I am give you all my friends some information about me.
1. I am the only child in my family.
2. I am only one in my family got AA degree in Liberal Arts - Transfer and BS degree in Computers Information Systems.
3. I am half-Filpino (my mom). But totally American (my dad)
4. I am part-scotish (Kirk), half-irish (patrick). Last name :lol:
5. I am comic book collector with over 200+ comics.
6. I been watching anime since the early 80's. First anime I watch was Robotech.
7. I like reading comic books and manga.
8. I like listening to music with my ipod touch :lol:
9. My birthday is April 19, 1969. Age 38 heading to 39 :lol:
That is all about me.
Attention to all the charters who sign up for the creation of the new union.So please be prepared for the new union.
1. Pain9000000
2. SPYDER0416
3. emblem_2007
4. FIREsausage
5. RandomWarrior69
6. ShaunyP
7. naruto_444
8. SwaggaNinja
My condo is going up for sale on March 9 according what my dad said. Long time to get the place fixed and cleaned up. Most of everything is in storage. When it goes for sale, me and my parents start a search for a house. Just wish I have my own room :lol: to myself. I will write a new blog about the house and how it is.
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