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aots_twilight Blog

A Storm is coming

There was an announcement that a Storm as strong as "Millenyo" (which devastated the Country earlier back) was developing outside the Country and is expected to make landfall earlier today.

Unfortunately.. as "outdated" as our weather instruments are... the estimated arrival was again wrong... and the Storm could be felt in the early afternoon

Will it bring the same devestation that the latter Storm has? Hopefully not...

The Ups and Downs of the PS3

Probably the most anticipated next-gen console is finally released... and yes.. trouble came following it...

Lots of bad reports came piling up (Backwards Compatibility problems, Robbery, etc...)

And seems like majority of its games have such low grades (not that it matters since... it IS still early for the PS3)

Well... I plan to get one until next year so... i hope these things wont be there when i finally get one...

The lack of Editting

It took me a while to get used to this site... thanks to those who invited me to their unions and to the people who are tracking me... (i think...? )

Well... I am sorta accustomed to posting in forums... but the lack of editting functions is getting to me... i usually end up double posting or something...

Well... this will give me some practice... (yey... verily?)

Still... shouldn't a Edit button be there than having your post deleted if you made a mistake? (its gonna be neater... in a way...)

Failing, Working, being Haunted at the same time

Well... looks like i "Failed" in one of my subjects this sem due to Absents... So while im finishing my Thesis... I think im gonna start looking for a job... i found a friend working as a tech support for some consoles... pay is sorta good... and i was told you get to play too.... (wee! but as long as you're in your designated console... awwww! ) Its a long commute... but i think its worth a shot...

Well... at least the Thesis project is looking great... the adviser gave the "ok" and we are getting ready for the finishing touches... (and ill be in the front lines defending the project... im getting kinda nervous while thinking about it...)

Speaking of which just recently... some "Paranormal" activities are being felt as well at home... in the early mornings the lights flicker, Some objects fall from their place... etc.... hahaha.... hard to believe... (even im skeptical about whats happening) weee.... this is turning out to be quite a month!

So many games... But not what i was looking for...

oh the humanity... i spent a whole 4 hours roaming around looking for Power Stone Collection for the PSP... and i found nothing...

ah... that sucked... my feets sore and i got nothing... *Sheesh*

Looks like i have to ask my friend to import the game from the States... (well... at least i could also ask for .hack//GU vol 1 too while im at it...)

People asking Gaming Questions

Although this isnt the first time... i find that alot dont necessarily stop and try to understand certain gaming situations

Well... i wont blame people (might be excited or something... probably their first time playing a game?) Still... i mean... yes.. we are there for them... but Sometimes... Why cant they show a bit of effort?

Hmm... i probably just want to say that... why not try to take a moment to stop and read the instructions before jumping head on?

Thats why they are there anyways...

2 years

This is actually the first time i tried posting Here at GSpot... Its great to Meet you... Welcome to my Blog

Im your typical friendly neighborhood gamer... PM me and we could share our views on Games and other stuff
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