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A Meme Because I'm Bored

A meme I stole ages ago from (I think) shui3. And I'm endlessly bored... So, here we go:

[x] I think I'm ugly sometimes.
[x] I have many scars.
[x] I tan easily.
[ ] I wish my hair was a different color. (Well, not any more now that it's dyed :) )
[x] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[ ] I have a tattoo.
[ ] I am self-conscious about my appearance.
[ ]I have/I've had braces.
[ ] I wear glasses.
[ ] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
[x] I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger.
[ ] I have more than 2 piercing.
[ ] I have piercing in places besides my ears.
[ ] I have freckles.
[ ] I hate my dad
[ ] I hate my mom
[ ] I have a brother
[x] I have a sister
[x] I've sworn at my parents.
[ ] I've run away from home.
[ ] I've been kicked out of the house.
[ ] My biological parents are together
[ ] I have a sibling less than one year old.
[x] I want to have kids someday. (50-50… I don't really think about it, but I'm not saying I NEVER want kids)
[ ] I've had children.
[ ] I've lost a child.
[x] I'm in school.
[ ] I have a job.
[x] I've fallen asleep at work/school.
[ ] I almost always do my homework.
[x] I've missed a week or more of school.
[ ] I've been on the Honor Roll within the last 2 years.
[ ] I failed more than 1 class last year.
[ ] I've stolen something from my job.
[ ] I've been fired.
[x] I've slipped out an "lol" in a spoken conversation.
[x] Disney movies still make me cry. (Only movies that make me cry, actually)
[ ] I've peed from laughing.
[x] I've snorted while laughing.
[x] I've laughed so hard I've cried.
[x] I've glued my hand to something.
[ ] I've had my pants rip in public.
[ ] I was born with a disease/impairment.
[ ] I've gotten stitches/staples.
[x] I've broken a bone
[ ] I've had my tonsils removed
[x] I've sat in a doctor's office/emergency room with a friend.
[ ] I've had my wisdom teeth removed.
[ ] I had a serious surgery.
[ ] I've had chicken pox.
[ ] I was born in a different country.
[ ] I've driven over 200 miles in one day.
[x] I've been on a plane.
[ ] I've been to Canada.
[ ] I've been to Mexico.
[ ] I've been to Niagara Falls.
[ ] I've been to Japan.
[ ] I've celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[x] I've been to Europe
[x] I've been to Africa.
[x] I've gotten lost in my city.
[x] I've seen a shooting star.
[x] I've wished on a shooting star.
[ ] I've seen a meteor shower.
[ ] I've gone out in public in my pajamas.
[x] I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator. (Mature, I know)
[x] I've kicked a guy where it hurts. (Accident)
[ ] I've been to a casino.
[ ] I've been skydiving.
[x] I've gone skinny dipping.
[x] I've played spin the bottle.
[ ] I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
[ ] I've crashed a car.
[x] I've been Skiing.
[x] I've been in a play.
[ ] I've met someone in person from myspace.
[x] I've caught a snowflake on my tongue.
[ ] I've seen the Northern lights.
[x] I've sat on a roof top at night.
[ ] I've played chicken.
[x] I've played a prank on someone.
[x] I've ridden in a taxi.
[x] I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[x] I've eaten sushi.
[x] I've been snowboarding.
[ ] I'm single.
[x] I'm in a relationship.
[ ] I'm engaged.
[ ] I'm married.
[ ] I've gone on a blind date.
[ ] I've been the dumpee more than the dumper.
[ ] I miss someone right now.
[ ] I have a fear of abandonment.
[ ] I've gotten divorced.
[x] I've had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
[x] I've told someone I loved them when I didn't.
[ ] I've told someone I didn't love them when I did.
[ ] I've kept something from a past relationship.
[ ] I've had a crush on someone of the same sex.
[ ] I'm bi
[ ] I'm gay
[ ] I've had a crush on a teacher.
[x] I am a cuddler.
[x] I've been kissed in the rain.
[ ] I've hugged a stranger.
[x] I have kissed a stranger.
[x] I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't.
[x] I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't.
[x] I've snuck out of my house.
[x] I have lied to my parents about where I am.
[ ] I am keeping a secret from the world.
[x] I've cheated while playing a game.
[x] I've cheated on a test.
[ ] I've run a red light.
[ ] I've been suspended from school.
[ ] I've witnessed a crime.
[ ] I've been in a fist fight.
[x] I've been arrested. (kinda)
[x] I've consumed alcohol.
[ ] I regularly drink (Depends on what you call regular)
[ ] I've passed out from drinking.
[ ] I have passed out drunk at least once in the past 6 months.
[x] I've smoked weed.
[x] I've taken painkillers when I didn't need them.
[ ] I've eaten shrooms.
[ ] I've popped
[ ] I've inhaled Nitrous.
[ ] I've done hard drugs.
[x] I have had cough drops when I wasn't sick.
[ ] I can't swallow pills.
[x] I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem. (Quite a talent, I know)
[ ] I have been diagnosed with clinical depression.
[ ] I have been diagnosed with one or more anxiety disorder.
[x] I shut others out when I'm depressed.
[ ] I take anti-depressants.
[ ] I'm anorexic or bulimic.
[x] I've slept an entire day when I didn't need it.
[ ] I've hurt myself on purpose.
[x] I've woken up crying. (When I dream I'm crying, I wake up in tears)
[ ] I'm afraid of dying.
[x] I hate funerals
[ ] I've seen someone dying.
[x] Someone close to me has attempted suicide.
[ ] Someone close to me has committed suicide.
[ ] I've planned my own suicide
[ ] I've attempted suicide.
[ ] I've written a eulogy for myself.
[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs.
[x] I own an iPod or MP3 player.
[ ] I have an unhealthy obsession with anime/manga.
[ ] I own a plushie of my fave character from anything.
[ ] I own a cosplay outfit
[x] I know what cosplay means.
[ ] I own multiple designer purses, costing over $100 a piece.
[ ] I own something from Hot Topic.
[ ] I own something from Pac Sun.
[x] I collect comic books.
[x] I own something from The Gap.
[ ] I own something I got on e-bay.
[x] I own something from Abercrombie.
[ ] I can sing well.
[ ] I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
[ ] I open up to others easily.
[x] I watch the news.
[x] I don't kill bugs.
[x] I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of being able to rhyme.
[x] I curse regularly.
[ ] I sing in the shower.
[ ] I am a morning person.
[ ] I paid for my cell phone ring tone.
[ ] I'm a snob about grammar. (Only a little)
[ ] I am a sports fanatic.
[ ] I twirl my hair.
[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name
[ ] I love being neat.
[ ] I love Spam
[ ] I've copied more than 30 CD's in a day
[ ] I bake well.
[x] My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red or blue
[ ] I've worn pajamas to school.
[ ] I like Martha Stewart.
[ ] I know how to shoot a gun.
[ ] I am in love with love.
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
[x] I laugh at my own jokes.
[ ] I eat fast food weekly
[ ] I believe in ghosts.
[ ] I am online 24/7, even as an away message.
[ ] I've not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class.
[ ] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.
[x] I am really ticklish.
[x] I love white chocolate
[x] I bite my nails.
[ ] I play video games.
[x] I'm good at remembering faces.
[ ] I'm good at remembering names.
[ ] I'm good at remembering dates.
[x] I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
[x] I loathe labels
[ ] I like action movies
[ ] I like horror movies
[ ] I like chick flicks
[ ] I know the most random facts about things people have never heard of before
[ ] I can't spell
[x] I treasure my friends.
[x] I think of others before myself. (At least I'd like to think that's what I do)
[x] All of those are answered honestly.

Oh, and have this post from, it always makes me laugh :)


Been a while, ya know...

Posted just a quick update on LJ, if anyone's interested :)

Oh, and btw, tuck talked about Garfield Without Garfield before, and now I found a video, with the song of They Might Be Giants (one of my newly-aquired fav bands).

Comment if you like, where you like.

Holiday Suffz

It's a holiday in Croatia
It's tough, kid, but it's life
It's a holiday in Croatia
Don't forget to pack a wife

Yes, I'm aware of the fact that it doesn't completely fit. But to hell with it...

I got strangely attracted to livejournal recently, so I'm posting there.

Cheers, you guys!, you suk!!!

I just broke the cycle of song lyrics for titles :) If you happen to know one talking about blogging, please let me know. They also censored my topic *G*, but that's understandable.

As I may have mentioned, sucks, so I posted on livejournal.

Comment wherever you like.

Cheers guys! ;)

Come Gather 'Round People

June 19th 2009 - There's a sunny beam coming this way!

There's been plenty of causes for celebration yesterday. Not that one actually needs a reason, though.


No, wait! Not holy cow, but Holy Lever 10! Not that I care about rank, of course ;) But I do believe a landmark should be mentioned.

Speaking of landmarks there:


...of the birth of my sister. :) My older sister turned a quarter of a century old yesterday. I wanted to get her a copy of '1984', but I don't think she likes that sort of books.


Finally. I honestly thought this day would never come. Exams are over - school is over! Exams went so-so, but one thing I'm sure I did very good (other than English :P) is French. And that's more or less all that counts. In any case, it is a real celebration cause.


What came next, to be precise, is what we did yesterday. Eleni, Hélène, and me did a whole little ritual. Mostly planned by the said Hélène since it was her last day of school ever. We went to a park in the afternoon. Eleni brought her stuff that she legally (apparently to her that's very important) bought in Amsterdam and then we played dice poker. :lol: Not only was it amazing, but I won too! :D

Then we went here

CINEMATEC(fancy, eh?)

to see the animated version of Animal Farm. I'm still extremely pigophobic, if that's a word. Hopefully it will fade. :)

Afterwards we continued on to the bars. Ends of the school-year and birthdays only happen once a year, don't they?

I wish you all a very happy weekend! :)

Hope You Like Jamming Too

Last week, me and my Austrian friend Eleni


were talking about her coming over to my place to watch Wall-E.

"Sorry about yesterday, I forgot to call you," she said.

"No problem. Want to watch it during the weekend then?"

"Oh, I can't. There's a chess marathon all weekend. You wanna come along?"

"Chess marathon? I think I'll pass, thank you."

"No, not chess," she was already getting a little annoyed. "Chess!"

"Er..." It seemed like I was mocking her, but I honestly didn't get it.

"You know... Music, jamming..."

"Oh, jazz! I'd love to go!"

"Yeah, chess, that's what I said."

So, Saturday night, we set out. I was even wearing my jazz shirt from another festival. It says JAZZ on it, you know. First, me and another two girls came to Eleni's house to eat. She made some sort of purple pasta, which was completely amazing.

We hung around there a little longer than expected, so we didn't leave for the concerts until almost 9:30, but it didn't matter - we had a bit of our own jam session at home. :)

We went to this open air thing at first. It was very relaxed. Here - look for yourselves:


Aren't the policemen's hats just wonderful? One even tapped his foot along the music for a little while. Either that or he was squishing a bug. Speaking of bugs, we saw this little guy hanging mid-air.


I think s/he got the best view.

Afterwards we went to this indoor place. The music was even better, but it was a bit too dark and smokey for me to get a good picture. Nevertheless, I got one of the ceiling.


And as I was uploading this picture, I noticed that the white tray in the middle is a brand of Croatian beer I named one of my dogs after. Funny, isn't it? :)

I thought that, considering the number of pictures I take all the time, it's only fair to share a few with you guys.

So, here's to long weekends (which I happen to having right now). Cheers! :)

Who could explain the thunder and the rain, but there's something in the air!

Oh how I love holidays! For the past week and a half I've been doing absolutely nothing. :) And I'm as happy as a pig in poo. The weather's been really nice, springtime, etc.

So for the first week, everyone is out of town, and I was here all alone *gets her violin*, so I was pretty much camping out at the cinema. I watched Milk, Monsters vs Aliens, and The Wrester (that one wasn't my idea). I absolutely loved every moment of Milk. And one small part made me sniffle :) I'm going soft... And I also went alone for the first time in ages. It felt rather good, actually.

Monsters vs Aliens I also really liked. I mean Stephen Colbert as the president :lol: And Kiefer Sutherland. Of course, I don't even have to explain all of my joys of Hugh Laurie being it it, right? ;) Oh, and for the record Insectosaurus is THE cutest thing ever! (My friend kept calling him disgusting. That's just rude).

Now about The Wrestler... Man, that was bad. Even the guy I went with admitted it was bad (and he made me go in the first place). First half of the move I admit I kept my eyes closed. :oops: As I said, I'm soft. And the other stuff was... just not developed enough. Everything was so shallow and then it ended and we went like "wtf?!".

And I also journalised (is that a verb yet?) a little bit. I wrote a small article for some online news site. I'll just leave it at that. I do not wish to be the third generation of journalists in my family. I refuse.

Only bummer is I got plenty of stuff for school to do. Most of it is going well except English. It's been driving me completely insane since I got here. First of all, they're given the questions in English, and then answer in French! And then people get all shocked how school kids don't speak English right. Another bit that's been bothering me is that in French we don't do almost an literature that wasn't written in French. If I happen to mention anything else, I all get is "Yes, it exists, but we don't do that here". Well, I finally got my wish granted and we are to read Shakespeare. And in English. Yay. And then I saw what it was. Six plays, butchered into 10 pages, in simplified language. Midsummer Night Dream looks like a really bad fairy tale. Now I'm about to start Taming of the Shrew and Othello. How either of that can be put in 10 pages, I have no idea. Worse yet, I have to summarise it in 2 handwritten pages. Blasphemy!

Phew, glad I got that out of my system.

Raining pretty bad up here so I'm staying in tonight.

Oh, and I was gonna say - I'm sorry I haven't commented on blogs much. "Submit" button never works the first time I click. Then I get annoyed, start clicking more times, and then it posts the thing like 5 times. So to save everyone's comments from getting spammed... Anyway, tuckgraph, I still can't stop looking at that plate of yours :lol:

Take care, y'all! :)

Who Watches The Watchmen?

I do! At least I did, last night. :) My dad's been talking about how he wanted to see it since there was first talk about it coming out. So I just couldn't deny him the pleasure, could I? :P Anyway, I just adored it! Every minute of it. Well, except those few really violent scenes. Well, I guess I am little soft when it comes to puring boiling oil on someone's face... But other than that, fantastic. I honestly didn't think a movie that good could be made based on such a complicated comic book.

Lots of stuff going on since I last wrote here... Been to Serbia for about a week during the holidays, it was good. Two of friends (one of them being my best friend) had 18th birthday parties :) I'm proud to say I was really responsible and didn't get all that drunk at all. Besides, it was waayyy more fun taking pictures of other people being really drunk.

Right after I came back we had two-day school trip, to a middle of nowhere. Dom Something Spiritual Center, where the point was to meet each other a little bit better. And we did. We had a few nice workshops, and then they had us watch Into The Wild (and it wasn't dubbed!!!). But what marked the whole thing for me, I think, was a Polish guy called Bartholomew teaching (in his own words) Belgian folk dancing. Only it was to techno. Funny how some people were advanced... :)

Oh, and this weekend I went to Amsterdam to see an art exhibition. In my limited opinion of art - it was a nice exhibition, with nice wine and an even nicer party afterwards. :) Just kidding of course, I do think it was nice, and the guy gave me a paining of his, as a gift, that he promised moths ago, if I stay in this part of Europe for long enough to see it. And I also met some very interesting people. :) A guy on the train who comes form the same place in Massachusetts where I ues to live. and girl my age, whom I definitely plan to visit again.

That's about it, lovely monologue I had here :)

Take care, y'all, I hope you're all doing well.

Yet Another Survey

I did this on my livejournal a while ago (feel free to friend me there), so I'm just reposting it here. :)

Like the topic says, yet another survey... No idea who I stole it from since it's been sitting around for a while. Enjoy! :)

1. Would you marry for money?
Nope, but I'm not sure Id marry for anything else either.

2. Have you had braces?

3. Could you live without a computer?
Oh come on, who could live without the computer in the 21st century? Besides, I love the compter, it's where all my friends live!

4. If you could live in a different decade which would it be?
Hmm... I'm gonna say either 60s or 70s. Music and culture I'd guess.

5. Do you drink enough water?
No, I dont. I dehydrated like 3 times, you'd think that would teach me a lesson... Guess I just love the IV tube up my arm...

6. Do you wear shoes in the house or take em off?
On, most of the time...

7. What are your favorite fruits?
Oranges. And pinapples.

8. What is your favorite place to visit?
Hmm... seaside. More specific? Croatia.

9. Are you photogenic?
Kind of... got my photo-face. Down side is I look exactly the same in all pictures

10. Do you dream in color or black and white?
Color. Lots of 'em too, so it ofter turns out more like an LSD trip.

11. Why do you take surveys?
Like is a little strong word, but obviously I do enough to bother with this one...

12. Do you drink alcohol?
Not as much and as often as people would think. Or as other people I'm friends with do...

13. What is the most beautiful language?
Blah... English, I'll have to say.

14. Do you like being kissed when you are asleep?
I don't get kissed all that much when I sleep.

15. WHAT do you like MOST: Sunrise or sunset?
Most? Neither. More? Sunsets, since seeing a sunrise means that I'm up really early.

16. Do you want to live until you're 100 yrs old?
No way!

17. Is a flat stomach important to you?

18. What body part of the opposite sex is sexiest?
Forearms... don't ask me to explain...

19. When watching scary movies are the lights on or off?
On, I suppose....

20. Do you believe in magic?
Oh please...

21. Do you believe in ghosts?
See previous answer.

22. Do you like to watch cartoons?
Oh yeah. Lots.

23. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?
What the hell is this with these questions? I don't remember thinking he was real in the first place...

24. Do you write poems?

25. Do you snore?
Hopefully not...

26. You sleep more on your back, front,or sides?
Sides. Fetal position. Always.

27. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
A mutt.

28. Are you basically a happy person?
Pft.. I dunno.

29. Are you tired?
Im always tired... but I just had a nap, so Im good for a while.

30. Did you drink anything with caffeine?
Of course. Coke, coffee, etc

31. How do you take your coffee?
Cream, no sugar.

32. How many landline/cellphones do you have in your house?
3 cells, 1 landline.

33. Do you get along with your parents?
Yep, most of the time...

34. Do u smoke?
Yes, but I dont inhale :P Jk, yeah.

35. Do you have a kitty?
Nope.. Im more of a dog person :P

36. Have you ever had a birthday party?
Who hasnt had a birthday party? I usually have one once a year...

37. What do you do when you're sad?
I sulk.

38. What do you need most now?
m&m's. Im all out.

39. What song are you listening to now?
The Clash - Guns Of Brixton

40. What are you craving right now?
Love, acceptance... m&m's

Hope it wasn't too bad. Take care y'all

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