Go to my alt. account and be my friend with it.
arline6 Blog
Other stuff and thinking of leaving GS Indefinitely (My last Blog)
by arline6 on Comments
I am helping Ani_manga200's union as Officer with leader transfer. My friend Ani_manga200 got banned yesterday by the mods. I don't have any details why they banned him.
The Everything Anime/Manga, Games and Art Union is nomore it is now All Gamers, Otaku and Design Union.
There is a saying you broke the camel's back or something.
I've been thinking I will leave GS indefinitely after the incident with JuniorPower and Pain9000000. This incident hurts me very badly and hurt my reputation as union leader of my first union. I sent JP an email from my ipod touch about this. I will create an alternate account with total access then I will transfer my leadership of my unions to that account when it reach level 6. This main account will disappear after everything is done at Anime Horror Union. I may pop-up time to time to check how things here are doing. It was fun and knowing you all. So this is my farewell to you like Azure_Valkyrie did before he left GS.
JuniorPower and Pain9000000 Good-bye guys take care yourself.
If you want to see me or talk to me, go to MSN (Windows Live Messager) or go to MyAnimeList.net or Noobfeed website I will definitely there.
I only give out my new account to who ask me for it. Please comment here. I will PM you the new account username.
Good-bye all my friends please take care yourself. This is my last blog I write in this account.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all
by arline6 on Comments
I wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Please vote for the Game of the Year!
I will be on for a few days next week. Dec. 23 - 25, 27 I will be offline so I will be with my family for the holidays.
P.S. JP calm down I already made a truce with you at EAMGAU. But the union will change it's name to AllGamers, Otakuand Design Union.
Got Tagged Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by arline6 on Comments
Got tagged again this time by 007hawk25. I am not going to tell all of you about me instead I am going to list the top 10 animes I like.
Sorry I will not include the description of each animes. Start at number 10 to 1.
10. Naruto/Naruto Shippuden
9. InuYasha (P.S. InuYasha Final Act is airing Japan now)
8. Trinity Blood
7. Chrono Crusade
6. Sailor Moon/R/SuperS/Stars
5. RaXephon
4. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex/ Sollid State Society/2nd Gig
3. Bleach and Vampire Princess Miyu
2. Mobile Fighter G Gundam
1. Soul Eater
I tagged: rockbandlife :twisted:, Nightmare-_-, Ebbon_Valentia :evil:
I'm back from my break and other stuff
by arline6 on Comments
I'm back from my break. I thanks all my friends on my last blog understanding me.
Everything Anime/Manga, Games and Art Union is done with union restructuring. Now with new threads are popping more. New Officers: SilentShadow77 and Ebbon_Valentia have joined. (P.S. With some convincing on MSN by me :P ). If you like anime/manga or games, please join this union.
New Unions I joined:
The Soul Eater Union (Leader roto41): If you want to learn about the Soul Eater anime/manga, go to this union and join.
Anime Horror Union (Leader Ani_Manga200): If you like anime horror, go to this union and join.
Sometimes I am at MAL (MyAnimeList.net) updating my anime list and going to the clubs that I joined. Maybe you can be my friend there. 8) Username: OutstandAce170
See you around the unions and MAL
Taking a break for while
by arline6 on Comments
I am going taking a break from GS. I overwork myself at my union (EAMGAU).
I will come back after.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all, other stuff
by arline6 on Comments
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
I am going be offline tomorrow for Thanksgiving.
See you all on Friday
TAGGED!!! and other stuff
by arline6 on Comments
I got taged by rockbandlife :evil: I get you for this.
10 things about me:
1. I like anime of all genre.
2. I will get rockbandlife for this
3. I watch anime online for free
4. I got $50 PSN Card to download Fate Unlimited Codes to my PSP
5. I have SMT: Personna and Dissidia Final Fantasy for PSP
6. I will not tagged JuniorPower and Pain90000000 because they are my co-leaders of EAMGAU
7. My dog Jackie (Jack Terrier Mix female)sleeps on my lap with her head on my arm
8.I am leader of 4 unions (one is given to me by Azure_Valkyrie before he left GS ), Co-leader of 3, Officer of 2
9. I get bored eaisly.
10. I make my own DVDs on my PC.
I tag: daxter223, gerudoman320, Soniczero1993, and zinoalex :twisted: Ok guys start write blogs about yourself
Soul Eater is my new theme of my profile and why.
by arline6 on Comments
I choice Soul Eater as my new theme because I was watching all the episodes of Soul Eater online for free.
I, thank my friend JP who is my co-leader of my unions to help me out. I only did the blog header and avatar myself.
Since I joined the Soul Eater Union, I like anime with action with some comedy.
Other things I was busy doing since yesterday. Everythung Anime/Manga, Games and Art Union has a totally change banner now it is animated, avatar, and union header. But there is more to do at that union. I am in the process of reviving the union back to active again.
Plus, I record some anime online to make my own DVDs so I can watch them on my own time.
Gues my new theme
by arline6 on Comments
Try guess my new theme of my profile then I will explain in the next blog.
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