It's not going to replace the controller. Even Nintendo realized the necessity of buttons with the WiiMote. Nice tech but amazingly limited for gaming applications.
anarchist4eva's forum posts
Of course Americans love "Made in the USA". How else do you explain all those USA made 360's getting sold at IndoChina (otherwise known as Wal-Mart)?
Not gonna happen. If it survives... if... it will occupy a niche in the market much like satellite radio and the news blogs. There is always concern with "The next big thing" that all the old forms of media and entertainment are doomed to failure. But the consumer makes the ultimate choice and consoles are here to stay until the infrastructure supports "True" fat-pipe broadband nationwide that does't lag and click on and off when overloaded or any number of other issues. How close are we to having that type of broadband service nationwide? we can't even get 3G phone service in large swaths of the country. Nice idea with Onlive. But hard to sell something like that to a jaded public who can't keep a phone call connected oftentimes.
Let's see... Fewer developers and fewer publishers now because of the economics of the business. That means fewer and smaller teams making games for the foreseeable future. Platforms will out of necessity have to be kept relevant longer as the consumer is getting more picky with the dollars they spend. I think this evidence alone will make longer development times the norm. So we should all get used to being more picky with our gaming dollar and ringing every once of enjoyment from the games we buy. Just my opinion.
As much as you post on here you expect us to believe you have all that hardware to play? Nice try but no.
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