This news is old now, and there are alot better pics than that, but still it does look amazing!THE GAME LOOKS FRIGGEN SWEET !
Main highlights
- One campaign focusing on Nathan Hale across USA, 1 player
- One separate story based campaign supporting 2 players offline, 8 players Online
- Online Multiplayer (dedicated servers) supporting 60 people
- ****s for online: Heavy, Special Ops, Medic
- New vehicles including Chameleon (Stalker with cloak)
- Partial randomized geometry in level spots
- Insane stat tracking coupled with
The game will be realesed in fall 08 with a wealth of new features over the first game.
What do you think guys ?
andyplatinum's forum posts
it is alot quiter than the 360 and if you do find a problem, Sony will give you a new one if you have your warranty. It is simple to connect to a wireless network, and it is 100% free! You probably kno it has blue-ray and more exclusives than the 360, oh and a HD tv could help aswell. andyplatinum
where is Warhawk?dstryr13Its a good game but is only-online and i don't think it will be what the ps3 should call its game of the year
if a game(exclusive) curently released not present in the poll u think will break the 1 million please mentionmarkito_95resistance already has and motorstorm is very close and then there is all the multi-plats
Haze looks really good and Halo 3 was a big letdown so I'll say yes. And I only own a 360 and I'm mainly a 360 fan so don't flame me for that comment, I'm just speaking what I think.Bladefighter23You are the first 360 owner who isn't a fanboy I know
Haze will not trash Halo. You just are just a disgruntled fanboy that is upset that you are never going to get any decent games on the PS3. Halo and Half-Life are the foundation of Sc-fi FPS games, and both of them will never be beaten. TMontana1004How ama fanboy. I have oth consoles and I don't think Halo was that good. I am sure a fanboy like you doesn't like at least one game on your (360) console
[QUOTE="andyplatinum"]I will tell you what I think.........stop with the jokes cause you have no future in the comedy biz........HAZE better than Halo 3.......hahahaha. Yay more fanboysI was hugely disappointed in Halo 3, it wasn't anywhere near as god as the previews or reviews say. However Haze looks to be a very revolutionary game and in my opinion will beone of the many new reasons tobuy a PS3.
What do you think?
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