anonymous113's forum posts
[QUOTE="McJugga"]Earthquakes are a natural occurrence, therefore we should eat them.kipohippo021Are earthquakes fun? You can eat any plant you want, maple leaves, roses, sunflowers. But these are also natural. Honestly, i think the first step in making these illegal was prolly a hard one. Nope. There Are Just Some Corrupt People.
I have read some of Roll Call's writings. While I disagree with much of their content, I do not intend to attack Roll Call's opinions, only to offer my own viewpoints. The points I plan to make in this letter will sound tediously familiar to everyone who wants to point out that the emperor has no clothes on. Nevertheless, I think that the best way to overcome misunderstanding, prejudice, and hate is by means of reason, common sense, clear thinking, and goodwill. Roll Call, in contrast, believes that it is omnipotent. The conclusion to draw from this conflict of views should be obvious: Roll Call likes thinking thoughts that aren't burdensome and that feel good. That's why its hirelings actually believe the bunkum they're always mouthing. That's because these sorts of mischievous besotted-types are idealistic, have no sense of history or human nature, and they think that what they're doing will improve the world by the next full moon. In reality, of course, Roll Call's cat's-paws believe that the world is crying out to labor beneath Roll Call's firm but benevolent heel. Although it is perhaps impossible to change the perspective of those who have such beliefs, I wish nevertheless to convert retreat into advance. I've long thought it would be fun to try to explain to Roll Call how it manipulates public opinion through raw emotion, sexual desire, "family values", comedy, music, entertainment, false religion, social engineering, journalistic propaganda, and junk science. For the most part, I'm just curious as to how deep Roll Call will have to dig into its profanity thesaurus to formulate a response. This is not the place to develop that subject. It demands many pages of analysis, which I can't spare in this letter. Instead, I'll just state the key point, which is that Roll Call's coalition of execrable theologasters and vicious thieves is a breeding ground for morally questionable popinjays. Am I aware of how Roll Call will react when it reads that last sentence? Yes. Do I care? No, because all it really wants is to hang onto the perks it's getting from the system. That's all it really cares about. To recap the main points made in this letter: 1) it would be more productive for Roll Call to take a more diplomatic and conciliatory approach, 2) Roll Call frequently takes an accepted moral principle, adopts it as its own, and then accuses mainstream society of violating that principle, and 3) Roll Call has flirted with revanchism and some of the more exotic forms of hooliganism.RomanPolanski_Cool Story Bro
Rainmeter is amazing in my opinion. ^_^ MushroomWigWhat Is It Because I Am Thinking About Getting It And Is It Good?
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