If they hit their target market, yes the Xbox One could sell some serious huge numbers. I don't know if people care that much about an expensive BluRay player that you can talk to though.
I don't know who they're targeting, I don't think they know who they're targeting. I guess they're targeting a make-believe audience who doesn't have TV, has never heard of a PVR or a HTPC but loves to watch sport on TV.
MS might want to have a little chat to the guys and gals behind the project because it's up sh&t creek without a paddle atm.
I don't see this as a huge issue. Just add a large USB 3.0 drive. It's a pain but not a deal breaker. It's too bad then that there are about five other deal breakers with Xbox 720 (refuse to call it Xbox One, that name is just moronic in the extreme).
andmcq's comments