There's a number of problems which you'll have to look up on the internet to if you can convert around them:
1) The US has a specific standard of electricity. 110 60Hz... Egypt uses 220 50Hz. The plug size is different. You would damage your 360 by simply using a plug adapter. You'll need a to buy a special 360 "brick" that can converts 220 to 110. They're about $100 on ebay. You might be to use a standard power convertor, but my experience is with electronics that use a good bit of electricity, this be problematic.
2.) Standard video hookups and signals are also different in the US. We use NTSC. Europe uses PAL, and Japan uses something called NTSC-J. Egypt uses SECAM which I've never heard of. They are not intercompatible at all so you'd need to buy another convertor. If you plan to play on high def TV, you may be able to without a convertor, but even those standards can be slightly different. I'm not sure if the 360 is capable of switching between Europe HD and US HD. I know the signal refresh rate is different though.
3.) Region encoded DVD's. If you buy a US 360, it will only read DVD's that are encoded for the North American region. This is a measure DVD companies put in place to help control overseas piracy. However, you can always buy games from the US or buy games that are specified as Region Free over the internet
Point is, if you buy a 360 in New york, you'll need to buy extra stuff. Also, 360's are NEVER on sale. They are sold at a standard fixed price that MS sets. In new york you may find one used, or that was stolen, for less... but you get what you pay for. Be careful buying stuff in NY from small shop vendors!
Why can't you buy a 360 in egypt?
xbox 360 is not sold in egypt.
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