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Alli's Music Blog - Lyrics Bonanza!

Hey you guys!

If you haven't noticed already I've pretty much been on all day.... For some reason I never really woke up this morning and I have been completely wiped out ALL DAY. For whatever reason I am seriously tired and have been on the computer for hours and hours. *Sigh* I guess today at least I didn't have any semblance of a life.

Moving on to nicer things! YAY!

So today I'm going to share some of my favourite music. Since you can't hear blogs I'm going to put either the whole song or an excerpt from the song. For visual's sake I'm also giving you all a picture of the artist because my blogs are usually really wordy! So let the lyric bonanza begin! :D

First I've got an excerpt from Funnyman by the wonderful KT Tunstall:

Locked inside your head
Do you realize the things you said
Never made sense?

We can sit here and laugh
But we don't know the half of it,
In your defense

We've been talking a while
And it seems to me each time you smile
Lights are coming on
But they don't burn too strong
And they won't stay for long
And then they're gone again

Funnyman, gotta try to be something wonderful
Funnyman, listening to the world turning on its sail
Turn it into a brand new universe
Funnyman could never be anything else

Second I have an excerpt from Soft Rock Star by Metric:

Now here I am, I am the one
So hang high soft star
Don't shine, before swine

Not a lot of room to move, but where's my guide
I tried looking up to you girls
Please correct me, but didn't you let the work slide
Capitalize on a novelty, cheap pink, spotlight.
Is it all right?

Choose the highest bidder was my answer
When they told me I was up for sale
Schoolyard, Junior high Bullies
have always tried to buy the better girls
But failed now, the cheque is in the mail

Last but certainly not least is an excerpt from Brandy Alexander by Feist:

Though I'd like to be the girl for him
And cross the sea and land for him
On milky skin my tongue is sand until
The ever distant band begins to play

He's my Brandy Alexander
Always gets me into trouble
But that's another matter
Brandy Alexander
He's my Brandy Alexander
Always gets me into trouble
But that's another matter
Brandy Alexander

Though you know what I love most of him
I'm walking on needles and pins
My addiction to the worst of him
The low moon helps me sing

Oh! Apparently Feist's brother went to my school! How cool is that? :D

Haha I just realized all these artists are women lol. I'll make another music blog soon about male artists I guess...!


Grade 12 kinda blows... makes it better!

The title says most of it. I mean how the heck am I supposed to survive going to university next year if I am barely staying sane this year in high school...? I am just so tired of homework, and assignments and 5 tests in 5 days... *sigh* Anyways now that I have that out of my system I'm starting to feel better! Perhaps I should start thinking about getting more sleep one of these days, lol.

However, my main point is that no matter how hard school gets, you guys and is always around to give me a perk up. Everyone's so nice and fun, which I really do appreciate a lot! I especially have to thank the HipHugger gang (you guys know who you are!), that thread is a huge source of fun and HipHuggery goodness!

So basically I'm just thanking everyone for being so awesome! :D

Love ya all!

Gee, another quiz!

Well truthfully It's the first one I've done and I was lazy and swiped it off Jenne! (Don't worry I told her of this!)

Here it goes:

Q: First place you went this morning? Bathroom.
Q: What can you not wait to do? Not have any homework whatsoever!
Q: What's the last movie you saw? Jane Austen Book Club
Q: Do you cry often? Not unless I'm watching really sad episodes of Buffy or Angel. Joss gets me every time!
Q: Are you a friendly person? Yes.

Q. What is your salad dressing of choice? Oil and redwine vinegar.
Q. What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Mama's Pizza, don't really do a lot of fast food...
Q. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? The Willow!
Q. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not sick of it? Shrimp Quesadillas, sooo good!!

Q. What are your pizza toppings of choice? Cheese, pepperoni, sometimes mushrooms.
Q. What do you like to put on your toast? Nutella, mmmm... (cept we never have any :cry: )
Q. What is your favorite flavor of gum? It's a travesty, but I don't really like gum...

Q. Number of contacts in your cell phone? I am far too lazy to count so let's just say around ohhhh 25...
Q. Number of contacts in your email address book? Two words: A LOT.
Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer? A CSI:Miami poster, represent lol.
Q. How many televisions are in your house? Three, none of which are in my room... *grumble*

Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right, I'm really awful at writing with my left hand.

Q. What's your best feature? Eyes (I think...)

Q. Which of your five senses do you think is keenest? Uhhhhh, touch...? I guess...
Q. When was the last time you had pneumonia? Never.
Q. Have you ever been knocked unconscious? No.

Q. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you would die? No, no and NO.
Q. Is love for real? Don't ask me, I have no idea...
Q. If you could change your first name, what would you change it to? I wouldn't cause it's too hard to decide on a new one.
Q. What color do you think looks best on you? Pink.
Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake? No.
Q. Have you ever saved someone's life? No.

Q. Would you walk naked for a half mile down a public street for $100,000? No.
Q. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000? No.
Q. Would you never blog again for $50,000? Yeah fraid so...
Q. Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000? No.
Q. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? Yes.
Q. Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000?Never
Q. Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000? No.

Q: What is in your left pocket? Wearing PJs which don't have a pocket at all!
Q: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie? Nope! *Ducks flying objects*

Q: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house? Both.
Q: How many pairs of flip flops do you own? Three.
Q: Where were you born? Ontario, Canada.

Q: Friend you talked to? Alex over MSN.
Q: Last person who called you? Patrick.
Q: Person who hugged you? Dad. 8) You know I'm cool.

Q: Number? Two.
Q: Color? Pink/ Fuscia (can't spell lol)

Q: Season? Definately still freaking winter here.....
Q: Missing someone? Ummmm my sister...? Kinda... Won't when she comes back though!
Q: Mood? BORED.
Q: Listening to? Feist- The Reminder.
Q: Watching? Nada. (IE nothing.)

Q: Best friend? I have about five or so!
Q: Girlfriend/boyfriend? Yeah a boyfriend, Matt.
Q: Most trustworthy? Bailey.
Q: Can make you feel better right away: TV/ Friends/ nice people/ helping people/ many more!

So yeah that was my first attempt at a quiz! Feel free to comment and don't kill me for not liking Napoleon Dynamite! :?

So that's another taste of that oh so exiting person I call myself, and you call Alli! (Jks, my life is kinda boring, not gonna lie...) Thanks for reading!


Coming Soon: A Story by Me *Gasp!*

To burst your bubble it is not a fan fiction. It is a slightly humourous retelling of an adventure I went on when trying to fill out a creative component of a form for university application. As you can all tell I am very proud of it, I should be since it appears to be the only story (even short story) I have ever sat downand finished! (Haha gotta love being ADD :D) Unfortuately I may take a long while to postit as I am sending it to the university and I don't want them thinking I ripped it off someone on the internet posting on! (Cause they don't know my internet alter-ego lol.) Anyways I'm done with this pointless teasing blog, spawned from my frustration with the superbowl not ending fast enough.... I wanna see house sometime in this life.

Alli's Steamy Eight

There are without a doubt some pretty steamy guys out there, here's a few of my faves. My current steamy eight include:

McSteamy himself of course,

 coupled with a bit of McDreamy,  then a little CSI:NY Carmine Giovinazzo goodness,  followed up with some Miami Adam Rodriguez hotness,  and the sexyest picture of Chris Evans ever,  not to mentioneveryone's favourite ex-vampires David Boreanaz and James Marsters,   and lastly but certainly not least our (or at least MY) favourite pirate/ singing murdering barber: Johnny Depp.

I don't know about you guys but that's who I've been drooling over lately! Thanks for seeing/ reading! Feel free to comment!

-Alli :twisted:

Women's Murder Club- LOVE IT!

Hey all!

So this holiday, in my frustration with the lack of new episodes, I decided to start watching some new shows. First I started watching Samantha Who? which turned out to be a freaking hilarious show (and thus added to my faves and prompting a banana icon to appear in my profile) and I tore through the episodes. Thus, having run out of Samantha Who? episodesI began the quest to find another worthy show, and I stumbled upon 'Women's Murder Club'. So I decided to give it a chance, and guess what? It kicks butt! (I would have used another word but sites are generally kinda touchy about that lol.) The show is a crime procedural show somewhat like theCSIs, however the main characters are all women in the top of their fields; Inspector Lindsay Boxer, crime reporter Cindy Thomas, ME Claire Washburn, and A.D.A. Jill Bernhardt.

Now I am known to take a liking to procedural shows, but for some reason I really liked this one right off the bat. I guess it's because I am also partial to having a little bit of drama in the lives of the characters rather than all the focus on the storyline of solving the crime. In a way it balanced the drama of the characters with the investigative part quite well, kind of like CSI: Miami -however CSI: Miami is a little heavier on the individual crime storyline whereas Women's Murder Club is a little heavier on the character devellopment side (I guess it's more like Bones in that way).

What I'm trying to say is that these characters are really likable, I constantly find myself at the edge of my seat,and the show has interesting cases to solve as well. I know it sounds cliche but I feel like you can connect to the characters, involving yourself with the show.I have to say that it's an amazing show with a lot to offer and I really hope ABC is smart enough to keep it on board, after all it has won its time slot consistently.

So if you're a procedural/ crime show fan, who likes some character devellopment I highly recommend you give Women's Murder Club a watch! If you love it great, if you don't that's cool too, so long as you've given it a chance! :D

Anyhow, sorry bout the rant! (Wanted to support a good show.) Thanks for reading!



Hey all! Just wanted to post some CSI: Miami icons I had loads of fun making! I know they're not much but feel free to use them and please be sure to credit me! Enjoy! :)







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