Funny. Can get the original NES system with more than 30 games and with the actual box for less than $60.
Got that for myself, the system with the box, 135 games and most of them have the original box and all. That's way more collective than this poor excuse of "innovation" that people who don't think fall for so easily.
Same thing with the SNK system coming out. If you have the switch there is absolutely no reason to buy it. Just capitalizing on the people who don't think.
@BLiTZ_156: Obi-Wan origins was called the Phantom Menace, and what happened during his time as a hermit exile, was absolutely nothing at all (literally). Read the canon comic that tells the story of what exactly happened. He did absolutely nothing at all and just minded his own business, that was literally it and it was very boring and disappointing.
An obi-wan movie would be a complete waste of time. Yoda on the other hand would be much needed.
And they will not report the sales out of pride. They do not want to admit that they cannot make or sale a proper Metal Gear game without mastermind behind it.
alucardswrath's comments