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anablu Blog

All the small things...

Hey guys im feeling in a random blogging mood so thought why not? oooh plus i want 100 blogs:P So how is everyone?? me im doin okay feeling the start of winter its getting mighty cold which i LOVE:D

What I have learned as I have matured

I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in.

I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just a$$holes.

I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.

I've learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you'd better have a big weenie or huge boobs.

I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are more screwed up than you think.

I've learned that you can keep puking long after you think you're finished.

I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are celebrities.

I've learned that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades, and there had better be a lot of money to take its place.

I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away.

And just some more delightfulness:P

favorite book as of now:It changes all the time.. but either my Cobain bio or Twilight:P

scariest moment of your life:Almost drowning and choking to death.. and being in a car accident.. wow i have a few...

what music were you listening to 5 years ago?:oooh so like year 10... i had a thing for 60's music all the pop stuff lol

middle name.: Lee

the last time you had really good sushi, and where was it?: Um.. some place in melb

guilty pleasure music?: one song i will just say it, Footloose- Kenny loggins:)

how many hours of sleep do you need?: need? like 8.. get like 6

do you tend to rush things, or take your time?:It depends,if i like what im doing, take my time, if it annoys me i power through

what color looks best on you?: best probably blue.. or purple or black no pinks or reds...

favorite food to make for other people?: Paella i love it

any allergies?:Um... Betadine and dust mites:P

if you could visit anywhere in the world where would it be?: JAPAN im obsessed

is romeo and juliet overrated?: hmmn probably but its still a sweet story.. minus the dying of course

Thats it from me guys BYEEEEEEEE


A little bit of resolve....

I have the worst Ear infection... my head feels like is about to explode.. its not fun and now i can barely hear!!Good blog..very blog worthy news :P


Reluctant Icon

Today i found the one thing i have been searching for, The much coveted Kurt Cobain Biography, titled Heavier than Heaven i have been scouring every single bookstore i could find for this book, and today i hit the jackpot, now as most of you are now aware i have a small obsession with Kurt Cobain, an this bok is GREAT i must say i got it and read like 4 chapters straight away i could not put it down, so i highly recommend it :D Thats all i just wanted to share my find.. And a big thanks to Mouchey for giving me the heads up Mucho appreciated buddy:D ANA

On this day 24 years ago....

Our lovely Nats was born:D


To my first and close friend Nats , we all love you heaps and wish you a fantastic day make sure you have one or 5 for me:P

Okay so here is my real blog:D

HAHAHAHA just cos its funny

Time for cakes now i got lots of kinds cos i like to share:D

and my personal fave ICE CREAM:D this is GLORIOUS!!!!

Now your sure you will love!!


And Booze in a drip to save time with tthat pesky swallowing thing:roll::lol:

Almost done now and because we are such GANGSTAS:lol: some love!!

Just to let everyone know i will be AWOL from From Tomorrow morning until sunday as i am going away for the easter Weekend, im going to visit my cousins in Bendigo..its like 5 hrs from me, So that will give me something to do and me and my sister are sharing a hotel room, we have not lived together for at least 5 years:lol: so that should go down well!!!So everyone have a GREAT and Safe easter:

Ana xx

HEHEHE now some man meat for Nats

Getting it over with...

Since this does not seem to be going away:roll: i was tagged.. these things are like freakn chain letters.. NEVERENDING.. but im not tagging anyone else:P i REFUSE very rebellious i am!!Thanks BTW Suze: Now to be extra individual, Hayls AKA Hayley4Naley is going to make my list:D

My first fun fact 1.these are Hayleys words by the way:lol:

"You show your love of friends by paying them out a hell of a lot with ridiculous nick names such as boofhead or maniac"... this is true:lol:


"you sometimes have deep dark philosophical-like thoughts"


"You are madly obsessed with rockstars the movies, the songs, the hotties and the music" Kurt Cobain= Genius


"You are so much smarter than you think you are!" :P


You are extremely mature and independent for your age, this one makes me laugh the hardest!!!!!

There so please no more taggy :lol:


Edit: You know what the worst thing EVER is having to work on one of your only days off:roll: it SUCKS, seriously i work mon-fri 8am till 5pm but i get weekends free, which i usually use to sleep and or do fun things but not yesterday, i was called up at 7am when i was sleeping away peacefully,blissfully unaware of the suckiness that was about to happen, when i recieved a phone call from my boss informing me that i was to work from 9-5 because apparently everyone else had plans.. HELLO i freakin had plans too, but those buttheads know i need the money so i wouldnt say no. its very annoying.So i worked all day in this unseasonable heat wave.NOT HAPPY, oh but YAY money:lol: there we go my rant is now done .

just a boredom buster.. until my thoughts come together

Hey guys :D i stole this from someone, possible sass who stole it from suze i think.. or mouchey? i dunno but im bored and my serious blog is in the works so you get this first:D

1. What's your name?

this is all i found lol...

2. Favourite food type?

3. Relationship status?

4. Celebrity Crush?
i think this is common knowledge

5. Fave Show?

6. A band you like?

7. What did you have for breakfast?

8. One thing you're wearing?

9. Fave colour?

10. One word to describe you?

11. Your thoughts on the last person you were with?

12. Electronic you personally love?
would DIE without it

13. Fun thing you did in the past three months?

14. Song you currently have stuck in your head?

There we go BYE


Black Tears..

I have found a new Television Obsession it is the show Brothers&Sisters, so i usd to watch this show very once in a while and then got the first season on DVD recently and was OMG i need to watch this show, its awsome i really love how the family is dysfunctional like any normal family, i hate when shows depict life as this fabulous uncomplicated lovefest. They are like my Family sarcasm filled but really care for each other.

Another Drawcard for this show is the delightful Dave Annable, who plays the youngest Walker and Heroic soldier Justin...*sighs*

Just thought i would share with you guys my new Ship ...Chuck and Blair from Gossip Girl, so wrong yet so good!!

Okay well not much is going on with me, well nothing i want to share with the world anyways, so thats about it from outie lol


His world is built on punctuality....

Well well, welcome to the randomness that is Tuesday the 11th of February:D Not much to report on from me, so i will fill you up on pictures i think are super cool:D

HAAHAHAH cutie mouse, with his little helmet:D

Im watching you:P good god i need a life:lol:

Hmmn okay so i remember what i wanted to say, i will soon be a travelling woman, no its not the international kind of travel, but as you guys are aware, throught various ramblings of mine, my bst friend recently moved away and i am inded going to visit her up in Sunny Queensland on march the 12th for her B'day:D so yay fun times will be had:P THEN just because i can, i am going to less sunny but suprmely funt Jamberoo in NEw South Wales to visit my good buddy Hayls. AKA Hayley4Naley on so there we go i HAVE PLANS, and i am excited to be getting out of my sucky little town even if only for a few short days!!!!

Hmmn what else i dont think there is anything Else, so im out guys


SHIRAN is a big 22 year old......

This Blog is to honour the Birthday of my good buddy SHIRAN who is now 22 as of yesterday, i know i am late buddy but it was due to technical difficulties i didnt do this sooner, because as promised i will return the favour, you did a blog for me:D so here is yours!!

Okay now for the birthday blog hotties:wink:

Some presents

cocktails:P yum!!

Shirans best friend the CHOCOLATE:D

I think thats about it, LOVE YA BUDDY hope it was a good one:D Im out Ana