Well to be honest i had predicted a delay for the Ps3 and Wii and seeing that the Wii is still on schedual I am kind of happy that Sony is getting screwed, serves them right for the arrogance consumers have had to put with. As for Sony falling into the toilets I can't see things going that far but now i think its safe to say that Sony will not lead in this coming generation or not at least for another two years due to the fact that each system is drawing them into deeper debt and with games being priced at 60usd i can't imagine stagarring softwae sales. So in short things lookin good for Wii/360 which is good cause when the market starts to even out the only benefactor is the consumer, since it will produce tougher competition and better products with better prices for us. PS the delay is for the entire PAL region in case anyone is wondering including Europe, Africa and South Western Asia basiclly the Middle East. sufian2
Totally agree on this view. I've said it before a few times on the forums. Sony will give everything in to making an awsome product to get their lead back and Microsoft and Nintendo will also work their socks off to become the new market leaders. This all means amaaaaaazin' consoles and games for us :D
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