@speed45823: I always play on the hardest difficulty and it's my bad habit that I make up a plan and execute it which makes the game harder than it is. I'm just worried it may not be challenging enough even with my horrendous playing habits but I guess it will be.
kek I finished the previous Dishonored using Blink and Possession alone. It was more fun that way.
I like how the reviewer focused on the creativity aspect, which, to me, was the most important aspect of Dishonored. Good review. It's a shame though that it doesn't offer much challenge but hey, looks bloody brilliant regardless.
@silversix_: I'm not Japanese but I liked that boss too. In terms of design, it was one of the superior, if not most superior, bosses. The overall aesthetic, the atmosphere of the arena, made it a memorable fight (though not challenging at all). I still fondly remember the first time I saw the opening cutscene. I was impressed from the onset.
AND1SALTTAPE's comments