He invented an entire culture of d-bags who look down on people who prefer reasonably-priced computers to overpriced hardware (aka "PC users"). I'm not sure that makes him "great." :|
Oh, the irony!
That wasn't his intention, though. Just a result of the product he created.
The Wright brothers didn't invent the airplane either, Richard Pearse did. Should we change the history books and rewrite it all? No. We remember the Wright brothers because they made the airplane famous, which is, IMO, the reason why they're legendary. As is the case with Jobs and the personal computer.
Life isn't fair sometimes. People just need to get over it.
You mean made it famous for the rich?
The Wright brothers, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford all made something inaccessible accessible. Apple made many thing accessible inaccessible to a lot of financially challenged people.
I mean, did he/apple really invent a lot of things? Apple didn't invent personal computers. Neither did they mouse, graphic user interface (Xerox PARC did that), tablets, mp3 players, laptops, touchscreen phones, online music store, online app store, "retina" screen (LG did that).
Why do some people put him in the same league as Thomas Edison? Apple's products usually have 50%-100% premium mark-ups, and they are usually for the rich. Then why do some people put him in the same league as Henry Ford?
The irony is, I'm probably having more fun with Minecraft - a game that would have been below average graphically on the N64 - than I would with either of those games. You people running endlessly on the graphics treadmill make me laugh... Then it makes me cry a bit that your blind love of graphics makes developers think it's OK to devote massive swaths of their budgets to making their games look good rather than dumping every penny into making them play well.Boomshaffted
We need games like Minecraft (which also needs a very decent rig to run smoothly) AND games like Crysis 1 which emphasizes GFX. Diversity never hurts.
Only communists and dictators would say: we want only one kind of games, **** the other one.
The cancer that is killing gaming industry today is the homogeneity. I remember in the golden days of video games there were equal amount of awesome FPS, RPG, Action games, strategy games, adventure games, sandbox games. Now it's all about shoot shoot shoot and hack hack hack (don't tell me there are other genres with good games; but what's the proportion?).
I agree. I just finished Call of Duty 2 again today. It's not much better than MW2 like many people claim (myself included); and it's not even that old.
I think it's "You NEED a monster rig to play Crysis 1".
Truth: You don't. You only need one if you want to MAX OUT the game. My old 7600GT rig plays this game very smoothly under low-medium setting and it still looks much more gorgeous than other FPSs this same PC can play.
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