@sammoth @angryguy77 @malokevi Symptoms of Histrionic Personality Disorder Individuals with histrionic personality disorder: Display excessive but shallow emotions and attention-seeking behaviors. These individuals are constantly “performing” in order to gain attention.Experience fleeting moods, opinions, and beliefs. They are also very suggestible and quick to respond to fads. Now who among us fits that description?????
@MAGIC-KINECT @angryguy77 I'm 100% confident it will work just fine.It has been demoed and even IGN said it worked great.But please continue the hate...I need the laughs.
@northArrow @MAGIC-KINECT You're troll abilities are decreasing. You're not even making sense anymore(not that you made much in the past).
I'm looking forward to seeing how the kinect works with this. I know it will alert the zombies if it hears you, I just wonder if there will be any other features.The game just looks like it will be a blast. Hope it delivers.
@northArrow @sammoth pretty sad that you feel the need to spend so much time talking trash about a video game console.Not much else going on in your life is there?
@malokevi hahah they can't even talk about their own system without bashing the x1. They really have a strange obsession with it.I'd love to hear what a psychiatrist would say about them. There has to be a name for it.
@malokevi @angryguy77 So we might actually get to read some decent threads??? Guess there's a first time for everything.
@malokevi @angryguy77 well, it won't be long till the rest of their buddies pile on. I give it about 5 minutes.
@malokevi @angryguy77 hope it's not a fatal attraction type thing. Don't know why it bothers them so much that you like the x1.
angryguy77's comments