alt_version's forum posts
Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 8, Metal Gear Solid, maybe some of the old Tomb Raiders would be cool to see, I'd like to see the original Warhawk just for the fun of it. As a side note.... Crash Bandicoot is in the Playstation Store....
I love video games, every system and every kind, don't get me wrong but really next-gen gaming is pissing me off.... Next-gen isn't really next in anything but the graphics. When we went from N64 and PSone to XBOX and PS2 gameplay actually changed with it. Halo redefined the FPS experience, we saw the evolution of Metal Gear and the Final Fantasy series Gamecube brought us Mario party, and revitalized Resident Evil and even added a fantastic new chapter to RE. But now we have had 360 for coming up on 2 years and nothing really revolutionary. Most of the available games stem off of other gameplay mechanics from older games. Even Gears of War which was hailed for its seamless use of cover wasn't really original in that respect because years before a game called Killswitch came out using a similar cover and blind fire tactic. I love Gears I've played through it several times on ever difficulty and am hopelessly addicted to live play but it just seems..... like its already been done. Even live was from the old xbox. Sony is going in a new direction with Home for an online service... which is neat in the online gaming service aspect and yet has been done as just an online game.... *cough* *cough* SecondLife. Now the Wii is doing something entirely different, it's interactive gaming. And yet I can't shake the feeling that Nintendo didn't go for the gusto on this system. I think motions sensing gameplay is unique and exciting but it will make it so a lot of genres don't play well one the Wii. As for my biggest gripe, why didn't Nintendo even try to make the graphics better? I know graphics aren't everything but if I am going to be playing a game for any extended period of time I want to look at something at least sort of "pretty". It seems like Nintendo was trying to get into the next-gen race without actually doing too much. PS3 is yet to deliver a game that is anything special, and is losing all of their exclusives like there is no tomorrow. 360 thought it would be brilliant to make a new 360 and oust all of the people who already bought one and are now outdated on their own system less than 2 years later. And Nintendo well they are doing their thing but in my opinion it isn't very exciting, nonetheless they still are doing the best job brining us real next-gen. I think that the systems available all in their own aspect are phenomenal and all have a lot to offer, so game designers really need to step up and make it happen for us gamers.
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