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Bidding War getting a house and other stuff

A bidding war on the house and my condo. The buyer who brought my condo is trying to lower the asking of $180,000 to $165,000 US Dollars. My parents no way that is a brench of contract between seller and buyer. The bids on the houses is still unknown the seller agrees on it.

Sorry everyone at Gotei 13 Union and other unions that I joined I am not posting there because I was going places and have no time to posting anytime.

Temp Leaders at my 2 unions please continue watch over the unions while I am offline. Think of it the leader needs some rest and relaxation. I will be back afterwords.

My reasons that I'm less active in GS

1. My condo is up for sale.

2. My mom put a limit on me. I can only be online after I finish help clean the condo up.

3. Once there is open house I have to go somewhere like a mall or to my aunt's house. Open house is March 28.

4. My laptop is in the the car.

All the unions I have joined or lead in I am sorry I am a bit less active. But I have to help my parents to put some things hidden from buyers.

Once I have a house and setup my internet connection, I will be active again.

Gotei 13 Union I am so sorry that I will be away during this process.

So officers/co-leaders watch over my unions for me while I am offline.

Got Tagged by dragonfly110 (GET EVEN)

1. I live in Southern California (Riverside County)

2. Listening to my ipod touch with about 364 songs on it :P

3. HATE GET TAGGED!!!! :evil:

4. Start reading Castlevania Curse of Darkness manga(very good)

5. My condo is on sale right now. Read my last blog.

I tagged: Pain9000000, sfkm2, and JuniorPower, and all my 369 friends including dragonfly110 (It's payback):twisted:

My condo is up for sale during this week

Yup my condo is up for sale during this week.

That means I can be online at night not daytime.

But I can play some games that I did not play yet.

Co-leaders of my unions please watch over my unions. Continue the fun and discussion.

Officers please help the co-leader at my unions.

Leaders where I am officer I am sorry that I can't be online during daytime. But I will try to post in threads as much as I can during the night.

This is it big day of moving out of condo into house. First start looking at houses to move in.

Pokemon Ranger and Mystery Dungeon Union, Anime/Manga Video Games Union

My new union is finally up. Pokemon Ranger & Mystery Dungeon Union is a union for Pokemon fans and RPG action/adventure fans and also Nintendo fans. There will be discussions on Pokemon Ranger, Mystery Dungeon, Diamond/Pearl, and the new Pokemon Platinum. There also will be RPG game based like the games. Come and join in the fun.

Anime/Manga Video Games Union is a union for anyone with games with anime/manga theme. There are alot of discussion on Bleach, Naruto, Pokemon, and other anime/manga theme games. Come and join in the fun.

Information on myself, Charters be prepared for the day, Sale of Condo

I am give you all my friends some information about me.

1. I am the only child in my family.

2. I am only one in my family got AA degree in Liberal Arts - Transfer and BS degree in Computers Information Systems.

3. I am half-Filpino (my mom). But totally American (my dad)

4. I am part-scotish (Kirk), half-irish (patrick). Last name :lol:

5. I am comic book collector with over 200+ comics.

6. I been watching anime since the early 80's. First anime I watch was Robotech.

7. I like reading comic books and manga.

8. I like listening to music with my ipod touch :lol:

9. My birthday is April 19, 1969. Age 38 heading to 39 :lol:

That is all about me.

Attention to all the charters who sign up for the creation of the new union.So please be prepared for the new union.


1. Pain9000000

2. SPYDER0416

3. emblem_2007

4. FIREsausage

5. RandomWarrior69

6. ShaunyP

7. naruto_444

8. SwaggaNinja

My condo is going up for sale on March 9 according what my dad said. Long time to get the place fixed and cleaned up. Most of everything is in storage. When it goes for sale, me and my parents start a search for a house. Just wish I have my own room :lol: to myself. I will write a new blog about the house and how it is.

March Games List, New Union needs eight charters and Information

March Games (DS,Wii, and PSP):

Avalon Code (DS)

Blach Sigil: Blade of the Exiled (DS)

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (DS)

MadWorld (Wii) ***HOT***

Mana Khemia: Student Alliance (PSP)

Phantasy Star Portable (PSP)

Pokemon Platimun (DS) ***HOT***

Resistance: Retribution (PSP)***HOT***

Rune Factory Frontier (Wii)

Sonic and the Black Knight (Wii)

The new union is based on the Pokemon Ranger and Mystery Dungeon games for DS. It will be like Pokemon action/adventure RPG. The missions is like the Pokemon Ranger games where you play as Pokemon Ranger with your pokemon partner. Also the adventures into mystery dungeons with unknown dangers you have to face. There will be discussion on the games and tips how to beat the games.

If you ever play these games, you can join or becoming Top Pokemon Ranger (Officer/Charter). Anyone interest joining this union please comment this blog. This new union will be create middle of the next month. You must be online to create this union.


1. Pain9000000

2. SPYDER0416

3. emblem_2007

4. FIREsausage

5. RandomWarrior69

6. ShaunyP

7. naruto_444


I got new banner

I was getting bored with the last banner. New banner made by my friend dragonfly110. Thanks.

Very soon a new blog header will be up. Please dragonfly110 take your time making it.

I am feeling lazy right now since my real life just caught up to me :lol:

See you all on the boards

My list of games for month of February

My list of games for DS and Wii.

Blue Dragon Plus (DS)

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (DS)

Legacy of Ys: Book I & II (DS)

Tenchu: Shadow Assassin (Wii)

That's all.

I'm starting a new blog contains the new games from my tracked games list for each month.

Next month March with one hot game for the Wii and DS will be in the list.

See you all on the board when I get online