saw the movie, I was just disappointed. What did they do with the character of Daniel I loved so much? Where was all the Gerry stuff I loved? The movie didn't correspond to the book at all. It is merely loosely based on it, which is a shame. The setting has changed, the character of William was added, the character of Daniel was completely different, and the role of John was minimized. In the book, John was Gerry's best mate, and he was the one that got the girls back together in the end. In the movie, he just shows up a couple of times. I really hated what they did to Daniel, and I liked the setting of Ireland better. The character of William was really nice, but that could just be because I like the actor. End verdict: A shame they didn't stick more closely to the book. Not bad, but not as good as I had hoped.

That's the reviews for now. I think I'll watch SWAK again.

Tate Alphabet

So, all the wonderful people from the Kate & Tony thread got together and made a Tate alphabet. You know, like the phonetic alphabet that Gibbs likes to use.

Credit to anyone who entered a letter. Tate forever!

The Tate Alphabet

A is for Anthony or Amorous

B is for Bone Yard

C is for Caitlin

D is for DiNozzo

E is for Eternal Love

F is Forever Tate

G is for Gibbs, the boss that brought them together.

H is for Hot... As in, Tony

I is for Insatiable

J is for Jealousy

K is for Kate

L is for Love

M is for Memories

N is for NCIS Agent Of The Month

O is for Outrageous

P is for Paraguay

Q is for Question

R is for Romance

S is for SWAK

T is for Tony

U is for Undeniable

V is for Vanished

W is for Wet T-shirt Contest

X is for Xtraordinary (wallpaper by bibbi *wink*)

Y is for Yankee White

Z is for Zero, the days Kate will be forgotten

.... Dangit, I love this ship... Hot Eternal Anthony Romance Tony - Tony Anthony Tony Eternal *wink*


I went ice-skating today.

To my great surprise, I managed not to fall, not even once. I think I should get a prize. I'm very un-coordinated usually, so I'm kind of proud of myself *wink*

Of course, when your friends can dofour laps (word?) when you only manage one in that time, you can feel like an idiot. I did manage to get them down to only two. I'm so proud. And sarcastic.

I still had a lot of fun, though, as I knew I would. Got a little help from a friend in the beginning (someone who likes to call himself my evil twin... Go figure), and managed not to make a complete fool out of myself. Maybe next time I'll actually be able to catch him, the moron (meant in the nicest way possible, of course).

Me? Catching him? Nah, no way. Oh well. I'll live.


Well, I finally fixed up a site I created a while ago.

It now has starts on a couple of stories and my Tate story. I'm also working on a board on there, if anyone is interested in checking it out... This is a shameless plug, isn't it? Yes, it is. I just figured this is the best way to at least reach some people... Who knows?

This has been a message from the Moxie Network. Peace Out.

Lost (May spoil)

Finally caught up on Lost.

A friend of mine already had the DVD's. Interesting trivia: The DVD's were out in the Netherlands before my American pals could get them. That's strange.

Back to the point, so I finally finished season three. Can I say WTF.... Yeah, the flash-forward was interesting. Life after the island is no cake walk, I get that. But why did Jack keep mentioning his father, because the guy is freaking dead. Or is he? AARGH, more questions. Maybe I just missed something. Could be.

And Charlie! I don't get why he couldn't have escaped with Desmond, but that's just me. Or it could be my love for Charlie talking. Seriously heroic, knowing you're going to die and still going on a mission to save everyone else. Shame Claire didn't find the ring, though.

Is it bad that I saw the twist coming, that the rescue people might not be good guys. It would be too easy to have them all saved now with three more seasons to go. 6 seasons in total.

I loved the inclusion of Penny. I love Desmond and Penny, what can I say? The whole Juliet-Jack-Kate-Sawyer thing is starting to annoy me. Just pick one Kate! And if it's not going to be Sawyer, can I have him? *innocent smile*. What?

The new season seems interesting. Caught the first episode. I'm intrigued. Let's see what else they have in store for us.

One more thing: poor Hurley. He just rocks my socks.