Point Lookout and Mother Ship Zeta were a great way to end my Fallout Experience. I'm very happy to say that Fallout 3 was some of the most addicting fun I've ever had in a game. Fallout was so unique, funny, crazy, and fun that it alone was worth the price of my 360. I highly recommend it to every last one of you out there. It's for PC,PS3,and 360. If you don't have one of those consoles, go buy one, if only to play Fallout 3. Point Lookout was easily the best out of all of the Fallout 3 game add-ons, it reminded what i loved most about Fallout, The free will. I could go Explore,Or Be Evil, Be Good, Do Missions, Side Missions, Screw Around, Sleep, whatever I wanted to do, I could do. That's also one of the best points of Point Lookout (Excuse The Pun...), The exploring. P.L. Adds a whole new area to explore and have fun with, which I love since exploring was one of my favourite things to do in Fallout. The other thing that was great about P.L. Was the Story. The story was interesting and you wanted to find out who did this and what happened there. I also liked how with P.L. You were never forced to do one specific thing, unlike the rest of the add-ons.
Mother Ship Zeta on the other hand made you do three back – to – back missions, However they provided a fun challenge. It also had a somewhat interesting story (although not to the point of P.L.). The ending battle was annoying at first and it not well put together,but after the first couple of trys you get the hang of it and it becomes quite epic and fun. It was a great end to my Fallout 3 Play through, Plus I finally got my guy to Level 30, w00t. My only problem with Zeta is that it ruins the secret Alien Blaster you can find,by marking it on the map and giving you other alien weapons,although the other alien weapons are pretty awesome.
At one point in Zeta you can blow up a portion of the earth,does anyone know what you blow up?
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