The first 10 minutes of the GameSpot feed of the Nintendo conference was unavailable. Glad to see my $40 going to good use. You guys are so lucky the automatic yearly resubscription happened less than two weeks before the Gertsmann thing happened, seriously.
Shaun White has one really ugly Mii. And this woman doing the conference is trying way too hard to sound like she's happy and having fun. As for the game itself, it's an Ubisoft game, for the Wii, using a peripheral. Yeah, going to give them the benefit of the doubt for whatever reason and withhold my judgement until I hear more.
Stats, sales numbers, blah blah. They bring up Brain Age and Nintendogs YET AGAIN. Is this E3 2004? Did I miss something? They pat themselves on the back for Brain Age and Nintendogs every freaking year. We get it. They sell. Show us something new!
Animal Crossing for the Wii. Yawn. But hell has frozen over - a Wii game supporting voice chat? Now, the big question is if they'll allow third parties to include voice chat in their own games... By the way, they could have shown the GC Animal Crossing and I wouldn't be able to tell.
Now they're comparing DS lifetime sales to the PS3 and 360, among others. Real fair comparison there. I know companies like to show off numbers benefitial to them, but this is like apples and oranges and hits the "well, duh" category.
Hey, they mentioned Brain Age and Nintendogs again!
The third party stats they were showing off as being great... really weren't when you stop and consider things and where they should be at now. Also, I love how their chart showed that the 360 is selling on the same exact pace after 12 and 19 months as the original Xbox. I'm sure MS isn't happy about that being revealed.
Man, Yoda in that Star Wars game looks TERRIBLE. Yet another Rabbids game, which was great at first but they seem to be rushing them out of the door and driving them into the ground. And one of the best examples of developers using their creativity for the Wii's features is a freaking port of CoD5? Seriously? That's the best you can freaking do? And they only "want to show us just three games"? And why is that specifically?
Oh man, more sales stats about female gamers. I sense more mentions of Brain Age and Nintendogs coming very soon.
The GTA DS is... well, I don't think that it will be made by RockStar North, and how did GTA games not made by them turn out? Hint: they didn't make the PSP games. We'll see. But I almost sense GTA N64 with stylus controls. Not making me too excited, honestly.
I am so buying the DS cookbook and will use it religiously until I accidentally drop the DS into a pot of boiling water.
Wii Sports 2. You know, the license to print money, which they assured us they weren't working on a sequel for. But it's not a sequel, it's a spinoff, with the new doohickey device!
Like, Oh. My. God. It's, like, the CUTEST game... you have EVA seen! Uh, not liking this new PR woman. Also, Wii Lumberjack Games. Guaranteed best seller in upstate Maine and throughout all of Alberta.
Won't be out until Spring 09. Guess they need the extra time to polish off the graphics.
Big announcement... Wii Music. Uh.... yay? A professional drummer named Robbie Drums? Shiggy getting so into the playing it looks like he's going to pull something... So... you can play the instruments without having to push the correct buttons, what? And oh my god. Yesterday I was sure nothing could beat You're In The Movies in terms of sheer embarassment, but the Wii Music segment may have just passed it. I'm hiding my face in my hands, it's that embarassing to watch.
And... that's it?
G4 interviews Reggie afterwards, noting that he kept saying they're bringing new stuff for both the new audience and their traditional fans, but the only games they showed were for the new audience. Reggie said, with a perfectly straight face, "Well there was Animal Crossing." And that, kids, is why Reggie makes the big bucks. And pretty much sums up my stance of why I'm so disappointed in where the Wii is heading. The biggest announcement for traditional gamers is that they're actually supporting voice chat in one first party game, and they're getting a port of CoD5? Really? Great! Sign me up!
All I want is ONE. FREAKING. GAME. over the next 12 months. Is that too much to ask? Even a little franchise like Kid Icarus, F-Zero, Pikmin, whatever, who cares? Seriously, just make another Star Fox/Star Fox 64, toss in motion controls, release. Just that absolutely minor bit of effort will satisfy me at this point, and they can't even pull that off. Word to everyone - Nintendo hates you all, but love your grandmother.
Now for Sony!
Blah blah blah, Blu-Ray, Cell, etc.
Resistance 2's gameplay demo was neat, with the huge leviathan monster among the skyscrapers. The only downside is that I didn't notice much detail at all - the walls were just so pristine and the same color, it just didn't give me the feel of a destroyed city. I thought for a while that they totally forgot to render the streets, but I think they were just flooded. The new trailer afterwards, though, looked great - even the area in the gameplay demo. Reminds me a little of the GS Ratchet demo, then two weeks later the same demo came to PSN but looked a lot better, so who knows. Either way, getting!
The LittleBigPlanet level being the boring sales stats themselves was a really neat touch. Seems the presentations have to include them, so why not have fun with them? Worked for me!
A PS2 segment, which some people questioned as to why bother since most are games that appear on other consoles. Well... they keep saying they have a 10-year plan (which most have misinterpreted as focusing on just that console for 10 years - the timelines overlap). They supported the PS1 for a decade, stopping production just a couple of months before the PS3 came out. The PS2 is in its eighth year or so, and I think they're trying to drive home the fact that you won't get screwed for investing in their console only to have it quickly totally dropped like the other guys (Xbox was realistically supported for just three and a half years, and was pretty much gone from the picture after 4 to 4.5 years). Still, they should have included the notable PS2 title - Persona 4.
The PSN quantity comment killed me. Oh, for those who didn't notice, you can link your PSN account to your account and check friends and account status, sounds like you'll soon be able to add friends and message them too.
So, Sony FINALLY got around to formally announcing the new Ratchet game, Quest for Booty. You know, the game that the ratings boards of 627 countries have already rated. A shorter, full-featured Ratchet game with a few new ideas for $15, coming out very soon? Hell yes.
A montage of new PSN games, I caught Crash Commando, Fat Princess, Eden, Pain, flower, Siren, and Ragdoll Kung Fu. Fat Princess looks just like Castle Crashers, which is awesome. Eden I've always been interested in too. Oddly no Elefunk, especially since it's supposed to be out really soon...
The Gran Turismo TV thing seems... I don't know. I guess some may like it, but isn't it just little more than a pay-per-view on-demand service that you can only launch in Gran Turismo 5 Prologue?
Home - still "coming soon". Joy. You'd figure they'll have some target windows by now. The Uncharted, Resistance, and Warhawk rooms looked neat, but I'll need to see a lot more to pass judgement.
As expected, movies are coming out tonight. Not surprising, once we found out tucked away in the Sony help documents on their website that the PSP firmware update from yesterday supports movies downloaded on the PSN movie service. The PSP being compatable is nice as well, certainly an advantage that XBL doesn't have.
I wish I could comment on Resistance Retribution, but my browser crashed right at the start of the trailer and I only got reconnected right at the end. Boo! Anyway, I'm interested, for sure.
I didn't know Valkyria Chronicles was coming to the PSP, still would rather have the PS3 version. But Super Stardust Portable? How will they get a dual-analog shooter to work well on the PS3? Will you only be able to fire in the 8 directions?
Life With PlayStation is due at the end of month. I assume it'll have the YouTube uploading feature that Japan has. The news and weather sounds neat. Honestly, I used to use the news channel on the Wii, but I had little other reason to turn it on, and it forced me to leave the machine in standby, which caused it to get very hot when I wasn't using it. I suppose I could go into the settings, turn on standby, read it, then turn it off, but it's a pain in the ass and makes absolutely no sense at all why I need to put on a setting that only works when the machine is off when I never turn the machine off after turning it on. Anyway, another soon-to-be-released feature, along with tomorrow's Warhawk patch.
DC Universe Online looked OK, not for me. What's with the guy opening doing pushups?
God of War III trailer. Showed very little. No matter. I want it badly.
inFamous coming in Spring 2009. The newest trailer shows even more gameplay, seems like a Crackdown on steroids. Interesting.
MAG is certainly the biggest new game announcement. Hell, really the only one that wasn't leaked before (the GTA DS comes a rather distant second). 256 players online, divided into 8 player squads with leaders assigned by their ranking, character growth trees, and sounds like there's some faction system as well. If it's anything like the trailer, it'll certainly set itself apart from everything else available. I mean, we were shocked at 60 in Resistance 2, and this is over FOUR times as large. Wow.
And, that's it! Virtually nothing was shown of MotorStorm 2 despite being so close to release, and very little of Killzone 2 also. The little bit of Fallout 3 looks interesting, which I admit I'm on the fence about (MS showed it yesterday, but GS screwed up and their site was down for it and I missed it).
In the end, I can safely say that unless you're a shareholder, the Nintendo conference was the worst. It was aimed entirely at my mom, except my mom doesn't watch streaming E3 conferences over the computer. No, just advertise on the Home & Garden Channel instead.
Sony and MS was pretty even. Yeah MS had the biggest bombshell with FFXIII, but at the same time, it's already a game we knew was coming - it's just coming to another console. MS didn't really give us ANY idea of what they're doing after November, Sony at least teased us a little. Still, little in terms of new info was gained, except maybe the new dashboard which I'm honestly not excited about. So few new games were revealed. Sony at least didn't have a humiliating segment like You're In The Movies, though, so points there. MS definitely let the third parties take center stage more... but none of those were exclusive. Loved that little dig from Sony about how they invest in new games instead of buying out exclusive DLC, which I do have to agree with.
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