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anablu Blog

The inner workings of my mind.

I think its kind of nice that no one really reads these anymore, it's no pressure to create something creative and interesting...and apparently im not in any danger of doing that because everything i seemed to want to say went out the window the moment i began to type! So in a couple days im about to turn 23 and its the time of year where i start thinking about my life and where i want to be and what i want to be doing.And for the past 3 years its always been negative, well i think its time to start doing it. less sh*t talking. More Action. Man up Ana and do something worthwhile. The first step i have taken is actually getting a deposit together for a house, next step, find a house lol. Hope everything is well for everyone, even of this place is like a ghost town i don't think i will ever fully let go! So i leave you with a song that makes me smile! Xx Ana

She keeps it simple...

Whats up! I am officially a year older,my birthday was yesterday. I went out for Mexican with my family and friends, had a few too many cocktails and had a pretty good day! My friend got me the entire Sookie Stackhouse(of True Blood) set of books and its been said once you read the books you find it a little harder to enjoy the show, but so far i have been able to separate them, however book Sookie is SO much more awesome than Show sookie. Tv wise, i am still keeping up to date with Glee, How I Met Your Mother and The Office.. thats about all i can manage to find time to download:P anyway i think The office is getting a little boring as much as it hurts to say it, i hope the second half of the season gets better!! Music wise its been a good month, got most of the ones i was waiting on, im one of the people that likes to own the hard copy as well as the weird but whatever. Anyway thats about all the news i have. SO enjoy your week. Peace out, Ana.


Hey how goes it with everyone? I actually just got home after 5 days in Adelaide, South Australia. And by just got home i mean last night at like 9pm, after a 12 and a half hour train ride between 2 states. Ahhh the train, i thought this would be a cool,fun way to see the south western part of fair Australia...Yeah it wasn't. It was BORING.. and i can generally amuse myself. But yes Adelaide was beautiful, it definatly turned on the warm weather for us.I even went to the beach.. in mid October:O. It was nice to get away for a couple of days after a particularly brutal couple of months!! Im a bit behind on blogs and things so if i missed some i apologise, i won't say i will try and get up to date, because i think we both know that is unlikely to happen, you are looking at an upper level procratinator here, who instead of uploading photos and replying to Emails, has managed to write a blog, tool around on Youtube and Twitter and watch about 10 tv show episodes today, so all in all, i think its been a productive day lol. See this got long that must tell you im avoiding something:P Back to work on Monday.. not looking foward to that at all. Anyways enjoy your weekend until next time. Ana.

It never sounds as cool as what i think in my head.

How goes it my friends? Hope everyone is doing well. So its been almost a month..that might be a little exaggeration lol but anyway things have been really busy the past couple of weeks, i have taken to going to the Gym every night after i finish work,I find it helps getting out the frustrations with a good old fashioned beat down of the punching bag.Plus hot guys tend to occasionally stroll through, so i have yet to find a downside.Though im sure i will tire of it soon, i am said to have a short attention span. I never know what to write in these things, sometimes its just enough to get the feelings out then delete it all. Today however i feel like sharing... I recently had a death in my family.. and im not the kind of person who dwells on things and gets emotional, but this one has just really kicked my butt.I feel like i have grown up more in the past 2 weeks than i have in the past 2 years. Its weird how sometimes one event can have such a significant impact on you. Im So glad all the good tv has come back.. but now i have to work out when everything is on and find time to watch it or download,i am already unbelievably behind. 24 hours in a day is just not working for me.Fix please. Thats about all the ramblings of a sleep deprived fool you need for now, until we meet again. Ana.

It seems an age since Ive seen you...

Strangely enough i have been out in the real world as of late, my laptop decided to not want to be friends anymore... after i thought it a GREAT idea to network all the computers in my house.. never stopping to think that i am very technologically inept lol. Needless to say i F'd it up and computer said no. So i apologise for all the blogs i missed. I was sad to hear about Patrick Swayze passing away this week, i remember as a kid being creepily fascinated with him in Dirty Dancing.My childhood best friend and i used to steal her mums VHS and hide in the garage to watch it.You put up an amazing fight Swayze. Probably cant go through a blog without mentoning the VMA's, WHOA is all i have to say and not even a Kanye WHOA its well known he is a dick so i dont know why everyone was so shocked, this one is reserved for Gaga.What in the heck was that red, face covering, completly bizarro thing she was wearing, i know people think she is awesome and creative or whatever, but do you really need to try that hard to show how "different" and "edgy" you are? she annoys me, the end. I have never been an outdoorsy kind of person, but im finding that lately nothing compares to sitting outside in the sun reading a book, and just generally enjoying the peace of it all? I guess i have mellowed out a lot in my old age:P This has just turned into Garbage , so congrats i you even skim it. Enjoy your week guys. Ana. Powderfinger at its best, hope their upcoming album is as good or better. The second half of this year is shaping up to give us some good music. ( i dont know how to do the cool links now:P Sorry.)

It's what you want the most, and most resist.

Hello, how is everyone doing? Been trying to blog for a couple days.. but my thinking is i should'nt have to force it and if i do, its obviously not interesting enough... a bit like where this is I had no work today, my boss called and told me not to come in, apparently the economic crisis has only just got here.. we are behind as per usual:P but anyway it puts me out of whack having a day off mid week.I already have everything done and organised.. Friday is not going to know what happened to it when im not running around like an insane person. So there has been a lot of buzz already over this years lineup for Big Day Out, as i say every year,i REALLY want to be there.. the rumours floating around ( not at all credible sources) include, Blink 182,Muse, Kasabian, Depeche Mode, The Mars Volta, Jet...I would be pretty Psyched if the Blink rumour turns out to be true. But in any case we are guaranteed some quality acts because its not considered one of the best music festivals in the world, for serving up sh*t bands. I think thats about all i have. till next time. Ana.

How much of what you say is a lie?...

I have been confined to my house all weekend due to a particularly vicious bout of tonsilitis.Cabin Fever has set in. I have been switching between The office season 5 and Bones episodes all day. I am so far beyond bored it is not funny. Thank god for work tomorrow. Hope everyone had a nice weekend.

I guess I've got to find myself..

So finally after 3 years, 2 major surgeries and almost 17,000 dollars, i have no braces, its such a strange feeling..not the braces thing but like having a whole new face..i dont look like me anymore? which im not sure is a bad thing but i just feel different.. its taking time to adjust to it.. probably not a good thing to be almost 22 and suffering an identity crisis.

oh, reckless abandon...

Hey guys, who knows if this will stay, because the last blog certainly did not, but lets have a go... i cant believe its already August.I dont like time moving so fast..especially when i feel like i have not accomplished a whole lot lately..besides having fun. So i went to see WICKED and it was amazing, a little slower paced than i predicted but fantastic non the less, the only bad thing is we got both the female lead understudies.. its pretty unusual to have both at the same time.. but they were actually very talented so im not complaining. Last weekend, i checked out something i have been waiting to see for a while, The Salvadore Dali exhibition, for those of you playing at home, he was a Spanish born, surrealist/impressionistic artist who is best known for his works of melting clocks. Sorry to get all boring on you, but art is something i love, anyway i took photos.....of outside:P because you cant bring cameras in.. i realised after it got confiscated lol..    I really just want my shows to come back now, The office,Chuck,Gossip Girl,How i met your mother...hurry up and end northern summer!! Hope everyone has a great weekend. Ana