Lol! Annihilator of fire? Pah! All you need is some dog slober for that:D Any stupid mutt can do that! I'm not running because Bat Hound has a cool utility belt that he'll use to kick Krypto's ass with and then have a good chew on your ankles:D
Yeah I agree with you Revolutionfreak. Who is the oldest in the union? I'm 20. Although I bet you wouldn't have guessed from my sig:P
When did your vacations start? Mine started on June 23rd. I treated myself to a black DS Lite and played Sonic Rush all day long:D
If I didn't have a few resits I wouldn't need to go back to uni until October:D Buy as it stands I need to go back for a week at the end of august:(
"You know London! Fish, chips, bad food, worse weather, Mary f**kin' Poppins, London!!!" - Cousin Avi
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