ign are wrong
i have this game
they say you press circle to block
lol no you dont you need to circle to calibrate if anything wrong happends in a fight
the reviewer said constant calibration. no maybe your moving your legs a lot
i think that this game got bad reviews because you start off with a player that has low stats
maybe if this game had carrer mode instead of making it compulsary to make a charachter and if the developers made an exhbition mode with the other fighters that had high stats this would of got a high score
its like the reviewer didnt do his job properly
here are the negatives that werent listed
no transparant charachters
no fixed distance (but if you cant move ure character then you wont be able to do prescripted moves properly eg. sphere )
heavy bag is poorly explained
hard when you dont unlock dirty moves in the beging
no story
look at the user reviews that ones that are rated 7.0 - 8.5 are correct
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