good for you for donating your PS3 to sciencedeadpool51i feel good about it 2!
area84's forum posts
i agree with this guy 100%...good post!on the PS1, all these games were exclusive:
Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Dino Crisis, Soul Blade(Soul Calibur), Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Oddworld, Silent Hill, Tenchu and more. All these games were exclusive on PS1 and were not exclusive on PS2.
But that did not stop Sony from winning the console war last gen, even MGS went to Xbox.
What I am trying to say is that, new original games are needed to win the console war and not sequels. and that is what Sony is doing right now, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, Lair, White Knight Story, Warhawk(sort of new), Unknow Realms, LittleBigPlanet, new Team ICO game and more.
I have never been able to get into online games with 2k7 sports games (I am renting MLB.... still waiting for The Show before deciding to purchase and NBA)? My buddy and I both love both basketball and baseball games but can't get games going online. Whatr's the deal and can I fix it? (I have green ping for the most part)?jshigashijus wait for MLB 07 the show....
MAN i hope home and all the other thing the update will have comes true how many of you think home and the demos and upscale will all come thruyosefeayalaAMEN!!!!
[QUOTE="Thomas-Crown"]17g!! You got to be joking. michael098Yea... this game should not take up 17 gigs lol!!! y not , lair is using about that much or more!
Has your PS3 broke? Please say how.greywolfbjti had it on all week with out turnin it off and it runs as smooth as it did when i first took it out the box!
Plus they get free maps and stuff because they pay for online, I'm not sure we'll get it for free considering we pay nothing.ticalmc2k2yup.....
I think the new update can alter time, speed up the harvest and teleport me off this rock.afexthedamajacoooooool!!!!!
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