I never cared about consoles , as i'm a pc man through and through, but had i had to make a choice, i would have gone for an xbox 360.
This new generation however its becoming increasingly and worryingly clear i may have to buy a console as well if i want to continue playing AAA games ( its starting too look like Microsoft is trying to kill of a lot of the PC gaming, and keep the PC as solely a MMo platform only).
Th irony is the xbox one is starting too look inferior to the ps4 by quite a large margin when you consider the previous generation where they were neck and neck. You do have to have a good knowledge of pcs to understand why i'm saying this ( as on the face of it the xbox one and ps4 look like they have the same specs, but they do not, the ps4 is 50% faster ).
What does this mean, well when you also consider that the ps4 is also A LOT cheaper, and will have the same games ( but probably with better graphics, but defo will have better frame rates),i cant see how anyone will actually prefer the xbox one ( unless kinect really peaks your interest ofc). So my choice has been made for me, im forced to buy the ps4.
Only issue is I love the mass effect series , if thats an xbox one exclusive, im gonna be forced top buy that also.
I'm still hoping however Microsoft renege's on their PC gaming stance and then i can just buy a new graphics card instead :D
TLDR, From a totally unbiased viewpoint the PS4 is looking heaps better than the xbox one when it comes to the the stuff that matters ( price, performance and customer freedom), but we may still be forced to buy both if xbox ones gets all the good exclusives.
Ye true, i hate kids hoe get all personal so fast, youtube is even worse, try having an opinion there lol. But im also starting to understand theres not much i can do about it but just go somewhere where there are mods and ignore the bad comments,. I realize the worse comment are usually made by 13 year olds going through puberty.
oh you were talking to fred with your first comment? sorry i thought you were talking to me, sometimes the reply function dont make itc lear whos talking to who lol.
@fredburma @amar1234 No he dont... if he did he wouldnt get angry about it. Although his anger is more directed at the kidw who took it personal, but he also lumped in the other ones there too who were simply upset ( no iwasnt of them lol).
Ye cause gta is the game that demands intelligent conversation about life? This is the internet when your opinion vastly differs from the vast majority of the kids, you get trolled, and trolled bad, and if you are a content provider you get trolled 100 times worse. Game spot should just ban people who take it to personal, but they shouldn't complain about the kids being upset.
dont think this guy gets it, kids under 16 who been waiting for this game for 2-3 years , kids who made their mum take them too tescos at 11pm , kids who who dream about GTA at night, dont want to be told their special game isnt as good as their wildest dreams told them it would be.
100% fake dude, thats not how GTa testing is done. They dont send out copies to testers who then take it home lol.They do it in a closed room, and all hush , hush.
amar1234's comments