when is the industry finally going to grow up and realize the PC is where its at, and consoles should just be down sized and be nothing but mobile gaming. They should make PC hardware more affordable by mass producing ready made PC/game boxes. They should work with Microsoft to produce a better front end for gaming. So people can pop in their game disc and start playing straight away. Its certainly all possible, if the powers that be just shared their workload, and would result ina better gaming experience for all
I dont know, people spend way more for their smart phones and they buy new ones of those almost every season. Those sell loads of those still. I dont see any reason for Sony to sell the a crappy system, for cheap. They better of making a real Show Stopper, and selling it for a price they can afford what ever that is, even if its 600.
The gaming population in general has evolved since wii. The causal and new gamer's who went for wii instead of PS3 or 360 last time round have grown up now, and I bet are now wanting a more meatier experience, in their gaming. That casual , wiii stuff was a fad. Even the casaul will evolve and want the best .
So the console that sells best this time round imo will be the system with the best experience regardless of price. The gaming population has evolved its no longer kids saving pocket money. Those kids grew up and and still game. The casual that got introduced from the wii to games, have also evolved.
are you using IE ? I had to change from my IE 9 to firefox cause of this website, its so badly made. A website should work fro every browser, not just Firefox lol
" the day Nintendo starts making games for smart phones is the day the gaming indusrty dies" lol. A little dramataic no?
Theres loads more people making great games, that we dont have to rely on Nintendo, I actually havent really played a Zelda or Mario game since the N64 era tbh, i hated the new ones ( i did try them), i felt they lost something from back in the day, which is funny cause they almost the exact game , except with slightly better graphics, and more outlandish stories. Maybe i grew out of that stuff or they have failed at improving the formula, i think its the latter as i can still play Link to the Past, with a huge smile, but that could just be nostalgia
This is gonna shock people but I really think its the wii, thats wrong with the gaming world (well among other things, they aboslutely right about Microsoft, but lets stay focused on Nintendo for now), since other companies will see the untapped marker of nubs and starts catering to them like Nintendo did with the wii, I mean come on, the wii was clearly an attempt by Nintendo to move away from making great games and offer someting to the masses. i appluad them for doing it in away thats super cheap and highly effective, but dont kid yourself in to thinking Nintendo is still some highly ethical, super commited to quality , hero of the gaming world, cause they clearly not. They just have a very good image, and die hard fans who beleive they can do no wrong lol.
Hopefully the gaming industries beleives its already recruitred all the nubs they could and go back to making more challenging, complicated games again! Let the samrt phines be the place for nubish games, and out Pcs and consoles be the hardcore , ehm place.
All i can say to the die hard Nintendo fans is to come on in to the future of games, the waters fine!
"what does that say about the industry , when making great games is not enough", says its just like every other business these days, especially the music making inudstry, where making songs is usualy seen as nothing more than a way in to other things. I agree it sucks, but are you for real, that your suprised by that? Its how the world is run these days, theres just too many people involved in projects, all wanting fat pay cheques, that they have no choice but to squeeze every penny out or they fail.
The average games company cant rely on the old model, of getting loans and praying their game sells come realease day. Those comapnies have all but died out now, they either died a slow harsh death or were bought up by someone with money!
Also as long as the Shig is around, i highly, highly doubt anything too drastic will happen at Ninitendo, theres no way he would allow his compnay to become a third party team.
Either it wil happen after hes gone or he will leave the company because it happens. I really wonder what quality those marior and zelda games will have when they have to be rushed to be made for the holdiay season , rushed cause they have to be made for 4 systems, and all that without the shigs input. Just look how far Sega's Sonic fell from his 16 bit "contender against Mario" era, to where it is now. Thats what will happene to Zelda and Mario.
I dont own a wii, and will never buy one, so at first I would love to be able to get a Mario or Zelda game for my PC (well i already can lol, but lets pretend we cant :P), but for my reasons above its obvious its a bad move for quality, the whole reason to wanna play those games will vanish if they ended up on my pC. Maybe they might be able to give us a decent title the first time they do it, but by the their second, third title im 100% sure quality will drop down in the southern hemisphere.
You can do alll that with a PC....Pcs is where its at for the future imo, if ony the avergae consumer would smarten up, then the PC would evolve in to a legimate gaming/central entertainmenthub machine, rather than just the way its now(ie halfway beween the living room and office).
I mean if a company teamed up with Microsoft and repackaed windows and a PC for the gaming/media market it could be great ( i know they tried doing that already with WMC and viiv, but they are failures cause they were not done right).
It would have to bee done right ofcourse and alot of things would have to change and hardware makers and Microsoft would have to team up. Its already half done, they just need to make the next step.
amar1234's comments