ppl are complaing about the price of the PS3 like it is going to kill them. Why?? They say they don't want one and don't care and they think it sucks, so why even bother complaing about it????? About the price for that matter? You have no plans to make it a part of your life, so shut up! And really, I'd like to see some 360 to Wii comparisons. And don't give me that Wii is different it can't be compared, er, yea Nintendo said that, which was a good marketing spin to downplay the massive lack of power in Wii. Take away its controller and what's left? Take away Zelda and what do you currently have?
This has been quoted for good reason, the orginal poster makes many valuable points that Gamespot should take notice to, especially after all those ridiculous claims they make in the article. "What a retarded list. The most effective thing that Sony could have on their side to make PS3's fly off shelves is backing from the media and gaming press. Because right now they are the one's that aren't looking at the situation objectively and are making it seem like Sony is failing in every respect when the truth of the matter is, they are doing just fine at this point in their life cycle. There aren't too strong of indicators that Sony is going to do much worse or better than last generation at this point, but printing stories that say that wouldn't be interesting enough for their audiences. So then the media induces the idea that Sony isn't going to do too hot this generation to the masses and suddenly people are jumping the bandwagon and that, in turn, is what hurts Sony the most. A number of times already, I've mentioned my ownership of a PS3 in front of a group of strangers or acquaintences, and some person asks or says something towards the nature of "why would anyone want to buy the PS3?" They say it with the most shocked and disgusted tones. Usually the general idea in their mind is that the PS3 has no good games. I guess Resistance: Fall of Man isn't enough of a blockbuster hit because "Gears of War is better" and "it looks like Half Life 2", but the unoriginal sequels to PC shooter games that come out for the XBox360 are always worth giving a damn about. I guess Motorstorm and Virtua Fighter 5 are also not worth mentioning either. Then you ask someone who rushed to buy a Wii, what was worth giving a damn about? They answer, "Gameplay! Fun! We don't care about graphics and don't want to pay over $400 to get it!!!" They say this, yet they don't have a PS2. Anyways - back to the article and away from my rant - "Improve Developer Support to Secure More Exclusives" - Sony has more developers than both Microsoft and Nintendo combined. They are spreading as much help as they can with their new hardware. Resources are finite. Sony is probably working head over heels with a lot of developers working on the titles most of us care about like Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, and Killzone. They can't magically spawn more resources to help every game developer interested in making PS3 games out there. They don't have the luxury of having hardware parallel to any multicore PC and an API which is used for PC games like Microsoft's XBox360. They don't have the luxury of only having a faster Emotion Engine and the same Graphics Synthesizer as the PS2 similar to what Nintendo has done with the Wii. Need I mention that Nintendo's help for developers on their console has always been and still is extremely weak? Something else the STI group has been doing is publishing a ton of information on the Cell freely and open to the public since early 2006. I have no doubt that whatever training courses the STI group may charge thousands of dollars for to a development studio, could be self taught from the wealth of resources on the web. "Fix Online Fundamentals Before Going Home" - This section just has a list of greedy and ignorant demands. Voicemail messaging? Given the current infrastructure Sony is most likely using, that would require quite a bit of disk space. Either that, or Sony would have to do whatever the phone companies do which would require an overhaul of their current infrastructure. Standardize Online Features for Multiplayer Games" - Greedy greedy. Many Playstation franchises have roots in superb single player experiences. From there, if the multiplayer growth is natural and appropriate, it will happen as is being done with Warhawk. To point out Tekken and Virtua Figher 5 are failures in showing online support is lame and ignorant to the real reason they don't have multiplayer. "Reconsider the Price" - I should tell Mercedes to reconsider the price on the Z4 if I'm going to consider buying one. Seriously, the thing costs X amount of dollars to make and they can only sell and take a hit to a certain reasonable degree. Really, I think this is the single most significant reason people are pissed off at Sony. They want it so badly, yet they can't shell out $600. In response, they get mad at Sony and want someone with a cheaper console to "win." "Fix Web Browsing and Media Management" - Web browsing on a console shouldn't have to be up to the par of a PC. And crashing after only visiting a few web pages is an overstatement of any kind of problem the browser may have. Media management for music and video has things to be desired, but it's an overstatement to say that they are broken. I watch plenty of videos and have plenty of music on my PS3 and viewing and listening to them in a college party scenario works just fine. "Make Accomplishments Matter" - This entire rant section pretty much is a complaint that achievements go towards something that every gamer sees online when they play against or with you - your gamerscore. Other than being a number, it doesn't mean much unless someone is really digging into your profile to see how you got it. So far, from what we know of Home, the trophy idea is definitely something that rewards players more directly but it only shows up in your private space. I may be being a bit presumptious here, but it seems quite obvious that the trophies are supposed to aesthetically pleasing so you'll want to get them and show them off to friends. This alone holds significant value as I know there are a considerable amount of MMORPGs where some piece of equipment's value may be high simply because of it's aesthetics and difficulty to attain. Simply collecting a trophy is all that Sony has revealed as of now, and obviously if they kept something on this scope under wraps until now, there are probably still many details that have been left out. "Change the Way We Play Games" - I feel that those of us who generally like to use our brains, see through most gimmicks. Playing games hasn't changed since gaming started really. But if I act a little less aware for a moment, I would say Home's potential as a universal lobby for multiplayer games alone makes it far superior change in the way we play games than Nintendo's controller and Microsoft's achievements. A lobby where the communication methods are fully featured, where you have the option of going into private channels to do other non-gaming things together and see the accomplishments of a fellow gamer. Essentially, Home has the potential to make Playstation 3 be one big MMO and the PS3 games are just mini games part of the bigger picture and community. "Experiment With Content Delivery" - How about waiting until they can actually work out all of the licensing agreements. Business is a little bit more complicated than the direct technical implications of offering a service. Also, out of all three of the companies, Sony is probably showing the most consideration against overcharging consumers for what they distribute online. They, and their content providers have commented on making sure that their product comes at a reasonable price to consumers. "Provide Solid Hardware and Product Support" - There are two million PS3s out there already and very few complaints about reliability. Most of us will never have to speak to consumer support. Games support - we are still only 5 months into the life of the PS3. It's way too early to be complaning. I think they are doing pretty good if they already have 3 great exclusives in that span of time. One FPS, one racing, and one fighting - not all shooters. "Start Releasing Good News" - Maybe if idiots like GameSpot stopped publishing the news, it would be obvious that there's plenty to give. Also, good news made public too soon is opportunity for someone else to get up to speed and come out with a competing product or service just to "one up" them. "
I know ppl have been worried about exclusives, but have ppl forgotten about Ratchet and Clank (Remember Incognito is not owned by Sony, it has chosen to stick to Sony's hardware), RFOM, MGS4, Heavenly Sword, Lair, FFXIII, Motorstorm, Killzone, Africa, DMC4, F1, Hot Shots Golf, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Warhawk. To cikago: have you seen Little Big Planet? The new Ratchet and Clank? Heavenly Swrod? You also seem to be overlooking the fact that Sony just released their new dev tool Edge, which is making things a lot easier for developers. A rough start sure, but every system has that prob, look at Wii's game drought and 360's list of ring of death occurences. I think the best thing to do is keep optimistic. Besides, the more consoles the more competitiion the better we consumers make out.
So even if the system had a plethora of A (9) rated games you wouldn't consider it worthy of buying? Spoiled brats are people that have parents who buy them all the systems and then appreciate none. As far as not knowing better, it seemslike a lot of the pro PS3 posters know a lot. Certainly a hell of a lot more than some of the people against PS3, who just go off on unsubstantiated rants about the price. I go to school full time and work late weekends, I bought all the consoles I own with my money so don't call me a brat. Sony has huge plans for the future of PS3 that most recently have been coming into fruition, and they plan to support it for a looong time, I think knowing what the future holds for the PS3 is knowing a lot.
No Anita, the PS3 will not crash while browsing the net unless something goes wrong with your connection. I've done plenty of browsing with it myself and video streaming as well.
Spikeyman, in your angry rant you have made some good points, ppl are complaing about the price of the PS3 like it is going to kill them. Why?? They say they don't want one and don't care and they think it sucks, so why even bother complaing about it????? About the price for that matter? You have no plans to make it a part of your life, so shut up! And really, I'd like to see some 360 to Wii comparisons. And don't give me that Wii is different it can't be compared, er, yea Nintendo said that, which was a good marketing spin to downplay the massive lack of power in Wii. Take away the controller and what do you have? Take away Zelda and what do you currently have?
Why is everyone complaing about rumble? Sony and Immersion settled and of course Sony would have said all those things they did in the past, what the hell is a corporation supposed to say when going through such a legal dispute? This is to nikefreak especially, dude, MS paid them off cause Immersion was suing them too, Sony was just fighting it until the best deal could be worked out. Now they are together and happy and GOW3 is confirmed to support rumble on the PS3. go look on IGN and other sites if you don't believe me.
This has been quoted much and for good reason, the orginal poster makes many valuable points that Gamespot should take notice too, especially after all those ridiculous claims they make in the article. "What a retarded list. The most effective thing that Sony could have on their side to make PS3's fly off shelves is backing from the media and gaming press. Because right now they are the one's that aren't looking at the situation objectively and are making it seem like Sony is failing in every respect when the truth of the matter is, they are doing just fine at this point in their life cycle. There aren't too strong of indicators that Sony is going to do much worse or better than last generation at this point, but printing stories that say that wouldn't be interesting enough for their audiences. So then the media induces the idea that Sony isn't going to do too hot this generation to the masses and suddenly people are jumping the bandwagon and that, in turn, is what hurts Sony the most. A number of times already, I've mentioned my ownership of a PS3 in front of a group of strangers or acquaintences, and some person asks or says something towards the nature of "why would anyone want to buy the PS3?" They say it with the most shocked and disgusted tones. Usually the general idea in their mind is that the PS3 has no good games. I guess Resistance: Fall of Man isn't enough of a blockbuster hit because "Gears of War is better" and "it looks like Half Life 2", but the unoriginal sequels to PC shooter games that come out for the XBox360 are always worth giving a damn about. I guess Motorstorm and Virtua Fighter 5 are also not worth mentioning either. Then you ask someone who rushed to buy a Wii, what was worth giving a damn about? They answer, "Gameplay! Fun! We don't care about graphics and don't want to pay over $400 to get it!!!" They say this, yet they don't have a PS2. Anyways - back to the article and away from my rant - "Improve Developer Support to Secure More Exclusives" - Sony has more developers than both Microsoft and Nintendo combined. They are spreading as much help as they can with their new hardware. Resources are finite. Sony is probably working head over heels with a lot of developers working on the titles most of us care about like Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, and Killzone. They can't magically spawn more resources to help every game developer interested in making PS3 games out there. They don't have the luxury of having hardware parallel to any multicore PC and an API which is used for PC games like Microsoft's XBox360. They don't have the luxury of only having a faster Emotion Engine and the same Graphics Synthesizer as the PS2 similar to what Nintendo has done with the Wii. Need I mention that Nintendo's help for developers on their console has always been and still is extremely weak? Something else the STI group has been doing is publishing a ton of information on the Cell freely and open to the public since early 2006. I have no doubt that whatever training courses the STI group may charge thousands of dollars for to a development studio, could be self taught from the wealth of resources on the web. "Fix Online Fundamentals Before Going Home" - This section just has a list of greedy and ignorant demands. Voicemail messaging? Given the current infrastructure Sony is most likely using, that would require quite a bit of disk space. Either that, or Sony would have to do whatever the phone companies do which would require an overhaul of their current infrastructure. Standardize Online Features for Multiplayer Games" - Greedy greedy. Many Playstation franchises have roots in superb single player experiences. From there, if the multiplayer growth is natural and appropriate, it will happen as is being done with Warhawk. To point out Tekken and Virtua Figher 5 are failures in showing online support is lame and ignorant to the real reason they don't have multiplayer. "Reconsider the Price" - I should tell Mercedes to reconsider the price on the Z4 if I'm going to consider buying one. Seriously, the thing costs X amount of dollars to make and they can only sell and take a hit to a certain reasonable degree. Really, I think this is the single most significant reason people are pissed off at Sony. They want it so badly, yet they can't shell out $600. In response, they get mad at Sony and want someone with a cheaper console to "win." "Fix Web Browsing and Media Management" - Web browsing on a console shouldn't have to be up to the par of a PC. And crashing after only visiting a few web pages is an overstatement of any kind of problem the browser may have. Media management for music and video has things to be desired, but it's an overstatement to say that they are broken. I watch plenty of videos and have plenty of music on my PS3 and viewing and listening to them in a college party scenario works just fine. "Make Accomplishments Matter" - This entire rant section pretty much is a complaint that achievements go towards something that every gamer sees online when they play against or with you - your gamerscore. Other than being a number, it doesn't mean much unless someone is really digging into your profile to see how you got it. So far, from what we know of Home, the trophy idea is definitely something that rewards players more directly but it only shows up in your private space. I may be being a bit presumptious here, but it seems quite obvious that the trophies are supposed to aesthetically pleasing so you'll want to get them and show them off to friends. This alone holds significant value as I know there are a considerable amount of MMORPGs where some piece of equipment's value may be high simply because of it's aesthetics and difficulty to attain. Simply collecting a trophy is all that Sony has revealed as of now, and obviously if they kept something on this scope under wraps until now, there are probably still many details that have been left out. "Change the Way We Play Games" - I feel that those of us who generally like to use our brains, see through most gimmicks. Playing games hasn't changed since gaming started really. But if I act a little less aware for a moment, I would say Home's potential as a universal lobby for multiplayer games alone makes it far superior change in the way we play games than Nintendo's controller and Microsoft's achievements. A lobby where the communication methods are fully featured, where you have the option of going into private channels to do other non-gaming things together and see the accomplishments of a fellow gamer. Essentially, Home has the potential to make Playstation 3 be one big MMO and the PS3 games are just mini games part of the bigger picture and community. "Experiment With Content Delivery" - How about waiting until they can actually work out all of the licensing agreements. Business is a little bit more complicated than the direct technical implications of offering a service. Also, out of all three of the companies, Sony is probably showing the most consideration against overcharging consumers for what they distribute online. They, and their content providers have commented on making sure that their product comes at a reasonable price to consumers. "Provide Solid Hardware and Product Support" - There are two million PS3s out there already and very few complaints about reliability. Most of us will never have to speak to consumer support. Games support - we are still only 5 months into the life of the PS3. It's way too early to be complaning. I think they are doing pretty good if they already have 3 great exclusives in that span of time. One FPS, one racing, and one fighting - not all shooters. "Start Releasing Good News" - Maybe if idiots like GameSpot stopped publishing the news, it would be obvious that there's plenty to give. Also, good news made public too soon is opportunity for someone else to get up to speed and come out with a competing product or service just to "one up" them. "
To jamesmooses, I'm sure you are aware the large cost accrued by Sony for each system they sell, as in they are not yet to the point where they are making money for each system sold, this is unlike the position 360 is currently in. So what makes more business sense, offer as many Ps3's as you can to a place where there is high demand and a large market for video games? or break up that share to offer the system to a place that would be considered a volatile market for a sprouting system?
Someone wrote this in response to this article, which really has some ridiculous claims, as are noted. _________________________________________________________________________ "What a retarded list. The most effective thing that Sony could have on their side to make PS3's fly off shelves is backing from the media and gaming press. Because right now they are the one's that aren't looking at the situation objectively and are making it seem like Sony is failing in every respect when the truth of the matter is, they are doing just fine at this point in their life cycle. There aren't too strong of indicators that Sony is going to do much worse or better than last generation at this point, but printing stories that say that wouldn't be interesting enough for their audiences. So then the media induces the idea that Sony isn't going to do too hot this generation to the masses and suddenly people are jumping the bandwagon and that, in turn, is what hurts Sony the most. A number of times already, I've mentioned my ownership of a PS3 in front of a group of strangers or acquaintences, and some person asks or says something towards the nature of "why would anyone want to buy the PS3?" They say it with the most shocked and disgusted tones. Usually the general idea in their mind is that the PS3 has no good games. I guess Resistance: Fall of Man isn't enough of a blockbuster hit because "Gears of War is better" and "it looks like Half Life 2", but the unoriginal sequels to PC shooter games that come out for the XBox360 are always worth giving a damn about. I guess Motorstorm and Virtua Fighter 5 are also not worth mentioning either. Then you ask someone who rushed to buy a Wii, what was worth giving a damn about? They answer, "Gameplay! Fun! We don't care about graphics and don't want to pay over $400 to get it!!!" They say this, yet they don't have a PS2. Anyways - back to the article and away from my rant - "Improve Developer Support to Secure More Exclusives" - Sony has more developers than both Microsoft and Nintendo combined. They are spreading as much help as they can with their new hardware. Resources are finite. Sony is probably working head over heels with a lot of developers working on the titles most of us care about like Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, and Killzone. They can't magically spawn more resources to help every game developer interested in making PS3 games out there. They don't have the luxury of having hardware parallel to any multicore PC and an API which is used for PC games like Microsoft's XBox360. They don't have the luxury of only having a faster Emotion Engine and the same Graphics Synthesizer as the PS2 similar to what Nintendo has done with the Wii. Need I mention that Nintendo's help for developers on their console has always been and still is extremely weak? Something else the STI group has been doing is publishing a ton of information on the Cell freely and open to the public since early 2006. I have no doubt that whatever training courses the STI group may charge thousands of dollars for to a development studio, could be self taught from the wealth of resources on the web. "Fix Online Fundamentals Before Going Home" - This section just has a list of greedy and ignorant demands. Voicemail messaging? Given the current infrastructure Sony is most likely using, that would require quite a bit of disk space. Either that, or Sony would have to do whatever the phone companies do which would require an overhaul of their current infrastructure. Standardize Online Features for Multiplayer Games" - Greedy greedy. Many Playstation franchises have roots in superb single player experiences. From there, if the multiplayer growth is natural and appropriate, it will happen as is being done with Warhawk. To point out Tekken and Virtua Figher 5 are failures in showing online support is lame and ignorant to the real reason they don't have multiplayer. "Reconsider the Price" - I should tell Mercedes to reconsider the price on the Z4 if I'm going to consider buying one. Seriously, the thing costs X amount of dollars to make and they can only sell and take a hit to a certain reasonable degree. Really, I think this is the single most significant reason people are pissed off at Sony. They want it so badly, yet they can't shell out $600. In response, they get mad at Sony and want someone with a cheaper console to "win." "Fix Web Browsing and Media Management" - Web browsing on a console shouldn't have to be up to the par of a PC. And crashing after only visiting a few web pages is an overstatement of any kind of problem the browser may have. Media management for music and video has things to be desired, but it's an overstatement to say that they are broken. I watch plenty of videos and have plenty of music on my PS3 and viewing and listening to them in a college party scenario works just fine. "Make Accomplishments Matter" - This entire rant section pretty much is a complaint that achievements go towards something that every gamer sees online when they play against or with you - your gamerscore. Other than being a number, it doesn't mean much unless someone is really digging into your profile to see how you got it. So far, from what we know of Home, the trophy idea is definitely something that rewards players more directly but it only shows up in your private space. I may be being a bit presumptious here, but it seems quite obvious that the trophies are supposed to aesthetically pleasing so you'll want to get them and show them off to friends. This alone holds significant value as I know there are a considerable amount of MMORPGs where some piece of equipment's value may be high simply because of it's aesthetics and difficulty to attain. Simply collecting a trophy is all that Sony has revealed as of now, and obviously if they kept something on this scope under wraps until now, there are probably still many details that have been left out. "Change the Way We Play Games" - I feel that those of us who generally like to use our brains, see through most gimmicks. Playing games hasn't changed since gaming started really. But if I act a little less aware for a moment, I would say Home's potential as a universal lobby for multiplayer games alone makes it far superior change in the way we play games than Nintendo's controller and Microsoft's achievements. A lobby where the communication methods are fully featured, where you have the option of going into private channels to do other non-gaming things together and see the accomplishments of a fellow gamer. Essentially, Home has the potential to make Playstation 3 be one big MMO and the PS3 games are just mini games part of the bigger picture and community. "Experiment With Content Delivery" - How about waiting until they can actually work out all of the licensing agreements. Business is a little bit more complicated than the direct technical implications of offering a service. Also, out of all three of the companies, Sony is probably showing the most consideration against overcharging consumers for what they distribute online. They, and their content providers have commented on making sure that their product comes at a reasonable price to consumers. "Provide Solid Hardware and Product Support" - There are two million PS3s out there already and very few complaints about reliability. Most of us will never have to speak to consumer support. Games support - we are still only 5 months into the life of the PS3. It's way too early to be complaning. I think they are doing pretty good if they already have 3 great exclusives in that span of time. One FPS, one racing, and one fighting - not all shooters. "Start Releasing Good News" - Maybe if idiots like GameSpot stopped publishing the news, it would be obvious that there's plenty to give. Also, good news made public too soon is opportunity for someone else to get up to speed and come out with a competing product or service just to "one up" them. "
amazinazihn's comments