I guess that rumor of microsoft buying them out slapped some sense into him huh. I'm not complaining either, but don't think they are doing it for their fans because they are not.
@sikho: calls others needs and neckbeards on a gaming website, while typing a try hard statement and crying about others crying......the irony is strong in this one.
@ExoticCharm: You somehow forgot the part when Lirik and friends said the game was boring. Dansgaming played last night, and stopped it to play subnautica.
This game is an absolute bore fest. (Get a tampon if my opinion offends you)
I shut it off after 30 mins of empty sailing. This is the full game itself. The only thing they took out is some weapons, monsters and very few npcs and sides quest, and these features that were taken out are not many.
And seriously what kind of special ed pirate, finds treasure and sells it to someone for lesser money.........The treasure is the bigger pay off!
I've seen a bunch of streams of this to see if It's for me, but in all honesty this game is pretty boring. I guess it's the streamers playing with their random friends all trying extremely hard to be funny, and making the game actually boring. It's also pretty repetitive.
I really don't see this game maintaining a healthy player base after a month or 2.
alucardswrath's comments