anarchist4eva's forum posts
For all of you older users out there that are married & thought that women were indecisive & hard to figure out, check out these M$ execs. They are more indecisive than even my wife thought possible.
What's wrong with giving fans of a particular game series what they want? Nintendo has done this for decades with Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc. Like them or not they have been good to their fan base. Same can be said for Bungie or Blizzard. I mean when was the last Blizzard game that was all new & original? And how about those clowns at Valve. If it's not an FPS they won't go near it. Nothing wrong with giving fans of your games fan service.
I bought for the snazzy ad campaign Sony is running now. I'm easily influenced since I'm a Sony cow!
Now that's funny! Best response to this thread so far!Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the Microsoft Empire and its xbox last for a thousand years, men will still say, This was their finest hour.
I thought the title of this thread said something about Uncharted 2. But clearly I was mistaken. It's about Halo! That's right 360 has Halo! Decent sales numbers for UC2 but we have Halo. Did I mention that we have Halo? You Sony cows will never have Halo! Only us lemmings that follow M$ will ever get to experience all that Halo goodness! Too bad for UC2 as it will NEVERbe Halo! It's all about Halo!
Stop everything you are doing immediately! Seek professional help from a therapist! You are hanging by a very thin thread my friend. I hope you don't lose it anytime soon.
All new versions of Windows since the hallowed '95 have been trouble from the start. M$ just hasn't got it right with this thing in light of all the problems that pop up when you upgrade. That's just my opinion of course but I'm far from being alone with it.
Sony is 1 of 11 different companies that developed the Blu-Ray standard format. So while they have a share in it's outcome they are not the trademark holder exclusively. As for M$ possibly doing a stand alone drive for the 360 it only makes sense. Unlike say S. Korea, Japan, & many EU countries the US is nowhere near ready for full digital distribution. Too much of this country is rural with no investment by the technology providers to move to a total digital distribution model. But that day will come. Til then Blu-Ray makes sense for all parties involved. Physical media is not going anywhere in the short term.
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