I must say that is quite unfortunate that Gamespot is limiting itself to Skyrim when showcasing mods. There are tons, TONS of great mods out there for games like Max Payne 2, much of the Total War games, Arma 2, the S.T.A.L.K.E.R games, Freelancer, and of course Half Life 2. Just last weekend on September 1st, a group of talented developers calling themselves "We Create Stuff" released what is arguably the most ambitious Half Life 2 mod ever created, Underhell. If features a dynamic, incredible music score, non-linear level design, a surprisingly well-crafted story, full voice acting, NPC sidequests, and its around 15 hours long. I have been enjoying the hell out of this mod, and I think its a great disservice that Gamespot is not covering great, free content like this.
@GONtheSKYLORD So, it is safe to frequent the comment sections of GTA V related content without fear of some jackass spoiling the ending? Good, because I had the misfortune of having the ending of Bioshock: Infinite spoiled for me about a week before release. I really don't want that to happen again.
I said it before, and I'll say it again. No Japanese publisher cares more about PC gamers than Square Enix. When you buy a Square Enix game on the PC you can rest assured it will be well optimized with very customizable and extensive graphics options. Good on you Square!
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