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anton10000 Blog

Revealed!...My impressions of the 15 games I bought yesterday!

So here they are:


Kuru Kuru Kuruin: An excellent little puzzler.


Dino Crisis: I love the old style RE games, so Dino Crisis really appealed to me, andI like it.


007 Agent Under Fire: It feels like you're shooting jelly instead of bullets, and its incredibly easy, but fun.

Wave Race Blue Storm: Good looking game. Plays well too.

Rogue Squadron II: I hate the movies, but I really like this game.

Sega Soccer Slam: I hate sports, and I usually don't like sports games, but I do like crazy ones, and this is what this is.


The Bouncer: Sooooo many cutscenes, and the dialogue is atrocious, but its fun!

Devil May Cry 2: Generic, and I only bought it to fill the series gap.

Half-Life: Hate playing on PCs, so this port is a great option.

Timesplitters: Same reason as DMC 2, but this is fun!


Deathrow: Its growing on me.

Rallisport Challenge: Surprisingly good.

Oddworld Munch's Oddyssee: I like platformers/puzzle games and there are like none on the Xbox.

Max Payne 2: Really enjoyed the first Max Payne, and this is better.

Outrun 2:Very addictive!

[Update] on friends list!

My friends list went down by 108 today, and people I'm tracking went by over 30!

My cleaning out is all done, so if you're still one of my friends, you'll be there FOREVER...

Bought 15 games yesterday.....

I had a lot of money.....I took a 1 hour bus journey just to go to this one games shop I love....

It was fun though.....I'll post more details once I add all the games to my collection page.....

[Update] I'm going to be doing a clear up of my friends list, as I have way too many blogs to read. There will not be any level you have to be at, you just have to have a blog that I enjoy reading! Also, if I know you in real life, then you automatically stay!

Exams over....

Thank god! A full week of exams have passed, and I got through, just....

Hibernation time now!

Anyway, pretty much the rest of school until the summer is like nothing, so I'll be able to relax a bit, and then summer hols!

I won't be buying SNES games for a while....

Ye, I have some really great SNES games at the moment, and I want to play them, so I won't be buying SNES games for a while.

Anyway, I have a friend's birthday party coming up, and I have to buy a replacement Xbox360 controller.

After that? I'll be buying games for Panzer Dragoon (SAT), and Phantasy Star II (GEN), as I don't have any games for either of those systems which are a bit longer, and more in depth! Plus, they're cheap!

Level 34 and Pilotwings get!

Ye, level 34!

Got Pilotwings in the post today! Excellent game! I now have every game in the Pilotwings series!...granted, that is only two....

Addicted to Actraiser.....

Bought a few more games...

I bought 3 more N64 games!

Forsaken 64

Pokemon Snap

1080 Snowboarding

I think with a few more arcadey games I'll feel motivated to finishe Perfect Dark and Super Mario 64!

Plus, I have Pilotwings (SNES) arriving tomorrow!

Yay! Elite Beat Agents if finally coming out over here!

July 13th! I'll be saving up like, two weeks for it! Get it the day it comes out.....

Now, I know I said I wouldn't buy new games, but cmon, I've wanted this game for too long, and I am so desperate to get it!

[Update] I just found out I will probably be receiving the game for free as a present from somebody next week, so I guess I won't be getting the UK release....who cares! ITS FREE!!!

When considering buying games I think in FutureRetrospect!

Gears of War. I bought it the day it was released. Full price. I got it home, and in total, it took me a whopping 6 hours, or maybe less to get through.....

I think that was it. I am now sick of developers being lazy and giving us all the best graphics instead of content and innovative gameplay. That's why I've come up with the mindset of FutureRetrospect!

Just think about that newly released game you really want. You might pay full price for it, and then finish it almost straight away. You will be disappointed. I have those exact scars way too many times, so now I think differently.

I really want a copy Tomb Raider Anniversary Edition, but I think to myself, "Won't it cost almost next to nothing in 6-12 months?" Ye, it will. So I wait it out for a while, buying much older/cheaper games that I missed on, and in about a year's time, we will have a cheap second hand copy of a game that I think is worth the price.

I feel a little giddy....

I konw I shouldn't have, but I did. I bought a couple of SNES games off of eBay just now.

I was going to wait until I finished all the games in my Now Playing list, but I couldn't resist.

The two games were: Pilotwings and Actraiser. Two classics!

Why am I a little giddy? Pilotwings 64 was one of my favorite games, not only on the N64, but also of all time, and I think Pilotwings on SNES will be a real treat for myself. Actraiser is supposed to be really good, so I can't wait, and both games will be with me by the end of the week!