fear is very confusing if you dont have an open mind or you didnt get more than half way through the game yet. ask any questions about it and i will be happy to answer them.
endless ocean is the aquarium game right? and if it isnt can you tell me? im looking for a good wii game and i like games with sea animals. if i get it ill be on the lookout for it for you
another help with the anolog stick is if they were made better. my top fell off and now the anolog stick just twirls around! they should make the new psp like the picture you added and more durable.
the story lines of half life and fear beat all. and no body say final fantasy! dont you watch the angry video game nerd? the games are amazing but they dont make sense since they are out of order.
ok did you ever try world of warcraft? its better for GW the level cap is 20 and world of warcraft is going up to 80 this year. go to tfaproject.net and follow the instructions to play wow for free.
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