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alphawolf_0 Blog

My unions

I compleltly rediesigned the halo gamers union, one of the unions Im the leader in. Check it out, theres a new navigation sysem i out in, A live video stream on the front page and new topics. Check it out

Also be sure to check out the Naruto union, where I updated the page with the newest news and info on naruto. BE sure to post to get to the next level, like kyuubi_321, the 1st naruto union member to achieve academy ninja status!Check it out!

Frustration!!! **Edit

It seems as though Im expiencing a multitude of stupid gamespot glitches all at once. Not only can I not post any pictures, I cant post any links, change my font while writing this or use any form of html. It like, I put the html tags in, then I apply changes, and it automatically deletes everthing Ive typed in. Anyone who hasnt noticed, this exact thing happened to my union, which is why I cant get the main pics that were on the main page back up online. Even as im writing this, The entire bar thats supposed to be there with options about my font and stuff is completly gone. Ive spent over an hour trying to figure this crap out and nothing seems to be working right. Im really getting pissed off at this!! It better start working right soon. Id use an angry smiley right now...but since the bar isnt there, I cant!

**It seems that the problem has finally fixed itself. I have to say about time

The life and times of Alphawolf

I am now officially Level 17-Minus world. It seems that I skipped straight from level 15-99% to level 17-4%. Interesing. I also got a bunch of emblems including the video bloger, The speed Runner, The Tv Commericaler and the after hours emblem.

Many of you have been trying to have me join your unions and I am sorry to say that 99% of the time I will turn the request down. Iam already in 10 unions, and half of them I hardly post in at all. I am also leader of 2 unions so mostly I am spending my time working on them. Unless I really know you as a good friend, or Im interested in your union, I will usually not accept.

As many of you know I was fired from my job right as the summer bega, back in june and I have been looking for a job since.  After months for searching for a job I would actually enjoy doing, I have come back with no results. Looking into my empty wallet, I realized I needed a job fast. And so, I have finally broken down and applied for a  mediocre job at a gorcery store. Hope fully theyll accept me so I can Have some sort of income.

My senior Year at school is going quite well so far, but the shadow of college grows nearer. I am psyched up to go to college, but I havnet sent out a single application yet! This is what happens iof you are the worlds largest procrastinator!:o

Ive uploaded a huge amount of speed runs including my halo SC speed run, and a bunch of cool glitch runs in Mario Kart. I have also included All of the intros to every season of naruto so get to watvhing them! Ill leave you with this :


Hope You guys saw it

Yep, Im talkin about the new season of southpark. It was on World of Warcraft and it was hilarious. Great to know that Southpark hasnt lost its edge. Check it out, Itll be playin for the next few days at 10:00 on Comedy central


Well, Homecoming week is officially over. Our school compleletly wasting the visiting team at the football game 42-0.

Yesterday was the homecoming dance, where me and my friends dressed all pretty and went dancin! We all had a good time and danced with some girls. Then we went over my other friends house where all 6 of us watched american pie 2 until about 3 am. 

Check it out, Im level 15, Nobunagas Ambition, prett sweet although I think this levels gonna take awhile to get past. thats all See ya round

check it out

not that much to say, although I came across this music video on gamespot. It is superbly crafted and it is one of the best I have seen. Check It out:


Havent seen me for a while eh?

Yeah. I wana apoligize for not being on very often and also for not participating in the unins very often this week. Just like that, my entire week is complelty mashed up with all sorts of crap to do. Im in school and then after school I have to work out, Then go swimming. Come back 'round 8:00PM and then usually I watch tv till midnight and go to sleep. wake at 630 again and it goes all over agin.

Illbe  posting more on saturday and sunday however, so sit tight till then. BTW Jackass 2 looks awesome. The series is hilarious and the movie will no doubt be even better. Alright see ya rounds.

my 9/11 story

You might of read my post of this somewhere else, and im too lazy to write the same thing over and over, so I just copy and pasted my story on here. Alright here it goes:

See, Ive lived in NY my whole life and back on 9/11 I was still going to middle school. Now that i think about what happened that day, It was kind of weird, cuz the school faculty kept us in the dark and didnt tell us what was happenig. In the middle of the day, they just let us out of school saying to go straight to our homes. When I looked to the horizon, You could see a huge ball of smoke rising, and there was only rumors goin roud of what was goin on, when me and my friends were walking home we talked about it, but didnt make any sense of the situation. We werent sure what was happening, when we got home, my mom was watching tv. My dad was actually in the city, infront of the buidlings when they started fallin. He is fine. but that day he got covered in the dust that came when the building crumbled. My friends dad on the other hand, worked in the world trade center and died when the plane crashed. Sad really. My mom is a nurse too so later she got called in to work and had to go and try to help out the surviviors.

New Videos

Due to the popularity of the first mega64 video, I uploaded another one, This time the Katamari Damasy version. Its pretty funny and worth viewing. The second video I uploaded is my favorite inro to naruto, the song is pretty catchy and the animation is top knotch. Its also worth checking out. Here are both of the intros I uploaded in the order which I like them bestWell, Thatll be it 4 now. see ya round

