As someone who played from the original beta to now, off and on, I can definitely say that it fits that term. You have only to look at the massive subscriber base, due to the considerably addictive gameplay, thanks to the multitude of ways that we as players earn rewards while playing. Blizzard is nothing if not a master of gamification, that is, rewarding gamers for putting massive hours into seemingly mundane tasks, like grinding or daily quests. You can find this in most of their games though. Look at Diablo, you're constantly getting rewarded for playing, new levels, new loot, new powers, piles of gold, access to new areas, etc. We as gamers, and as people in general enjoy being rewarded and getting these achievements. There have even been recent studies linking these in game rewards to the pleasure center of the brain, where the happiness inducing drug dopamine is released whenever we as gamers do something particularly noteworthy in a game.
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