Sigh they had an interview explaining why. Guess the complainers never played Super Metroid or other metorid games before prime. meimnobody
i have played all the other metriods but in prime 1 and 2 u can switch which was a great addition and all of a sudden in 3 they take it away and make u stack like in the old metriod games whats that about?
The game is amazing, but i beat it in 15 hours with 98% complete. Whatever happened to the 20 hours + campaign ign talked about. Atleast its awesome enough to play over again.2good2betrue
hey were do u get the weapon that shoots 5 targets at once??
ok so i have the fire beam but i can't switch back to the regular beam whats that all about i remember in mp u can swtich back unless im doing something really stupid can anyone help?
yeah i got the screw attack like an idiot i didn't shoot the ice below me to go lower into the ice caverns dumb huh. well one more Q did u make the bomb first or investigate that ship the pirates attacked mentioned in the begining of the game.
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