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anablu Blog

This time...

My Uncle returned from Canada today, without my hot canadian boy as promised :( no im kidding...he says it was great and this has only fueled my travel bug.. we are the only people in my family who have any desire to travel which is weird.. but cool with me, because he goes to all these amazing places, like japan and canada and gives me tips on where to stay and what to do.. so that when i FINALLY get to get out of here, i will have some sort of a clue as to what i am doing:P I have not been up to much lately, watching a lot of DVD's because its been way to cold to go out anywhere..I finished season 4 of Outrageous Fortune and have now Started my Chuck Marathon and i am really getting into it... I really had somthing to say, but it seems to have been misplaced in the jungle that is my brain. Until next time, stay cool. Ana

This is truth in captivity

Well what do you know, I can blog more than once every few months, the colder weather seems to bring me inside and onto Itunes and eventually here.. I am working 12 days in a row with no breaks and it sucks, but it must be done, the positive person in me says its a good thing, the pessimistic slacker in me is hating every moment of it.

I picked up the much anticipated( well for me anyway) second album by Perth band Karnivool and man its full of win.. not a song i dont like.. check out Set fire to the hive, Goliath and from their first album , Themata.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend, im going to go and crash now, the effects of my coffee and red bull are wearing off in a major way.


I dont wanna know what kind of cocktail you are....

Hi guys, We victorians, or actually i think all Australians.. have a public holiday on monday, due to it being the Queens Birthday, and usually im not a big fan of hers.. but i just thought it appropriate to say thanks for having a birthday, keep them coming:D I had some other junk to say.. but its not actually that interesting lol. Hope you are all keeping well and the summer/ winter months are being kind... i dont know if i have reiterated this enough... i freakin love winter:D

Wise by no means...

Its has been a while my friends, almost a month and a half, its strange how something that used to be a really big part of a daily routine suddenly becomes a little less important, and by that i dont mean you guys you all rule and you know it:)( the whole like 5 people i still know on here:P).Just the frequent blogging and internet obsession thing. I just kind of went and found myself a life...its taken a little getting used to actually having things to really outting my nerd status now..freaked out by having friends:lol:. Onto some tv happenings, i usually dont even talk about tv but lets have a go, Prison Break is on its last legs which is a little sad, but most definatly time,you can tell they are stretching for storylines.It will be weird when its gone, i can only hope it ends positively, i do NOT want a cliffhanger, i will most definalty kick some a.s.s if that happens. Im really getting into the office and How i met your mother..oh and Gossip Girl, mostly for Chuck and Blair. Josh if you mess this one up, you will have many hoards of tween girls hunting you down. I went off Greys Anatomy for a while, but decided to give it a second chance.. mostly because i had nothing to watch...Its getting into winter now, which means shows are ending. whoo One Tree Hill wedding.:D I hope everyone has a good week. Hopefully it goes fast i already need weekend and its MOnday!! Ana.

Morphine, the greatest invention since nothing.

Just thought i should spread the message that i did not in fact die, it all went well and apart from the most intense pain i have ever felt in my 21 years of life, im doing good. I now just have to cope with the boredom. Hope all you guys are doing well.



Hey friends, for those of you playing at home, just wanted to let you know that i wont be around for a bit, due to circumstances that have been well advertised ( im getting my face cut up and my wisdom teeth taken out). So this is my last blog.. ooooh. Hope everyone stays cool whilst im gone!! Lets hope i dont die.yay.


Waiting for a knock coming way too late...

Whats up!

I have been a bit anti social around here lately, but it seems like everyone wants to leave which i think sucks, everyone should just stay and be cool i like talking to you guys!!.

Everyone seems to have interesting stories to blog about and i do to, but im just not as adept at putting my thoughts into anything resembling coherency, but we shall have a go, Thursday night was my best friends 21st birthday,so it was party weekend, many alcohols were consumed. tsk tsk.Im aussie what can i say?:P

Saturday we went to the Gold C.lass theaters at crown casino in Melbourne and dude, movies MUST always be seen that way, in recline position with cocktails on tap.We saw Watchmen and though a little long, it was pretty good in my book and the soundtrack was killer!!

Thats about all i got, Ana.

Oh, so they have Internet on computers now!

I have been very infrequent with my internet usage for the past couple of weeks and while it was not my own doing,it has actually been good, its weird what you can accomplish in a day without feeling the need to check every kind of mail you have every 5 seconds. I have been doing a lot of reading and being very introspective, i have so far taken my book count to 18.. while not really where i had hoped to be in the number stakes.. Most have actually been quality so therefore i analyze and re-read parts.

In 3 weeks i am having surgery on my jaw and i have 2 weeks off work after that, so i am trying to find things to occupy my time, but i read the books i bought and i am watching the DVD's as well, Thats what i get for having no self control.... i will have to do a massive supply run the day before so i dont have the time to read/watch them all!! Oh and Health insurance is bogus apparently my "optional" surgery is not covered, urgh being an adult sucks.

I dont really have anything else to talk about. Hope everyone is having a good march....

You can sit beside me when the world comes down..

Hello. I have not blogged in a while, a lot has been going on... remember when i said that this year so far has been kind to me? yeah i spoke too soon lol, but im not going to go straight to negativity, it has not all been bad just not really what i was expecting.Nothing like a good surprise from life i guess.

*Probably should say i did'nt mean for this to have that feel sorry for me vibe, it was more of an observation that things dont always go to plan and that it is not always a bad thing.