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anmakus Blog

Last Year As A Juvenile Delinquent

I turned 17 today. :)

Means I only have one more year to go before I can get in actual trouble for all my crimes :P

Haha, seriously though, I'm getting a little scared of getting older. Somehow, soon I won't be a teenager, sitting around doing nothing won't be cool anymore, it's going to be irresponsible. Drinking in dumps generously called pubs/bars won't be funny - it will be sad. Or that's just my insane rambling since I've got nothing better to do than think how I'm about to become a loser :) But my sister's here for that occasion, and we had a serious talk, first time in ages. She says it's all gonna settle itself. I believe her.

Good and fun stuff now! As I said, sister's here, we're doing all the girly stuff now :) I just love it.

Presents... I got money from most of my family. I won't complain. My parents (my mom, better said), however, bought be a hair-clip. Like wtf? Lol! Since when's that something you buy your kid (who never wears hair-clips anyway) for her birthday? :D But okay.. I won't be picky. Nice attention.

My sister also got me a bag of gummy bears, which is a nice gesture since I completely forgot about those... And a friend at school gave me a cigarette :) Again, lovely gesture. :) I thank them all via this blog that they don't read. :)

Oh, and today at school they all sang to me :) I'm still the youngest one in class though... But it's also the first time in years I've been to school on mt birthday, since the last few years it was the weekend, and before that it was right in the middle of holidays.

Anyway, doubt think will change a whole lot, but I had a fantastic day nonetheless.

JOKER FANS, BEVARE! or "I told you so"

Vampiredawn may find this one interesting... And in my last blog, I said why I didn't like it here (at first). So for six months, I've been going on and on about how people here are nuts. Still, saying I "told you so" feels a bit wrong now.

As you may have heard, we had a slight incident here in Belgium. To summarize from the link, the guy walked into the nursery, stabbed a few babies and staff, then cycled off into the sunset.

Of course, as soon as he got arrested, stories from his lawer like "He regrets deeply what he's done", "He suffered from depression as a teenager", yada yada yada began.

However, there was something else I found interesting. So the guy was a Joker freak... Don't get me wrong guys, of course I don't think that just by liking Heath Ledger's acting you're bound to kill babies, elderly ladies, etc. Just terrible what an obsession can do to you... Of course, goths have always been blamed for their culture, from Marylin Manson, to countless non-existing cult connection, but I believe this is the first one pinned on the Joker. So he went and turned himself into his favorite villain. I'll give him the credit for that, though... takes at least some nerve and imagination to bring that fanfiction to real life. Shame though how he used it.

I for one liked The Dark Knight, just like I liked lots of other no-good-youth-rotting-violence-inducing things. Yet I never killed anyone over it, like millions of other people. I'm just kind of afraid that soon they'll really start having things as "This is a work of fiction, do not try to reenact this at home" at the beginning of every block buster action thing, not just reality shows.

Well hello there! Would you like a sweetie?

It's time for a change. Of blog. Holidays are all over, so a new blog is long over-due.

I came back to Brussels, after a long kick-and-scream-to-stay-in-Serbia fight with my parents. I hated this place, honestly. Especially the school. It was way too far away, in Waterloo (could't escape if I wanted to), because only there they didn't insist on learning Dutch (mine is kinda rusty, ya know?). Taking me at least an hour to go to school and back each day left little room for anything else. Other than that, they didn't like me, and I didn't like them. By "they", I mean the profs and the students. The kids were mostly snobs, taking every opportunity to mock me and laugh at me because of my French (I got a funny accent), and also kept pointing out that I was somehow uncivilized compared to them. Yeah, well, I refuse to be called primitive who dips ham sandwiches into soup. I just won't tolerate that. :) The teachers too always tried to make it look like I'm somehow trying to cheat them... So, the bullying got worse, and right before Christmas it turned into near physical abuse - this one guy punched me in the face. He said it was an accident, but come on, it really takes an effort to split someone's lip by accident...

So I said I wasn't going back there. And my parents agreed to help me switch schools if I came back to live with them. And it worked out :D

So for three weeks I've been at this school which is 15 minutes from my place, and, if the principal is to be trusted, there are 59 nationalities. I just absolutely love it. :lol: Everyone is really nice, and more importantly, fun. :) Oh, and last night, I had my first night out since I came here! Went to the movies with these two girls from school, and for a beer later. It was beautiful I tells ya!

I guess the problem with this whole thing was that no-one really believed me how bad it was at the first school, called me spoiled and lazy for not trying to make an effort to fit in, so I ran into very little understanding as to why I wanted to leave. Just that every time I tried to make an effort, it literally bounced off the wall. But oh well, it don't matter now. Now I'm getting them all pwned at school, getting more active, speaking much more comfortably, and making friends. :)

I hope I didn't bore you guys with this, it's just... This has been an elephant in the room for so long, I'm just soooo happy that it's better. :)

Xmas Edition Blog - Have Yourselves a Merry Little Christmas

Next year all our troubles will be miles away... Hopefully.

I'm back home in Belgrade for the holidays. No Christmas spirit though - here it's celebrated on January 7th, but my family traditionally ignores both. So, school/university is not out yet, and I'm living alone. You can't imagine how busy I've been.

real busy

As i said, we usually don't celebrate at all, but I kind of like the culture of xmas. When everyone decides it is OK not to work (and with that comes the lack of frustration in people), all the xmas specials on TV (new QI, yay).

As of my plans for the New Year's Eve, I still haven't decided. My sister invited me on a ski trip, which is great, but I think I'm gonna stay with my friends here, since I don't see those folks all that often.

Well, I hope everyone has a nice holiday season, regardless of what you believe in.

Happy New Year, guys!

Name Meme

Stolen from GiX_MiX :) Sorry. Rules, in case someone missed it - 3rd letter of your name + the questions. Feel free to take it. So here we go:


Famous singer: Geldof, Bob

Four letter word: Game

Street: Golsvortijeva
(I didn't make it up, I swear)

Color: Green

Gift/Present: Gripples
(What? I know people who'd like to get to those... Or not, but it is a gift :P)

Vehicle: Gravy train
(Thank you, Kevin... I really had no idea what to put :))

Boy name: Greg

Girl name: Gwen

Movie title: Garden of Eden

Drink: Ginger beer
(A beer is a beer :P)

Occupation: Governo

Celebrity: Gary Glitter
(I just couldn't resist :D)

Magazine: Gamer

US City: Gloster, MS

Pro sport: Golf

Fruit: Grapefruit

Reason to be late for work: Gig
(Either because you had a gig on the side, or because you went to a gig the night before )

Something you shout: Gee!

Cartoon character: Goofy

Song: Gone Gone Gone – Robert Plant & Alison Krauss

Okaaay... This wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. I'm open to suggestions if someone wants to add something. :)

Les Poissons Marteux

Or "The Fish Hammers". It's a new movie, French-Belgian production. I just went to the pre-premiere last night. :) Id provide a link, but it's not been published on imdb yet.

Anyway, the plot is rather simple - a professional jazz singer, and also a mother of a handicapped girl, is always on tour and much to busy to deal with her daughter, so she put her in a specialized center at a very young age. But when the mother is forced to spend a holiday with her daughter and the other people in the institution, she discovers many of them have a great music talent as well.

A few snap-shots from the filn...

A few snapshots from the film.

So, a bit of a cliche, but it was really nice - especially because they didn't fake with the handicapped actors. I got invited by some friends, whose son (who's got Down's Syndrome) plays one of the people in the home. He probably had the smallest role but gave the biggest applause to himself :). After the show, they played some of the soundtrack. The pianist reminded me a lot of Dave Matthews' character on House - from what I gathered, he can play pretty much anything, but he can't start on his own.

Oh, and one more thing. The friend I was with, Laura, was sure she saw Sarah Palin somewhere in the audience, haha. She wouldn't let go of it, and kept stalking the woman aftewards. Needless to say the Senator didn't come to see a low-budget film all the way to Europe :)

Redecoration and a Bit of Something Else

New - I dont like it. Complicated, slow, ugly. They should just have an option of switching back to the old version. But I think just about everyone here stated the arguments, so no need to get all tangled in how much I want the old stuff back.

Anyway, I went to this dinner last night. Lots of journalists with a sprinkle of diplomats. We were quite a nice multinational mix. I was so happy to finally get a break from French and listen to some English :).But soon everyone lost track of who speaks what language, and started rambing randomly in German, English, and all diaclects of what used to be Serbocroatian. And as they were going on about their war stories ("So, there I was in Bosnia, in 1992, corresponding for UPI, when I heard rafals" etc) I scanned the bookshelf. Huge amount of political books and a nice collection of Ben Elton. But then I saw it - "The Gun Seller". I've been looking for it for ages. The fact that I still haven't gotten my hands on it may be explained by that I'vr never came across it in an Anglophone bookstore, and as far as I know, it hasn't been translated to Serbian. Not that I would read the sad substitute for the original anyway :). So just as I was going to get a closer look, the hostess ruined my plans by making a literal head dive across the living room. I had to hand it to her, the stunt was amazing. Must have been airborne for at least a few seconds. Or it looked that way. Anyhow, after about a minute of staring at her, we moved to the dining room, and I never saw the book again. I guess it'll have to wait for another gathering :).

And I just couldn't let this slide: OMG, HOUSE IS HERE AGAIN!!!!! *jumps up and down with exitment* Hehe, about a week-delayed reacton, but what can I do...

And you may ask yourself - did I get here?

Letting the days go by...It's been a pretty lazy summer so far (not that I'm complaining), but I now had work to do and headed for a press conference this morning regarding human rights. By some miracle I managed to reach the Media Center on time, and I was kind of surprised that I didn't recognize any of the people there. A friend of mine who was supposed to speak at the conference had her phone off, so I figured everything was fine, signed in and took a seat.

Again, I found it odd that I didn't know any of the people who were speaking and soon enough I found out why. "Welcome to the press conference about ecology in the county of Indjia." WTF? So I aked myself the following 3 questions?

1) How did I get here?

2) Where the hell is county Indjia?

3) How do I get out of here?

As they went on and on about water polution in the unknown area to me, I managed to sneak out. Then came the circling around the building to find a bus stop. So after about 3 laps and constand swearing about why I listend to the human rights organisation appeal to wear black, I managed to get on a bus and get home, where I found the email saying the conference was cancelled early this morning.

But well, despite all the whining, I learned a valuble lesson today: Stay home, do nothing, and you won't be disappointed.

Music Quiz Thing

Ive seen this quiz around a lot, but when I first did it, I didnt really want to post on here because so many people have it...But I guess I liked the results. :)

Just in case someone missed it, here are the rules:

1. Put your music player on shuffle.

2. Press forward for each question.

3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. NO CHEATING!

4. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.

How are you feeling today?
Lost In The Supermarket – The Clash

Heh...I like that

Will you get far in life?
Forward To Death – Dead Kenneddys

Nice to know...

Will you get married?
I Get Around – Beach Boys

I don't really see a link here...meh

How is your life like?
Insane In The Brain – Richard Cheese

No need to explain :)

What was high school like?
Hey There Delilah – Plain White T's

Well this is a pretty high-school-ish song...

What is in store for this weekend?
Balkan - Azra

Should I take it Balkans are for sale?

To describe your grandparents?
Maljciki - Idoli

Maljciki, I think, means "boys" in Russian, Idols are the band.

I guess this works since the song is mocking commuinsim, which is what my grandparents lived in.

What song will they play at your funeral?
(Don't Fear) The Reaper – Blue Oyster Cult


How does the world see you?
The Loco-Motion – Beach Boys

Not sure what this is supposed to mean...

What do your friends really think of you?
White Rabbit – Jefferson Airplane

Hmm...White Rabbit? My friends think Im always stoned to death? cool :D

How do your friends see you?
Just Like You – Three Days Grace

Urgh...I have no idea why I even have this song...but It fits..sort of

What is your best friend's theme song?
Kao Da Je Bilo Nekad - EKV

Kind of hard to transate the title...Means something like "Like it was a long time ago". It's good though.. :)

How can you get ahead in life?
Clampdown – The Clash

Interesting idea...

What is the best thing about your friends?
To The Moon And Back – Savage Garden


How is your life going?
Yes, The River Knows – The Doors

"I'm going but I need a little time, I promised I would drown myself in mysticated wine"?

Will you have a happy life?
Ever Fallen In Love – The Buzzcocks

No link here either...

What do your friends really think of you?
Teenage Wasteland – The Who

Yes, I know the song is called Baba O'Railey, but something got messed up when the songs were named...anyway, I think it fits better like this :)

Do people secretly lust after you?
I Wanna Live - Ramones

*Shrug* again...

How can I make myself happy?
All Star – Smash Mouth


What should you do with your life?
Pon The Replay - Rihanna

Not exactly my type of song...but it works. :)

Will you ever have children?
Cemetery Gates - Pantera

Ok, this is kind of freaky...

What/who do you miss most currently?
The Letter – Box Tops

"Lonely days are gone, Im going home, my baby just wrote me a letter" So cute :)

Survival, day 3

About 3 days ago, there has been a big storm in the town I live in. Except for a few broken branches, I didn't think there was anything wrong...Until I turned on my TV.

No picture. I thought it would sort itself out in a little while like it always does. Nothing. I phoned the cable company, they said they were not obligated to do anything, since I'm not paying for cable (and I don't pay because they're not sending me the bills, btw). Anyway, I tried to fix it myself - I figured the problem was on the roof, so I went up there. Locked. The guy who has the key is out of the country and won't be back in a long time.

I never thought I was this addicted to TV. I can't even fall asleep without the TV on. Not to mention, I liteally don't know what to do with myself now.

So, my last hope is accessing the roof from the building next door (how someone stole our satelite plate a few years ago). If that doesn't work...sigh, I'll move :)
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