@Messenger360p actually it's "you're stupid for buying an over priced cable box(x1)....wait, sony is going to do the same thing....this is awesome..sony rocks!"
say what? E3 was focused on games for MS. Yes their reveal prior to E3 was tv focused, but who cares. Would it have made sense to talk about games in the reveal and then TV(and other functions) during E3? E3 is for games, the reveal is to show the system. MS has promised more money for game development than sony has made in profits. Yet, you drones still want to say "yeah but Sony is the only one being serious about games."
They took the reveal as an opportunity to tell you about things you didn't know about the machine. We all knew it could play games, but we didn't know exactly how the other features would make.
At E3, the only think I remember about sony is them telling us why not to buy an X1 rather than what was so good about their system. I realized they showed some games, but only the diehard sony fans say their lineup was better. This is not to say this won't change, next week could shift that back to their column.
Sony didn't even show the system at their reveal. I would think at a reveal you would, you know, have your system there for people to see instead of what they did. You act as though e3 was their official reveal and not giving MS the same benefit.
Please, stop with the double speak. You've been around these forums long enough to know what I'm talking about. The TV functions of the x1 were used as a weapon by you drones. Sony is incorporating it as well, but that ok because they revealed it differently? That my friend is hypocrisy.
I'm speaking in general. is this your first time on the comments section here? What I said was exactly what the majority of Sony fans have been saying. MS was ripped to shreds for having a machine that can do more than games.
I don't care Sony is doing this, it's a good move on their part. What I find annoying is the hypocrisy in the PS4 community, as well as Sony itself implying they were focused on games while MS was not.
you fail so hard. It's not about what sony is doing, it's about you drones telling us for months how the PS4 is for the "hardecore" and how the X1 isn't focusing on games. Now the argument is what you stated and how it's ok for sony to put resources into the feature because they presented it better.
Come on, you know one of the main things the X1 was bashed for was for being more than just a gaming machine. Now that we know Sony wants to do something similar, "It's ok because it's sony doing it."
You drones have two ways to take that foot out of your mouth: boycott the ps4, or admit you were terribly stupid for bashing the X1 for it's TV features.
haha, that's such a twist. The Sony reveal didn't even show the system if I'm not mistaken.
I love how the arguement went from "X1 isn't for true gamers because it focuses on TV" to "It's okay for Sony to incorporate TV because they presented it better."
MS invested more money in gaming(1B) than sony made in profits last year.
The problem isn't sony doing this, this is actually a smart move on their part. The problem is all you hack drones made fun of MS for making a 'glorified cable box". What's even better is now you are splitting hairs trying to save face.
You drone have two ways to take that foot out of your mouth: boycott the ps4, or admit you were terribly stupid for bashing the X1 for it's TV features.
Sony doesn't exactly have unlimited cash flow. The money paid for these TV contracts could've been better spent on gamin. I thought this was a "hardecore Gamer" machine?
angryguy77's comments