chapter 5 of the naruto VS avatar series
Chapter 5:Grass bender
In the avatar world naruto and aang was still fighting. Aang just descovered that he can do grass baneding. "Woah what is this"!? aang said. Naruto stould still. "Are you grassbending"? katara said. "Whats grassbending i never heard of it"? "your bending grass" said katara. Aang was ready to fight. "This battle is going to end now!" said aang. Aang grass beneded at naruto. Naruto fell to the ground. Aang then earthbended at naruto. Katara water bended at naruto. "thats it im going in" said sasuke. Sasuke got in the fight. Aang grass bended at sasuke. Sasuke did fire ball juitsu followed by sharigan. Aang fell to a rock nearby. "Im going in the fight too" said toph. Toph earthbended at naruto. Everyone was aganist eachother. Aang said "lets call a truce". Naruto agreed. "We dont belong here" said naruto. Everyone was confused. Naruto saidto kakashi "wheres that scroll?" "i dont know". said kakashi. "But i bet these jerks dontknow where it is" said sasuke. "toph said "shut up we dont even know what your talking about!" "yeah!" said sokka. "Hey dont talk to sasuke like that!" sakura siad to toph. They both looked angry at eachother. "Guys shut up we just gotta find the scroll" said sasuke. Toph looked mad at sasuke. She then earthbended him to a rock over there. "HEY WHY YOU DID THAT FOR!!!!???" said sakura. Sasuke said to toph "you wanna fight me?". "Bring it on" said toph. Sasuke did sharigan. "Not another fight again" said kakashi. Toph earthbended at sasuke. Sasuke did fire ball juitsu. Toph dodged it and tuke a big rock and threw it at sasuke. "THATS IT!" said sakura. Sakura threw a kuni at toph. Toph dodged it and ignored sakura, she just wanted to fight sasuke. Sasuke said "this is enough". Sasuke threw a coulple of kuni's at her. Toph dodged it and then threw 4 big rocks at him. Sasuke did fire ball jutisu to blow up the rocks. "This ends now!" said toph
Chapter 6: "Sasuke VS toph" comming tommorow!
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