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Gaming Update + New Game

Farcry 2

I am at the 88% percent complete point in the game,I have every weapon but two,Done every side mission (Besides Some Of The Buddy Missions) and I get the feeling I'm in the middle of the big climatic finale mission where S***'s Getting Real. You get a cookie if you get that reference. Farcry 2 has been a very enjoyable if sometimes repeditve game. One of the better "Next Gen" games out there.

Brutal Legend

Just got it.This 78 bucks better damn well be worth it! Damn games are expensive now. 60 I was playing,70 I could deal with,but almost 80 bucks?

Castle Crashers

Made it past the level that referenced Alien Hominoid (I think the Behemoth's other game was called that).

Games To Buy

Brutal Legend

I plan to buy this game on release (Tomorrow) and I'm very much looking forward to it.I've been following it since it was first announced. This game is gonna rock my socks off.Download The Demo,and You'll agree. The opening Cutscene is epic,may I say.


The art in this game looks amazing,not to mention the gameplay looks alot like Fallout 3 (Role Playing Shooter). The game also is suppose to have 3 million some guns,hell I think more than that! I'm being dead serious too! I almost don't have a enough money for this one.

Saw:The Game

I love the Saw movies...Well the first three....Well the first one was amazing and 2 and 3 were decent....but the others suck. With that said Silent Hill 2 is one of the best games ever made and it has one of the best stories I've ever seen in any form of media. So put the two together and you can bloody well count me in! This game was released a week ago and the reviews go something like this, "Good Controls,Story,Build Up,and Puzzles and Bad Combat and Graphics" which is pretty much the same for ANY review of a Silent Hill game.Saw:The Game is also being made by the same people who made Silent Hill and is supposedly alot like it. Konami is also looking to make this into a new Series of Survival Horror games,which I`m totally up for!

COD:Modren Warfare 2

Number One was amazing,this will be amazing.

Lego Rockband

I`m buying this just because you can copy the songs on Lego RB onto your harddrive to be played in RB2 and there are some really good songs in this game. I believe this Lego Rockband ships out in a couple of days.

COD:Modren Warfare 1

I never beat this on my own console nor did I ever own it (I beat it on a friend`s PS3),so I figure that I`ll pick it up for a quick Shooter fix after MW2.

PS2 Gaming

I've been meaning to play my PS2 some for awhile now and the other night I finally sat down for a hour or so and played some games.

Chaos Legion

Chaos Legion is basically a rip-off of Devil May Cry (Which I wouldn't mind playing) and it's pretty fun. It's pretty basic,but fun none the less. It has a very anime and medieval feel to it. I can't play it for long periods of time as it gets very repetitive,very fast.

Soul Calibur 3

Nothing Will Ever Beat Soul Calibur 2.I have good memories with that one. This game is overally hard. Very much so. Although I do like the presentation of Story Mode more.

Dark Watch

WOW....I mean wow....It was so dark I couldn't see jack crap.Nothing.I didn't even make it to the first enemy. Talk about Watching Darkness.....I made a funny....I'm sorry.

I posted images of all of these games in action,one image for each game,if you care to see click here

Fallout 3 Is Over For Me

Point Lookout and Mother Ship Zeta were a great way to end my Fallout Experience. I'm very happy to say that Fallout 3 was some of the most addicting fun I've ever had in a game. Fallout was so unique, funny, crazy, and fun that it alone was worth the price of my 360. I highly recommend it to every last one of you out there. It's for PC,PS3,and 360. If you don't have one of those consoles, go buy one, if only to play Fallout 3. Point Lookout was easily the best out of all of the Fallout 3 game add-ons, it reminded what i loved most about Fallout, The free will. I could go Explore,Or Be Evil, Be Good, Do Missions, Side Missions, Screw Around, Sleep, whatever I wanted to do, I could do. That's also one of the best points of Point Lookout (Excuse The Pun...), The exploring. P.L. Adds a whole new area to explore and have fun with, which I love since exploring was one of my favourite things to do in Fallout. The other thing that was great about P.L. Was the Story. The story was interesting and you wanted to find out who did this and what happened there. I also liked how with P.L. You were never forced to do one specific thing, unlike the rest of the add-ons.


Mother Ship Zeta on the other hand made you do three back – to – back missions, However they provided a fun challenge. It also had a somewhat interesting story (although not to the point of P.L.). The ending battle was annoying at first and it not well put together,but after the first couple of trys you get the hang of it and it becomes quite epic and fun. It was a great end to my Fallout 3 Play through, Plus I finally got my guy to Level 30, w00t. My only problem with Zeta is that it ruins the secret Alien Blaster you can find,by marking it on the map and giving you other alien weapons,although the other alien weapons are pretty awesome.


At one point in Zeta you can blow up a portion of the earth,does anyone know what you blow up?


Fox News Are Mental.I really didn't want to talk about politics on my blog,I really didn't,but something so stupid happened that I can't help but mention it. Obama went out of the USA to try and get The Next Olympic Games to happen in Chigaco.People went crazy. "AH WHATS HE DOING?HE SHOULD BE WORKING TO FIX THE STOCKS,ETC.". Hey Dumbasses,that's what he's doing! If the Olympics happened in Chigaco,do you have any idea how many jobs would become avalible there or how much money would be made? Acccording to Glenn Beck,Chigaco would lose money. I quote him "Vancouver lost what 1 million dollars on the Olympics?".....VANCOUVER HASNT HAD THE OLYMPICS YET!!!!Check the facts before you make a report youprick and while we're on the subject of Fox News...."We'll Do It Live!I'll Write It and We'll Do It Live!".Bill,you crazy sucka!

Mother Ship Zeta

So I'm playing through it and I make it to the end fight and....WOAH.....I think the game just told me to go f*ck myself.The end fight the most unenjoyable,frustrating,badly thought out piece of crap that I've played in a long time. Still Working On Making It Through...

My PS2 is Calling Me...

While My Xbox slowly dies and I prepare for The Red Ring,I also try to push through the Frustrating Messes Of Mirror's Edge and Assassin's Creed,Try to figure out how to move forward in Castle Crashers and Wolfenstein 3D,and play through the now boring games Viva Pinata and Farcry 2...My PS2 sits there.Darkwatch,Soul Calibur 3,Dragon Ball Z,and Castlevania all sit there on my video game shelf....unbeaten.Time To Fix That.

Gaming Update W00t

Fallout 3 - I downloaded and played through Point Lookout last week. I found locations,weapons,and completed all Side,Unmarked,and Story Missions. Easily the best out of all the Fallout Addons I`ve played. Now only Mother Ship Zeta is left....

Batman Arkham Asylum - Done,Beat It On Normal and I`m just Two bosses away from the end on my Hard file.I have about 55% of all Riddler Challenges Complete as well.I`ll need to comeback to this soon,as I`m almost done.

Left 4 Dead - Beat all campaigns.I will comeback to replay it for achevements and go online,but this game is a shining example of why I don`t like online gaming. People areA$$holes I should not get kicked out of 6 in a row as soon as I join them for no reason! If you dont want other people joining your damn game set it to private. Dicks.

Mirror`s Edge - I`m on Chapter 6 out of 9 I think and the more I play this game,the more I hate it. The combat is crap, It`s getting to the point where it`s really frustrating, and now the Platforming is beginning to become less than great. I don`t know about this game...

Transformers:The Game - I picked this up 2 or 3 weeks ago for $15,after being very disapointed by the new movie. This game,is kinda fun. Yeah it`s really basic and not well made,but it`s still kinda fun. Just good old blowing crap up,how I do love it.

New Games - Pirate Style

YAR Me Maties,today I decided to be in ye buying of some online booty for today be "Talk Like A Pirate Day",yar.I be in the buying/downloading of Assasin's Creed off ye Games Be Demand Service,previded by the money sucking sea monster Microsoft,yar.I also be in the buying of Point Lookout for Fallout 3 (FINALLY) and The Necromantic Pack for Castle Crashers (Which I'm Enjoying).Yar all enjoy Talking Like A Pirate Now,OR ELSEYE BEWALKIN TEH PLANK.