@gamingdevil800: Especially that scene with the behemoth prowling around while noct is hiding behind the wall
Honestly, no matter how good or how bad a game is, it's really sad when people lose their jobs, regardless of your selfish opinions about this or any game.
Konami and disappointment go hand and hand. I mean did anyone really think this game would be good in VR??
LOL wow, it goes to show that these retards are easily replaceable, and clearly were not missed and did not effect games......like at all.
@maverick5683:Yeah if you're into reptiles, then yes she's beautiful.The actress who gave her voice and likeness to the reboot Lara Croft, now SHE is beautiful.
Damn that would probably be a good 90% of Blizzards community because that crowd is probably one of the most toxic player communities out there.
seriously what I cant unsee is lara holding that bow as if she's playing the damn harp.....and also how this actress resembles a raptor.
alucardswrath's comments