@RedLegZeff It's the setting and concept of GTA. Drugs, Sex and Booze. You can't really create a female character around those 3 concepts without a risk of being lambasted by the almighty community. And if they do create any strong or otherwise female characters, they are simply sidetracked by these people to the point no one remembers them because all they pay attention to is how the prostitutes and strippers are offensive.
Okay fine, let's have them create a Female Lead in GTA and add Male strippers and prostitutes in the game. This is standard GTA setting right there.
The mere concept doesn't fit a female lead immediately, it would have to be reworked from the ground up. Maybe even to a new game. And even then it might be offensive for some still.
@AyatollaofRnR It's actually the best case scenario out there. It's hard to actually create a female lead with GTA based simply on it's concept and setting. Drugs, Sex, Car Racing, even add the side story and side missions. You will pretty much scrap a lot in the current and previous GTA games. Even so, pretty sure a lot of people would still be offended even if the MC is female because of what she will be undertaking. So a new game and setting would be definitely best.
Is it really such a big deal for a character not being female? There are all sorts of female lead characters. Lara Croft, Samus Aran, even FemShep. It's not like the opposite gender is being left out in the spotlight. For a game like GTA, as per it's theme. It would be a massive hurdle. A lot would be changed as well as it's prime concept.
Heck, I don't know about you. But I foresee some "certain" people would still be offended with a drunk driving, motormouth, female drug pusher compared to a male one if that ever happens.
@Queuingreturns Not really a problem. These reviews are but one person sharing his or her opinion about the game as a representative of a certain group. It's not like they dictate what is and should be played. But give us an idea of what to check out.
Heck, I played GTA IV Complete edition and personally didn't like it regardless of how high the scores are.
@visionedorange It's control. Simply releasing the game as soon as the store has them would affect other stores sales and reputation. Imagine if you preordered one with a major game store then hear someone else is selling earlier since they got their copies. This also prevents people from being early in posting spoilers online since everyone is playing at the same time. Also I'm pretty sure it's because they want to monitor the sales as well.
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