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Just ordered 3 more volumes of manga!

Went on Amazon, and had a sudden urge to buy some more manga!

Here are the volumes I ordered!:

Battle Royale volume 14

Battle Royale volume 15

Comic Party volume 2

Suffice to say, I'm really excited about receiving these by the end of the week!

I think I'll be taking my Wii!

I think I'll be taking my Wii with my copies of Ocarina of Time/Master Quest, Tales of Symphonia and Metroid Prime.

The new plan with the money I earn is to try and limit how much I buy in the games shops where I'm going, so I don't get a lot of broken games, and can't return them, so I'll try to spend as little in the shops as possible.

Don't know which consoles to take!

As with every summer, I'm going to this nice little cottage in the countryside, and I get to take my laptop, DS, and one console. WHICH ONE?!!

I might take my Wii, so I can play those new games and my GC games.

Or my Xbox, 'cos I'll be buying a lot of games for it.

Suggestions greatly needed.

I think I'll be buying a couple of Wii games soon.

I'll soon have quite a bit of money, and a couple of recently released budget Wii games have garnered my attantion.

Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition and Big Brain Academy Wii Degree are both games I want to play, and they aren't full price, so that will be cool, as I haven't bought a new Wii game since January.

In less than 24 hours my life will be better!

Last Harry Potter book is released.


I hope he dies, then loads of Potter fans will kill themselves. Best pesticide I can think of.

Why do I hate Harry Potter? Poor writing, repetetive characters and story, whiny characters, JK Rowling, the fact that EVERYTHING has been ripped off something else...same reason I don't like the PS3 (OH SNAP!)

If you're a Potter fan,....oh wait, I have nothing to say to you

My thoughts on Sonic the Hedgehog XBLA.

I have the original version on the Megadrive, and I gave that a very respectable 9.0 in my review. I decided I would at least try the game on XBLA to see what the differences were.

Apart from a few sound glitches, this is an AMAZING version. Let's see why:

  • Acheivments: I looked them up, and they seem really well suited to the game. They really do push you to complete the whole game, and they are very doable, but not too easy.
  • Controller: Like many Megadrive games, the A and C buttons were often just used for the same thing, and with Sonic, all three face buttons just jumped, and I was never really feeling quite comfortable with the MD controller. The X360 controller just has the very obvious A button as jump. That is it.
  • Save: You can save the game. Huge plus for me, as I don't really wnat to play through the whole of Sonic over and over.
  • Slightly smoother graphics: There was absolutely no slowdown or flickering like there was in the original.

I like it so much, and its only 400 points, that I may actually rebuy it!

Reflections on hitting 100 reviews.

When I write a review, it acts on my final thoughts on a game, so I put a lot into it in order to make it a good send off. Also, going past the 100 mark means that collection won't dip below that 100 mark. That's good then.