the alignment didn't mean the end of the world.If i had said that 23\12 alignment would be doom then i would never had posted again.the mayan calender has ENDED believe it or not.WE are in the new age in which nothing is written.The effects will only be felt physically in 2008.
I repeat the 12\21\2012 has already happened.
be ready for my real prediction that 2008 is the year in which **** will hit the fan.
I would concede defeat only when nothing big happens in 2008.
2008 is the endgame for this planet and the universe
whatever all i know is that 2012 is 2007 and things will start to go downhill from tomorrow.I dont think anything big would happen but its effect would be felt in 2008.
cuz christianity is a sun worshiping religion.the corss is thh symbol of the sun.
Some Christian Mythology Revealed · Without the sun, all life on Earth would perish. And, in Christianity, without Jesus (the son/sun), all souls on Earth would perish. ·
In Christianity, Christians go to church on SUNday in order to worship Jesus--the son/sun.
The Christian "son on a cross" myth/symbol was simply borrowed from the ancient "sun on a cross" symbol: The Ancient "Sun on a Cross" Symbol The Christian "Son on a Cross" Symbol (In addition to Jesus being a son/sun on a cross, note how his arms are also spread out like a shining sun.) · On Earth, the sun rises in the East. And, in Christianity, the resurrection (the rising) of Jesus (the son/sun) is celebrated on EASTer SUNday. · On Earth, the winter solstice is the symbolic "rebirth" of the sun. And, in Christianity, it is claimed that Jesus (the son/sun) was born on December 25th--the date on which the ancient Romans marked the winter solstice. (Note: In ancient Rome, the winter solstice occurred on December 25th. But, due to calendar slippage, the winter solstice now falls on either December 21st or 22nd, depending on the year.) "The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun." —Thomas Paine (Anglo-American revolutionary and writer, 1737-1809)
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